Well, you had a whole new neighbourhood with very different style of houses and building. To get into the neighbourhood you had to buy a house using magic coins that you got from selling stuff such as spells, etc. so new recipies, new npc's, and it introduced cooking (along with the cookbook). You could create charms, spells, turn your neighbour into a toad, and introduced new social interactions such as casting spells.
Whilst writting this post I decided to look up again what you could do in magic, and actuallly EA have incorporated a lot of magic's interactions into the base game and WA ep (not forgetting that I have never played Sims 2):
- Magic introduced cooking and cooking book: Sims 3 we have the cooking skill
- In magic you could make nectar by growing berries and grapes: Sims 3 WA introduced nectar making
- In magic you could set another sim on fire: Sims 3, lots of things can set you on fire
- In magic you could have the Extinguish Ability, where you can extinguish flames: Sims 3 you have Daredevil.
- Magic gave you the teleport ability: Sims 3 WA you have the Zenport
- In magic you could challenge another sim to a magic duel: In Sims WA you can challenge another sim to a Martial Arts duel.
The one thing I miss in Sims 3 is some of the randomness of things. For example, in magic using the cooking skill you had a cookbook that gave you basic recipies but then you had to find out the rest. Some you could learn. Others you experimented by combining different ingredients and seeing what happens. And the results could be hilarious at times.
So that was Makin' Magic!