can't wait to see how this pans out.
I tried the big brother thing (based on your other rules... I think) and it was a disaster. for example, what if none of them improve in any skill. What if all they do is spend forever playing and not doing anything at all. Another rule, I think, had us not interfering at all. It was so hard for them to do anything. They ate, slept, argued, peed and then sat in the hot tub. I ended up having to delete all fun things and they still didn't do anything with the skill objects. It was so hard at to get any sort of head of household, I ended up taking skill objects away on Friday since they didn't do anything at all. And only then did I have to figure out a head of household, and their least favorite people were on the chopping block.
I'd love to try it again though.
edit to add: it was AnnBeiFong's Big Brother rules that I was following.