Joria, like Twinmum says, go ahead and bother! It's not about winning, it's all about having fun. Would I like to win? Well, yeah. Am I going to? No way Jose!! But, I'm having fun with it and not even looking at how long has gone by, don't feel pressure about it.
Good news I think. I moved my file to the new folder and it seems to be better. It has just recently started a little lagging at about 4 weeks, but it's light compared to what it was so I can deal with it. Almost 4 weeks and I still don't even have 1 clone moved out, so see Joria? You will probably beat me!!
Skye, when you go to move them out, just use their cell phone to move to another house. Don't change the active household though. The goal is to have all the empty houses filled by the clones. Also, welcome to the forums!