About Showtime in UC, it's kind of "on hold" at the moment. I'm pretty much the only builder in that world who isn't either in school, has serious work commitments or personal issues going on at the moment. I began some work on it but then injured my eyes so even I was out of commission for awhile. (I'm ok now if I'm careful.)
I am perfectly willing to add lots and venues in appropriate places but we've always agreed on a consensus of what goes where and how it should look and match up with other things so until the rest of the team is able to view and discuss things it's going to have to wait. Because we were so careful to work it out with each other, UC wound up being a really playable and logically laid out world. So many have commented on how much sense the placement of buildings was and we really want to keep that sense when adding Showtime buildings.
I don't know how we'll work out entertainers but we have quite a few Sims that could easily be changed into entertainers. I mean, who else should be a singer if not the "Kind", Elvis, and the Dolls are well known for all the different things they do in the "real world", lol. At the moment there are no plans for adding more Sims.
@ Odie: I'm so glad you chose Gepetto! He was one of my favorites to build and I just love him and his son. I had wanted him to be able to live over the toy store but unfortunately that is not possible if it is to remain a venue. It's why there is a small apartment over the store which I think I'd like to change to a mom and nooboo rest area.