Before I begin, I have this real niggling feeling that I've seen a thread about saving households to the bin to move them to another town, and I was planning to just tack this on the end of there rather than starting a new thread, but I can't seem to find it for the life of me. Apologies if I'm just being dense and missing it!
Anyway, I want to move my current household (I say household, it's just one Sim) to Union Cove. I know she'll lose current wishes, that's no worry, but she has completed her LTW, so will that stay intact? How about her relationships with other sims in her current town (Sunset Valley) and in foreign countries? She's a tomb raider, so I was planning to place a lot of her relics in her personal or family inventory - will they be wiped (plus she has the Collection Helper LTR so I don't want to lose that)? In fact, do all LTRs remain intact? Also, perhaps most importantly.. she's pregnant - but not showing yet, she hasn't changed into her maternity clothes. I kinda want the baby to be born in Union Cove so if I'm not gonna lose anything I want to move her now, but I wonder if the game actually really recognizes the pregnancy pre-belly and maternity wear?
In short, what I need to know is which of these things are lost and which are kept when saving a Sim to the bin in order to move towns:
Completed LTWs
Relationships with Sims outside the household
Personal inventory
Family inventory
LTRs (physical items and otherwise)
Pregnancy (particularly in first trimester)
All help appreciated, thanks very much in advance!