Author Topic: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.  (Read 20626 times)


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I started a new game after I installed it on my laptop and created a female sim that I played for abit. I then decided to create a new household and created a male sim this time around and played him for awhile. The two met at a party and became good friends, the female was involved with another sim at the time and the male had a few ladies he seemed to dream a lot about so I thought it wouldn't be anything but friendship between them. However I usually let my sims do their interacting on their own and not pay much attention to what they say and to who they say it. After some time I actually realised that my sim had the girl as a romantic interest and then he got asked to move in with the other sim and he seemed to think it was a good idea so I thought why not, had it gone that far it didn't seem to matter if it went further. So they moved in together bringing all theri respective pets with them and all was good. At some point I thought as they are sleeping and living together they might aswell go steady but the female was still tied up in her relationship so I set out to break it up but I can't find the sim she was involved with. I know the name and I know I have talked to the sim but now it seems the sim doesn't exsist anymore, doesn't show up under the relationship tab of any of my sims or in any of the households when I went into edit town to search.  I can get the iteractions to "ask to break up" but then nothing happens. Is there anyway to sort this, some cheat or something. I could spend the LTHP to get the clean slate reward but it feels a bit wasted if there is another way as it seems to be a glitch.

Offline MoMoll

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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2012, 03:32:49 PM »
First of all, can she call him? If so, she needs to invite him over, or ask him out, and then break up with him. However, if he moved out of town (do you read the papers?), then there is nothing she can do. Good luck!

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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2012, 03:38:43 PM »
Can't call since the sim doesn't show up in the relationship panel and not in the phone list either. Well gonna do some experimenting and see if I can find a way to fix it. Gonna try the clean slate and hope it works as it is 25k points.


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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2012, 04:48:45 PM »
If you get their relationship high enough, you can ask the other sim to break up with their old partner. If they agree, it will give you a popup saying so, and they will then be broken up.

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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2012, 06:30:24 PM »
I'm a little confused.  If the Sim isn't on the relationship panel and you can't call him/her, how are you getting the "Ask to Break Up" interaction?
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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2012, 06:50:04 PM »
Can't call since the sim doesn't show up in the relationship panel and not in the phone list either. Well gonna do some experimenting and see if I can find a way to fix it. Gonna try the clean slate and hope it works as it is 25k points.

It appears that the sim has moved to another town if they don't show on the relationship panel. Unless you find another way to fix it, I suggest in the future that you read the paper regularily. It tells you who has moved away, died or got married. Saves some time searching for NPCs.


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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2012, 07:09:32 PM »
It appears that the sim has moved to another town if they don't show on the relationship panel. Unless you find another way to fix it, I suggest in the future that you read the paper regularily. It tells you who has moved away, died or got married. Saves some time searching for NPCs.

That is the problem it seems my sim is still engaged to the sim that doesn't exsist in my game anymore. Lets say it is making things hard with the sim she is living with because of all the scandals, lost friendships and such.

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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2012, 07:19:52 PM »
Well, I would say you are in a real pickle and need the LTR of "clean slate" do get out of this mess.


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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2012, 09:10:59 PM »
You don't have to call them to break up. You just ask them to break up with the old partner, and it is done. I've had the exact same problem before when I moved in a paparzzi. Their old partner was not in the relationship panel. Once I got their relationship high enough, and did enough romantic interactions, the option to ask her to break up with her old partner came up. She said yes, and it was done.


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Re: My sim is in a relationship with someone that doesn't seem to exsist.
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2012, 07:09:59 PM »
After a lot of hazzle I finally managed to get it sorted. The clean slate LTR ended her relationship with the sim she lived with but she was still apparently engaged to the non exsistent sim. Was getting kinda desperate as it was really messing things up with bad rumours and childs out of wedlock and my sim was losing a lot of friends. In the end I placed a copy of the person she was in a relationship with back into town and then I could get her to break up with her.

