Author Topic: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty residing in Twinbrook now.  (Read 20305 times)

Offline Anushka

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Re: The Douglas Smith Decadynastie set in Union Cove.
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2012, 09:24:42 AM »
Oh I think I have an idea about Meredith's father! ;D I was wondering where Voice dissapeared!
James got his adorable little copy, Maisy Ann is too cute! Those big green eyes, and in tartan! And congratulation on blueboo, now the family is complete!

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Douglas Smith Decadynastie set in Union Cove.
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2012, 09:51:06 AM »
Thank you again to everyone who reads and all those who comment. I bet you all can guess who I have in mind to marry Alistair.

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Douglas Smith Decadynasty set in Union Cove.
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2012, 02:28:27 PM »
Aww! Awesome story Rachel! Meredith is so adorable! I know who her daddy is too, but it's not fair because I have inside information haha so I will just say she's a beautiful girl! Hm Meredith and Alistair would be a good couple!  ;D

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2012, 11:06:43 AM »
Hebe and James decided that the pace of life in Union Cove was too slow and somehow went back in time to before they met and both moved to Appaloosa Plains. Fast forward through the courtship,marriage,pregnancy and baby days.

Meet Florence Douglas Smith. From now on known as Florrie. I think,apart from the skin colour,she looks a lot like her daddy.
James is such an attentive daddy. He teaches Florrie how to talk.

He helps Florrie take her first steps. He also taught her how to go potty but we don't have a picture of that. He has to help out because Hebe is busy with Florrie's twin sister.

Meet Elizabeth Douglas Smith also known as Lizzie. Apart from the skin colour I think she looks a lot like her mummy.

Hebe loves spending time with her girls and teaches Lizzie how to walk,talk and go potty.

James and Hebe have decided to wait until the girls reach their child birthdays before they tell them who the decadynasty heir is as they are both too young at the moment to understand the implications.

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2012, 08:21:07 AM »
The day our girls aged up was one of the happiest days of my life. Although in some strange unfathomable way it was also one of the hardest because it was now that we had to tell them who the heir was. My beautiful wife told me in one her rare moments of clarity that we shouldn't feel so guilty as at least they could both leave the house and have children one day. But I couldn't help but feel that I was forcing one of my girls into a life of stress and worry that she hadn't completed a task or stipulation. To be an heir in a decadynasty was not a gift it was a responsibility.

The girls grew up into two happy and carefree little girls. We let them play for awhile and then called them to the table.We had no way of knowing how they would react did either of them want to be the heir.

I looked at Florrie and smiled as she gazed up at me with her mothers eyes.Then I turned to Lizzie and was just about to speak when..

Lizzie:Its alright dad,we know.
James:You know?
Florrie:Yes,the Voice told us.

As we hugged our children I couldn't help but wonder if things would change between them. Did one of them feel more special because she was the heir or did the other one feel sorry for her sister.

Then as I watched them I understood that they had resolved any issues they might have had a long time ago.

A few days later our family was completed with the arrival of our son Alistair.

We threw a pool party for the girls when their birthdays rolled around. They invited all their friends from school including Teddy Fox,Aren Bedlington and Garrick Pelly. Who knows one of these boys could be the future Mr Douglas-Smith.

Florrie:I guess this is when everything starts to change.
Lizzie:I guess so. Are you happy Sister?
Florrie:Yes very happy I get to have the life I want no stress no responsibilities.
Lizzie:Unlike me you mean. You know I never asked for this.
Florrie:Sorry Sister dear you are the heir.

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2012, 10:13:49 AM »
Happy birthday Lorrie and Lizzie! Congrats with the nooboo :) Congrats Lizzie being the heir is a great honor and big responsibility.

Offline Sophie98

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2012, 03:22:28 PM »
Two of my favourite dynasties combined and turned into a decadynasty! I'm sure Lizzie will be a great heir.
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Offline Katluvr

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2012, 04:00:25 PM »
Awesome, awesome story, as always!  I'm so glad Hebe and James were able to move to AP and start anew.  Lizzie and Florrie are lovely young ladies and I'm sure they will have no trouble picking up lots of friends for the decadynasty.

Wishing you and the Douglas-Smiths lots of luck with their new adventure!

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2012, 04:08:18 AM »
Boys boys boys boy.

Part of being a dynasty heir is scoping out the local talent for a suitable mate. So Elizabeth and Florence spent the day after their birthday meeting up with some suitable boys.

We have Teddy Fox.

Aren Bedlington.

Thad Blanco.

Standing just behind the crazy lady we have Garrick Pelly.

Lizzie and Florrie decided to keep their options open and hold off on any romantic entanglements until they were older. The game however had other ideas.

Despite the fact that neither of the girls had been asked to prom by anybody both Aren and Thad showed up in the limo. By the end of the evening Thad and Lizzie were romantic interests and Aren and Florrie were an item. A check of the girls prom pictures later that night revealed that neither girls had dates. So it looks like the twins have made their choice.


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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #39 on: February 12, 2012, 04:21:33 PM »
Falling in love.

Elizabeth Douglas-Smith had a secret. She was in love. The only problem was that her parents wouldn't approve of the boy she had fallen head over heels for. Thad Blanco has the evil trait but despite this Lizzie knows he is the only boy she will ever want.

They meet up in secret by the hangman's tree. It might not be the most romantic of spots but it is far away from prying eyes.

They watch the stars and plan for a future together. Lizzie knows that she will have to wait a long time before she can be married but Thad is willing to wait an eternity if necessary.

Lizzie:I wish that things could be different.
Thad:I know but we have to keep this just between us for now.
Lizzie:When I am at home I worry about one of them finding out but...
Thad:Go on.
Lizzie:When it is just us I can only think of how much I love you.

As Lizzie basked in the glow of first love she was unaware that someone was watching her.

Florence was shocked beyond words.How could her sister the other half of her soul have kept this from her. Thad was evil what business did he have bewitching her poor innocent sister.

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2012, 04:56:42 PM »
I wonder if Florence will tell. Poor Lizzie to fall in love with a evil guy! Can't wait to see what happens next. ;D

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2012, 04:58:52 PM »
Poor Lizzie! To be in love and not able to tell anyone, and for him to be evil. And poor Florrie having to find out by seeing them! At least the red hair has a chance of carring down to the next generation.

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2012, 05:23:14 PM »
Oh no! Lizzie's future seems to be balancing in Florrie's hands right now. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2012, 05:50:04 PM »

Florrie:I saw you,with him.
Lizzie:I don't know what you mean.
Florrie:Don't play the innocent with me. I saw the pair of you up near hangman's tree,kissing.
Florrie:Yes him. How could you he is evil lizzie.

Lizzie:Shut up what do you know about love.
Florrie:Over react much!
Lizzie:How dare you tell me how to feel. You have never been in love you don't know what it is like.
Florrie:I have a romantic interest actually.
Lizzie:What,Aren, the boy you never see,who is always busy when you call him and ask him out.

Florrie:Please Lizzie,lets not argue I hate when we fight.
Lizzie:I know you don't understand but when you fall in love,really fall in love you will understand.
Lizzie:Promise that you won't tell mum and dad.
Florrie:I can't..
Lizzie:Please! Just wait a day or so think about it.
Florrie:I just want you to be happy.
Lizzie:I am happy.

A few days later Florrie decides to pay a visit to Aren,she wants to know if there is any spark between them. But as she looks into his eyes she feels nothing in fact it is another face that haunts her dreams another person she cannot stop thinking about.

When she tells Aren that she want to just be friends his reaction scares her. The only person she wants to talk to right there and then is her best friend Garrick Pelly. She calls him even though it is gone 9pm. When she gets home he is there waiting for just like he always is. As he gazes at her concern in his eyes she knows instantly just what her sister had been trying to tell her.

Garrick:What's wrong Florrie,you can tell me anything.You are one of my best friends.
Florrie:That's the problem I don't want to be your friend.
Garrick:What,I don't understand..
Florrie:I want to be more then friends.(She runs into the house)
Garrick:Florrie wait.

Without saying a word Garrick pulled Florrie into his arms and in that instance Florrie felt as if she had finally found home.

Florrie:Mum you won't believe it. Garrick and I are going steady.
Hebe:I am so happy for you,he is a nice boy.
Lizzie:(mutters to herself)It must be nice to have a boyfriend everyone approves of.
Hebe:What was that dear.
Lizzie:Nothing mum.

Florrie:I understand now.
Lizzie:Isn't it wonderful.Being in love,being loved?
Florrie:Yes it is.I can't believe that I have met the boy I am going to marry.
Lizzie:I am so pleased for you sister.
Florrie:But what about you?
Lizzie:Oh,I will marry Thad one day. I would have to wait until either mum and dad are gone anyway because of the whole heir thing.
Florrie:I wish things could have been different.
Lizzie:So do I but at least they get to see one of their daughters get married and have babies.

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Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Douglas Smith DecaDynasty moved to Appaloosa Plains.
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2012, 07:22:23 PM »
That was a really sweet sister moment at the end. :) It's sad that their parents won't approve of Thad, though.