Is "glitching" a common well-known term used on this forum ? My apologies if it is, as I am fairly new here.
Unfortunately, to me, the term does not really mean anything specific. Perhaps you may want to elaborate on what issues you are encountering after using the "testingcheatsenabled on" command.
Since I always play the game with that command active, it would be nice to know of any issues associated with its use.
First, welcome to our forum, I'm having the exact same reaction as CSquared
and you can tell I'm more than thrilled to see you here!
Now, the term "Glitching" isn't very common here but it isn't new neither. I'm assuming unicornfan is refearing to the situation when all the little buggs start to happen - objects stuck in hands and/or in inventories, Sims frozen everywhere, map tags missing, etc.. it is a sign that saved file will most likely become corrupted - leading to missing/invisible Sims or saved file not loadable at all.
On official forum I read couple of posts that claim that leaving such a cheat open create more possibilities for something to go wrong. Game mechanism is something you are much more familiar with, and I haven't seen any connection with corrupted game and testingcheats open - so far at least.
To answer to Unicornfan - I wouldn't risk it. I had to gave up on dynasty after 6 generations after several minor issues - ghosts not going back to urns, objects stuck in hand, standing while sleaping, etc all seemed minor and temporary, but eventually it wasn't playable.
I'm still having the starstruck moodlet