Author Topic: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - COMPLETED  (Read 26121 times)

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 25: The Last Slot has Been Open
« Reply #45 on: December 26, 2012, 08:26:43 PM »
Chapter 25: The Last Slot has Been Open

Titania: Have to lose that extra pound. *Runs on treadmill*
Kent: But you're already very skinny!
Titania: Go away, I've got a date. *Pants* Had to look awesome when we meet. *Pants*
Kent: With that high school crush? No way! He is not your type!
Titania: But I love him from the bottom of my heart!
Kent: Have it your way then.

Titania: So Rashad, we have been going out since high school, don't you think it's time we make this official.
Rashad: About that, I know its coming out of no where, but are you sure you want to be with me? I'm unemployed and have no particular useful skills.
Titania: I don't care about that. The moment you spoke to me that night, my heart had always been yours.
Rashad: *blush*  :-[

Ace: You heard about our daughter's love life with the Rashad boy?
Isabel: I know about that since they were in high school dear, what about it?
Ace: and you APPROVE of it?
Isabel: Why not? The boy is a nice person and his father is rich.
Ace:  ::)

Titania: *slaps training dummy*

Kent: Nice pose Titania!
Titania: Of course! Isn't my new belt awesome.

Date NO. 2

Date NO.3

Rashad: Look at there! That's a love constellation!
Titania: My love is here, beside me.

Isabel: It's time.
Kent: Wow, I'm gonna miss you.
Isabel: No you don't. You were running around in the forum asking whether I'm dying or not.
Kent: Well you did aged to 109 days which is crazily long for a mortal.
Isabel: I led a happy life, that's all I could say. Having fulfill my LTW and max three skills. On top of all that, I get a ridiculously large diamond ring for my wedding too!

Isabel: It's still so pretty after all this year! And isn't it nice I get to wear it in my afterlife.  ;D

Kent: Hmm, its my first time seeing you shaking hand Grimmy.
Grim: Don't call me by that name and I do it for people who led a happy life and are ready to come to the afterlife.
Kent: Oh I see. Now run along before Flora slaps you again.

Good Bye my dear Isabel (Thorn) Octa, you are one heck of a woman. May you rest in peace.

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 26: The Nightmare
« Reply #46 on: December 27, 2012, 02:38:48 AM »
Chapter 26: The Nightmare

Mother Fairy: My dear Flora, call your father for dinner.
Flora the Fairy: Okay mom.
Father Fairy: What are we having today my dear?
Mother Fairy: Your favourite! Autumn Salad.

Days were wonderful and happy in this little fairy household, until she came.

The Wicked Witch of the Falls

Wicked Witch of the Falls: Come out, come out my little faerie friends! *Pyro!*

Father Fairy: I will go out to see what's going on.
Wicked Witch of the Falls: *Cryo!*
Father Fairy: Ahh!!
Mother Fairy: Honey, what's wrong? Oh My Fairy King Dust! How dare you harm my family!
Wicked Witch of the Falls: You are indeed the prettiest of them all as the mirror said! With your fairy essence, I will become pretty again!

Mother Fairy: Never!
Wicked Witch of the Falls: We shall see about that! *Pyro!*

Mother Fairy: Run my little Flora! Run!!

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Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 26: The Beginning
« Reply #47 on: December 27, 2012, 07:44:19 AM »
Chapter 27: The Beginning

There was only one person I could have ask for help.

Flora the Fairy: Grandma Angela! Help!  :'(
Angela the Mystic: What's wrong my dear Flora?

Flora the Fairy: The witch took my family! It was horrible, she even burned down our home. You must help us.
Angela the Mystic: My dear, the witch is a powerful being none of us can defeat now. However, there is a way for you to defeat her.
According to the books of the ancient one. There was a powerful ritual for mortals to attain godly powers that could fight against a witches power....

I didn't really understand the whole ritual of the immortals, but to save my family I had to do something. I took shelter in Grandma Angela's home until I'm a young adult, waiting for the opportunity.

Angela the Mystic: Here, drink this and you shall walk the path of the mortals and be able to complete the ritual.
Flora: Thank you Grandma Angela, without you I would have lost my way.
Angela the Mystic: I have also arranged for your transportation. Summer is working on opening the portal.

Angela the Mystic: Before you depart, I shall bless you with my power! *place hand on face*
Flora: I don't know what to say, Grandma Angela. Thank you for everything.
Angela the Mystic: It's fine my dear Flora. May the stars watched over you and forever in your favour.

And my journey started.

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 28: As What Was Told
« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2012, 04:33:29 AM »
Chapter 28: As What Was Told

Flora: The passing of Isabel allowed Titania to give birth to the last heir. Before long she was already expecting a little nooboo.

Flora: His name will be Destiny. He will be the last one and the key for the success of the ritual.

Flora: His powers was great and had already manifest in his early years.

Kent: Wait Flora, why the sudden seriousness?
Flora: Because the ritual is about to be complete.
Kent: I know, but don't forget about Titania too. She did aged up you know.

Flora: Well that was also Destiny's teen birthday. Anyway Destiny doesn't really look like us, but as promised he does have immense power.

Flora: All of us sat down and have our share of immortality while Destiny partake in his birthday cake. But not for long. He shall became one of us...soon.

Titania: Oh, Rashad why are you still so young and I'm so old.
Rashad: Titania, no matter how old or wrinkled you may be, you are forever young like a flower that just bloomed.

Destiny: Now that I'm a teen, I can ride the vacuum cleaner instead of that dusty old broom!
Kent: Isn't that great. It saves a lot of time too. Don't forget you can also fully utilize your power now. Just think what you want.
Destiny: I want a pizza, some fries and a bottle of coke! *poof*
Kent: That doesn't really work.
Destiny: But I'm thinking real hard for them!

Kent: The view sure is nice!
All Immortals: Ya, it sure is.

Kent: Hmm... NOT AGAIN!

Titania's Workout Sessions
LTW: Superstar Athlete Completed
Career: Professional Sports Completed
SuperMax Skill: Athletic Completed
Building: The Binder Clips Center
Property: AJV Wellness Center
LTR: Fast Metabolism, The Hustler, Discount Diner
Best Friends: Dorothy Staton, Gino Hills, Rashad Braden, Raquel Maguire, Destiny Octa, Bernadette Franks
BlackOps: Registering the Roster, Jog Everywhere, Always the Difficult Ones, Keep it Up, Playbook Notes, Draft Dodger
Portraits / Ice Scupltures: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 29: So Close Yet So Far
« Reply #49 on: December 28, 2012, 08:54:11 AM »
Chapter 29: So Close Yet So Far

Previously, we had a burglar visiting the Octa household, this time was a 6th round fight with Weldon winning again! Yay!

Current scores for kicking burglar's butt:
Weldon: 2 points
Other Immortals: 0

And Destiny aged up to a Young Adult!

Destiny: Dad, I know this is awkward and sort, but I heard you are getting really old. I just want to tell you, I love you dad.
Rashad: Love you too son and don't sweat it, I'm happy I met your mother and had you as my son. Even if I were to pass away, it's perfectly fine, I had my share of the fun.

And we get another burglar, this time he went all the way down to the basement! Good thing Weldon got their in time and save the musuem!

Penny started to cancel my action queue and refuse to go to work so I let her retire from her job.
Penny: My plan all along!  8)

Destiny completed his LTW by throwing lots of elixirs in town with the last being a zombie.

Kent: Look at you! You have completed all your requirements other than the portraits! And you're 13 days away from becoming an adult!  :o
Destiny: So, what are we gonna do now?
Kent : Hmm, terrorizing the house with Bonehilda, perhaps?
Destiny: Got the key.

And Rashad passes.

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 29: So Close Yet So Far
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2012, 01:39:27 PM »
Chapter 30: The Last Immortal

The burglars are frequenting our house recently, so we decided to have the alarm outside now, and it was very effective.

Flora: Destiny's birthday roll by quickly and on that special day, the elders decided to retire from their job. Thanks to some persuasion by Penny of course.
Kent: That's one of the reason, and also I'm thinking to let you guys do what you want for the last 3 weeks, skill items are sealed away, so you guys are free to roam around and crash the house if you want to.
Flora: Oh, that would be fun.

We interrupt this chapter for some really cool pictures of gnomes.

Undine the Dark: The SUN! It's burning me alive! Ahhh!
Lorelei the Evil: Of course it burns, you're a vampire!

Lorelei the Evil: My ancient slaves, attack that Blingaboo!

Now, back to our house. Destiny has nothing to do until he ages up so he spends most of his time sleeping and napping.

Destiny:Finally! It's my elder birthday! Cheers!
Everyone: Cheers!

Flora: While Oceania is busy getting the museum pieces done, we sat down for our last episode of "Shezan" on the Action Movie channel.

With that mouthful of Ambrosia, the ritual is complete!

Destiny's Magical Journey
LTW: Alchemy Artisan Completed
Career: Alchemist Completed
SuperMax Skill: Handiness Completed
Building: Wilki's Fabulous Books and Bath
Property: Eugi's
LTR: Magic Hands, Attractive, Stone Hearted
Best Friends: Jonah Aguilar, Melinda Aguilar, Miles Chavis, Alfred Chavis, Titania Octa, Penny Octa
BlackOps: Substitute Instructor, Bring Back the Jams, Fix the Election...Machines, Broken Laptop, De-Worming, Save the Herding
Portraits / Ice Scupltures: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder


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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 29: So Close Yet So Far
« Reply #51 on: December 29, 2012, 01:41:45 PM »
You finished! I'm really happy for you. I found this dynasty to be a short though amusing read. :D

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Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 29: So Close Yet So Far
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2012, 01:45:38 PM »
You finished! I'm really happy for you. I found this dynasty to be a short though amusing read. :D

Yes, I finished! *Break out in tears* I finally finished this. The statistic will be up soon and I will wrap up the story by tomorrow.  :)

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 30: The Last Immortal
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2012, 02:02:36 PM »

The Octa Immortal Dynasty

From left to right in sequence: Flora Octa, Oceania Octa, Loveline Octa, Weldon Octa, Penny Octa, Ace Octa, Titania Octa and Destiny Octa

,Day Finish: Week 50, Day 5
Total Museum Value: 770,185
Total Household Value: 12,405,167

Flora's Museum Value: 73,350

Oceania's Museum Value: 179,579

Loveline's Museum Value: 139,069

Weldon's Museum Value: 120,013

Penny's Museum Value: 82,702

Ace's Museum Value: 73,992

Titania's Museum Value: 61,888

Destiny's Museum Value: 39,592

The non-immortals from left to right: Isabelle Octa, Snuggles Octa and Olive Kipling

The cats from left to right: Orin Octa, Elgantina Octa and Suzette Octa

Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 30: The Last Immortal
« Reply #54 on: December 29, 2012, 09:40:39 PM »
May I be one of the first to say congratulations?  :)
It seemed like you zoomed through this challenge like there was no tomorrow!
Did you lose the pictures between Loveline and Penny, or did it just seem to flow better as a flashback?

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 30: The Last Immortal
« Reply #55 on: December 29, 2012, 09:46:18 PM »
May I be the first to say congratulations?  :)
It seemed like you zoomed through this challenge like there was no tomorrow!
Did you lose the pictures between Loveline and Penny, or did it just seem to flow better as a flashback?

Thank's Ladyaya for your kind words. I did zoomed through this challenge very fast towards the end, but I started the challenge at the beginning of the year. There were periods of hiatus and ignorance, but I make it through regardless.

I did lost some of the pictures between Loveline and Penny because of changing to a new laptop, so I had to skip their story with flashback.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 30: The Last Immortal
« Reply #56 on: December 29, 2012, 11:43:36 PM »
I said it once already and I'll say it again.  Congratulations!!  I'll be sending you a PM with some questions for you to send back to the challenge team.   I'm also moving your story into the completed section.

Edit: On behalf of the challenge board team,  Welcome to the Hall of Fame.   Well deserved congratulations and lots of confetti.  *confetti*   

Also, on a personal note,  your wedding arch from the beginning of this story has inspired me time & again in some of my own personal games.  Just so you know. 
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 30: The Last Immortal
« Reply #57 on: December 30, 2012, 12:53:02 AM »
I said it once already and I'll say it again.  Congratulations!!  I'll be sending you a PM with some questions for you to send back to the challenge team.   I'm also moving your story into the completed section.

Edit: On behalf of the challenge board team,  Welcome to the Hall of Fame.   Well deserved congratulations and lots of confetti.  *confetti*   

Also, on a personal note,  your wedding arch from the beginning of this story has inspired me time & again in some of my own personal games.  Just so you know. 

Thanks Rica! I'm honored, Artie's Journey is also a great one to read and laugh when I'm bored playing with the Octa.  ;)
The Epilogues will be up soon. Stay tuned. 

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Epilogue Part 1
« Reply #58 on: December 30, 2012, 01:18:21 AM »
Epilogue Part 1

Flora: Now that the ritual has completed, it is time for Destiny and I to go back to the other side.
Kent: I had Aimee built the portal that would send you back here before she died. You can find it in the basement.
Flora: This is it, my children. We might not be able to meet anymore, but I wished all of you well.

Flora: Oceania my son, it must have been hard for you. For you to draw and sculpt your entire life.
Oceania: It was for a good cause. I love you mom and good luck.

Flora: Loveline, for you to become the immortal and witness the death of your sister Isabelle. I'm sorry.
Loveline: It has to be done. She was prepared and well aware of the situation. At least, she can rest with the love of her life.

Weldon: Nothing to worry about us, I have made a new drug that would restore all of us back to young adults and once I get Aimee back from the Science Facility, she will be able to help revive all the others.
Flora: Glad to hear that all of you can start over. Well done, Weldon.

Flora: Penny and Ace may the both of you have an even better life after all of this. Good luck.

Titania: I won! This will be the end I guess. I'm planning to finally rest in peace. I'm content with what I have accomplish and I wish to meet Rashad in the afterlife again.
Flora: You will always in my memories, Titania - Queen of Fairies.

Flora: Are you ready?
Destiny: You bet I am.

Flora and Destiny: To the Other Side!

Offline kent91blaze

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Re: The Octa Immortal Dynasty - Epilogue Part 2
« Reply #59 on: December 30, 2012, 01:31:48 AM »
Epilogue Part 2

Angela the Mystic: Isn't it about time they have arrive?
Kent: Let's wait a little while longer.

Angela the Mystic: So how are you feeling being a watcher?
Kent: It's fun and exciting to help Flora complete the process. I feel content.
Angela the Mystic: Here they are!

Flora: I'd miss you so much Grandma Angela! How long has it been? 350 years??
Angela the Mystic: The time runs differently in both worlds. It has been 35 years only here.

Flora: You must be Kent the watcher! Thanks for everything you have done!
Kent: You are welcome.

Destiny: I'd always wanted to meet you, your endless nagging is still going on in my head.

Angela the Mystic: Let us make haste Flora, We will take you to the Witch's Tower.

