Author Topic: The Doe Dynasty. [Complete but not HoF.]  (Read 78234 times)

Offline TallStar

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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 3: Under the Sea.
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2012, 11:29:37 PM »
So..uhh, what's the tower thingy?
Underwater, that's got to be an amazing life.

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 3: Under the Sea.
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2012, 11:52:41 PM »
The tower is the museum.

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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 3: Under the Sea.
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2012, 12:57:05 AM »
That's a neat idea!


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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 3: Under the Sea.
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2012, 01:31:03 AM »
Awesome idea! Very funny update lol. ;D

Offline Orange Iguana

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The Doe Dynasty. Episode 4: Still Sculpting, Still Taking Photographs
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2012, 05:21:22 AM »
Episode Four: Still Sculpting, Still Taking Photographs

Some people may be thinking that Agnes is actually trying to kill the family with the underwater house due the house having no ventilation system. To answer this question, Agnes only spent $50 dollars on the actual house. The other $89,950 went towards installing an air filter that removes carbon dioxide in the air and repurposes it into breathable oxygen. The only thing Agnes accomplished was permanently denying the family the Beautiful Vista moodlet as you don't get it when in a basement. Now back to our story...

We begin this episode with Agnes's adult birthday party. David had recently been commissioned to make some wooden sculptures to criminals wanting to recreate the Trojan Horse. Since David now has contacts in the criminal underworld, he decided to invite them to Agnes's birthday party. As to be expected with criminals, they cared more about what fat loots are in the house than a young adult with wrinkles aging up.

Xander Clavell: You grab the TV, I'll get the stereo.
David: I can hear you, you know. know how I previously defended Agnes for building a house that would suffocate the family? I take that back, she really is trying to kill the family. FIRE!!!

After one of the houseguests put out the fire, Agnes bought another cake and successfully managed to avoid heating up the glass to the point of shattering. It was at this point I realized that this house doesn't have a dresser. That makeover's going to have to wait... darn.

Oh well, now that that's done, it's back to sculpting. Who cares about the rest of the birthday? Each second spent celebrating is a second spent not using a chainsaw to shave some ice.

Mashing that clay block with a chisel sure made Agnes feel better at least. She even bought a mid-life crisis. Now she's a perfectionist green thumb who has the photographer's eye, is a savvy sculptor, but also a couch potato. Occasionally Agnes would go around town snapping photographs to get her skill up. I was able to convince her to share one of the photos she took with you, the person reading this story. This is a photo she took of the grocery store, worth $248!

Another week of pure sculpting and photographing later, Agnes finally gained the ability to make nevermelting ice sculptures just like David and also maxed her photography. The amount of money that was made was enough to allow David to buy Summer Hill Springs and the diner. Usually adding a luxurious bathroom and a few picnic tables is enough but what about sims who bring their screaming toddlers? Never fear, David took those sims into consideration too. Those stairs on the left...

...leads to two cribs in the sky. Let the heavens deal with the babies.

David's Immortality Progress
Italicized = Complete
Traits: Ambitious, Photographer's Eye, Charismatic, Savvy Sculptor, Couch Potato
Lifetime Wish: Swimming in Cash
Career: Self-Employed Sculptor (Level 9)
Supermax: Sculpting
Real Estate: Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, Summer Hill Springs (Level 3)
Portraits: Young Adult
Unique Lifetime Rewards: Motive Mobile, Artisan Crafter, No Bills Ever
Unique Opportunities: An Old Ruse, Personal Sculpting, Larger Than Necessary Doorstop.
Best Friends: David forgot this was a requirement. Still plenty of time at least.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 4: Still Sculpting, Still Taking Photographs.
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2012, 05:25:42 AM »
You were were a parent, I don't think you would put your children up there. Agnes is trying to destroy your dynasty!
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations


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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 4: Still Sculpting, Still Taking Photographs.
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2012, 06:22:37 AM »
The poor babies lol! It look like Agnes is out to get you. ;D

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 4: Still Sculpting, Still Taking Photographs.
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2012, 10:15:21 AM »
I love this story. I am however a little bit worried about Agnes' sanity. Keep her away from the daycare career!


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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 4: Still Sculpting, Still Taking Photographs.
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2012, 12:21:12 PM »
I would totally do that with the nooboos!

Offline TallStar

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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 4: Still Sculpting, Still Taking Photographs.
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2012, 02:13:44 PM »
Hope there's no lightning in the forecast for those poor nooboos.
Of course Agnes is trying to kill the dynasty, I mean the rest of her free time is spent sculpting and photographing.

Offline Orange Iguana

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The Doe Dynasty. Episode 5: Some Call Them Nooboos
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2012, 08:57:15 AM »
Episode Five: Some Call Them Nooboos

Some may be wondering "why is Agnes trying to kill the family" or "why does David hate children when he doesn't have the dislikes children trait?" There's a funny story about that Summer Hill Springs renovation. David got phone calls up the wazoo from parents begging him to add a "nooboo dumping ground" as they call it. David wasn't quite sure what a nooboo was so he made the cribs in the sky. David must have made a lucky guess because the parents were showering him with praises. And now, back to our story...

Renovating Summer Hill Springs had left David curious, he needed to know why so many parents requested that David build cribs in the sky so... after getting his picture taken...

David: Let's have a child.
Agnes: You want to woohoo here? In the elevator?
David: Yeah!
Agnes: ...We can't do it in the bed?
David: Elevator's more fun.

David wasn't kidding about that either. Trying for a baby in an elevator was so fun, that Agnes decided she'd rather vomit in a public library than at home. In her defense, she did go there to read handiness and gardening skill books.

Agnes: (First he charms me, then he marries me, then he sells my car, then the people reading this story thinks I'm trying to kill the family, now I'm having his child.)

At least she was able to instantly change clothes in the middle of the library with people watching.

Ethan Bunch: (Just look away... just look away... Nevermind the woman changing her clothes.)

Ok, maybe not.

Pregnancy did give her a craving for watermelons though, but why watermelons? Normally it's mint flavored ice cream. More importantly, why is she eating when the motive mobile takes care of all her hunger needs!?

Eventually, the time came for Agnes to put her right foot through the coffee table and show it who is boss. That coffee table has been causing problems for the people in the library for far too long and needed to be taught a lesson. Wait, why is she holding her stomach? Oh right, the baby!

It's a girl! Say hello to Cheryl Doe, the second generation in this immortal dynasty. Why, the very first thing she did was try to draw the TV with her finger in one hand and waggle a finger in her other hand to the hospital music. These are clearly the signs of someone who is Artistic and a Virtuoso.

Although David did plan the nursery to be for a boy...

David's Immortality Progress
Italicized = Complete
Traits: Ambitious, Photographer's Eye, Charismatic, Savvy Sculptor, Couch Potato
Lifetime Wish: Swimming in Cash
Career: Self-Employed Sculptor [Finally! I do not have to grind sculpting on any other sim for the rest of this dynasty.]
Supermax: Sculpting
Real Estate: Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, Summer Hill Springs (Level 3)
Portraits: Young Adult
Unique Lifetime Rewards: Motive Mobile, Artisan Crafter, No Bills Ever
Unique Opportunities: An Old Ruse, Personal Sculpting, Larger Than Necessary Doorstop, The Banquet Centerpiece
Best Friends: None

Cheryl's Immortality Progress
Traits: Artistic, Virtuoso
Lifetime Wish: Too young for that
Career: Too young for a job
Supermax: Can't even learn skills yet
Real Estate: Do you seriously think they're going to let a baby buy property?
Portraits: Maybe when she's a toddler
Unique Lifetime Rewards: Give her time to be happy
Unique Opportunities: What opportunities could a baby do anyway?
Best Friends: Well I doubt her parents are going to count.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 5: Some Call Them Nooboos
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2012, 09:02:27 AM »
Hello Cheryl welcome to the madhouse.

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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 5: Some Call Them Nooboos
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2012, 10:33:15 AM »
The look that Agnes gave him in the elevator is so funny lol! Welcome little Cheryl. :)


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Re: The Doe Dynasty. Episode 5: Some Call Them Nooboos
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2012, 08:35:28 PM »
I can't blame her for throwing up after that kind of elevator ride!

Offline Orange Iguana

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The Doe Dynasty. Episode 6: Please Remain in the Birthday Zone at All Times
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2012, 08:26:15 AM »
Episode Six: Please Remain in the Birthday Zone at All Times

Studies show that exposing a baby to flames, usually by having their furniture decorated in hot rod flames, will cause the child to become a pyromaniac. Perhaps it was David's intention to have the second generation burn down the museum? That wouldn't make a lot of sense since destroying the portraits would end the dynasty. Now back to our story...

Now that David has no reason to sculpt ever again outside of making ice immortals, he decided to pay a visit to the library and learn another skill.

David: "How to Ban Gardening from an Immortal Dynasty. Chapter 1: The first step to banning gardening is to have an immortal max the gardening skill but have a different supermax skill. By reading this book, you are taking the first step towards banning gardening from your immortal dynasty."

Normally you're supposed to be quiet in a library, but since David is the only one in the picture, let's assume he's the only one there.

The next day, it was David's adult birthday! Previously, David had invited a bunch of criminals that he got to know from sculpting them a Trojan Horse. Ever since that restaurant wanted a toilet made of ice and the office building wanted a chair made of stone, David's made quite a bit of acquaintances. I mean, look at those people caring about his birthday!

Agnes: Make a wish!
David: I wish my phone would stop ringing.

David: AGNES!!!
Agnes: Why are you blaming me!? You're the one who set fire to the house with your own birthday cake.

The Does have two things to be thankful for here. One, one of the sims was brave and put the fire out herself and two, Cheryl was sleeping in the nursery when this happened.

Try number two, please don't burn the house again...

Well, at least he got his original wish of having his cell phone stop ringing.

As much as David would like to stay and enjoy his own birthday party, he has to continue banning gardening from this dynasty so without even grabbing a slice of cake to eat, he went straight to the library.

A couple days later, it was Cheryl's birthday. Normally David would throw a party, have the birthday, then leave to go skill up gardening and/or photography but Agnes had a concern.

Agnes: It's Cheryl's first birthday party today, please don't leave this time.
David: But what if you try to burn the house down again?
Agnes: David! That last time was your fault!
David: But who bought the cake and set up the candles? Huh?
Agnes: You still managed to set fire to a glass table and steel table!
David: Ok ok, if someone burns, I'm blaming you.

No one really cared about the baby's birthday anyway. David looks like he's hyperventilating though. It should be fine, it's only one candle, what harm is one candle going to do?

David: (Please don't burn, please don't burn, please don't burn)

David: AGNES!!!

Just kidding, here's what really happened.

The only fire in this birthday party are the hot rod flame designs on Cheryl's potty chair, crib, and toy chest.

Now was the time to buy some makeover stuff so David bought a some dressers, a few mirrors, and eight single beds. First in line to receive a makeover, the baby of course. She's got some toddler pageants she has to enter.

David's Immortality Progress
Italicized = Complete
Traits: Ambitious, Photographer's Eye, Charismatic, Savvy Sculptor, Couch Potato
Lifetime Wish: Swimming in Cash
Career: Self-Employed Sculptor
Supermax: Sculpting
Real Estate: Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, Summer Hill Springs (Level 3)
Portraits: Young Adult
Unique Lifetime Rewards: Motive Mobile, Artisan Crafter, No Bills Ever
Unique Opportunities: An Old Ruse, Personal Sculpting, Larger Than Necessary Doorstop, The Banquet Centerpiece
Best Friends: None

Cheryl's Immortality Progress
Traits: Artistic, Virtuoso
Lifetime Wish:
Real Estate:
Portraits: Hop to it, Agnes!
Unique Lifetime Rewards:
Unique Opportunities:
Best Friends: