First of all, OMG another Zelda player!!! I love you!!! Last night my kid got to go to the Zelda concert and she said it was totally awesome. She went dressed as Saria.
Ok, back to topic. (Pam, please forgive the off topic comments. We Zelda fans just can't always control ourselves.)
Version3 of Union Cove has a few problems and I hopefully will have time to go to that board and address them.
1. The "Vault of Antiquity" is where you go to learn Alchemy. A class is offered there. You also can "research the archives" which I believe increases your skill in alchemy. There isn't one placed in Union Cove but you can easily place a 20x15 lot next to the library, (makes sense since the vault is also a rabbit hole type library), and put the building on it. The building can be found in build menu in that little box thing to the extreme right of the screen that shows business buildings.
The vault building is on the last line of buildings. Since there is no alchemy station in town, nor bee station, I just put bees, a gem cutter machine and an alchemy station on the same lot. If you like I will post mine to the exchange so it will have the same UC "flavor".
There also is no Supernatural Hangout, "Varg's", in Union Cove at the moment and I am not sure Anushka will be able to squeeze one in. I just did a remodel of Varg's and added a lot, (easier to just bulldoze a house on the right size lot), so now my supernaturals can visit. You may also notice there are almost no supernaturals living in UC. Zombies yes, others no. It may be just not enough time for the game to spawn some npc's that are supernaturals but the regular "townies" we placed in UC are just more or less normal folks. I'm currently playing a fairy there hoping more will show up but so far none.
2. Yes, all the Seasons things are on the Seasons Festival Lot. They change with the seasons but not everything was able to be fitted in on that lot. You may want to add some of your favorites. Also, there is a problem with the water balloon and snow ball fight area. There is a large tree in the way that cannot be removed no matter what I've tried. The lot is uneven terrain in that area so when you try to have a water balloon fight you get a pop up that says there isn't enough room or that the ground is too uneven. To accommodate that area, I adjusted the center area with the picnic tables and fire pit. By shifting them a bit the water balloon and snow ball battle area fits well and is usable there. I considered taking out the fire pit entirely but noticed the Sims did use it frequently so left it in. The tables are for the seasonal foods.
3. Correct. All the LN bars are there but in our version. Anything that isn't a rabbit hole was remodeled by one of our builders. I built the Exclusive club but am considering a remodel of it because it is just too full of things and slows the game down. You will find driving ranges on that lot since it is next to the golf course.
4. Adding golf driving ranges to the golf course is a great idea and why we didn't think of it is beyond me! No plans for adding it in the future but go ahead and give it a shot if it isn't unroutable terrain. Sometimes CAW prevents a world builder from doing things they want because of that.
You're welcome! It was a work of love and really didn't seem all that hard at all. Just a joy filled challenge for those of us who weren't doing the hard part with CAW! That was Anushka and it was a LOT of work for her during some very trying and busy personal times.