I have to say that any download issues always seem to be intermittent. It is an external server provided by the generous Mr. Flynn ArrowStarr along with his Mrs. Flynn. They get unlimited bandwidth with their host, and that host may have throttled the download for some reason. I'm wondering if you're on slow or fast internet, as I am able to cap their server's speed and download the entire file in about 2 minutes (just tested). Any time it doesn't work, I would suggest a person come back the next day to try again, perhaps at a different time of day (in case you're trying during the peak hours, whatever they may be).
They were very kind to offer without me directly asking them and saved us a lot of headaches with free file transfer services like mediafire. Their donation of the ftp server has saved us thousands in bandwidth costs sharing this world, as it's been downloaded over 120k times at this point. Our host is not so nice about bandwidth charges but fits my needs as a webmaster by being very flexible