Author Topic: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?  (Read 27430 times)

Offline WickedSimmer87

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2012, 11:13:22 AM »
Well there are plenty of options atleast :)

First of all, option set one "Do i want to keep the elderly in the active family, yes? no?"
If not, moving them out as they get to live the rest of their lives as they wish, without control from "the watchers" hands, which itself doesnt sound that bad type of "retirement" - Being truly free :)

Option set two : If yes, where to keep them, which can be everything from garden shed or mini mansion in the backgarden, or top floor of your house. Or like me, build large suite with great beds, good kitchen, TV and skill items.

Or you can choose to just kill them off, as they basically served their purpose( and no, i dont use this one myself, as i, like other sim loving players, gets
 really attached to them.)

But i usually also use having two suites, one for the elder couple, and one for the heir couple, and the the having single beds, and finally the woohoo room  ::)

Offline Dreamweaver

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2012, 02:21:21 PM »
I have my elders on a short span mainly because I'm playing a legacy and those extra days are needed elsewhere. I let my elders have total freedom. I don't take charge of them unless their mood hits yellow.

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2012, 12:24:26 PM »
I've only played elders on my dynasty and I think I simply tend to consider them "normal" sims. Deimos(the founder) spends his days gardening and making nectar(think about the price the nectar will get to by the eight generation), while his wife Agnes spent time with her grandchildren and of course played in the sprinklers(now that she is dead when she comes back that's all she does). The last one is the first Heir Eros's wife Ana which spends 24/7 fishing deathfish with the moodlet manager.

Perhaps I should let more of them live an Agnes-like life?

Offline sharpsiren

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What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2012, 12:37:30 PM »
Since I haven't tried playing legacies or dynasties yet, I don't have a lack of space for my sims. So I just treat my elders like any other sim, i.e. going about their daily lives, fulfilling wishes, etc. One of them wanted to be a Grandmaster so being in the elder stages of life seemed the perfect time to fulfill that wish. They are also excellent baby sitters!

Offline Sara2573

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #34 on: June 01, 2012, 01:55:54 PM »
I have my elders on a short span mainly because I'm playing a legacy and those extra days are needed elsewhere. I let my elders have total freedom. I don't take charge of them unless their mood hits yellow.

I think I said this earlier, but my Sims usually never really get to be elders in my family.  I keep them as YAs/Adults until their lifetime happiness thing reaches +150,000 points then I kill them (Or move some out). The reason I kill them is because I have a graveyard of all the Sims in the family.

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.  :D

Offline Janna

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2012, 08:32:13 PM »
I like option number two.  The home I just bought for the family has a lot of room where I can add a nice small house for the elder couple and the heir couple will take over their suite (the elders will come out ahead, LOL). 

With the other children; this first group of five, most I will just buy them a home and move them out, they are on their own.  Later ones, where I am limiting the children to two, I will make sure the non-heir has a job and hopefully a partner and will set them up in a nice home. 

Offline Coocoo girl

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2012, 08:55:06 PM »
I tend to be a little mean to my elders.  I make the sims work until I can build them a rich house if they don't get enough money to build a rich house and pay the bills on it utill they die then they are always working until they do.  Most of the time my elders finally get to rest and enjoy sim life when they are halfway through the elder stage.  If they accomplish what I make my sims do when they're an adult then they never have to work another day in their life.  Of course, maybe you could make all you elders watch tv all day with other elders in the household if you have any.  A little like the Tv watchers in a certain dynasty I know...  But yeah, that's what I usually do with my elders.  A lot of times mine don't get to retire though...
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Offline jeanamariex3

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #37 on: June 03, 2012, 12:17:02 PM »
I love buying them a cane, and using it to harass everyone with it! That's so much fun and it makes me giggle. I'm a good person and all but I always get a kick out of Sims doing such evil things.

Offline SpiritedTreasure

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2012, 11:21:28 AM »
I played them such a long time.. I'm missing Buster and Bessie  :'(
I kind of lost my will to play for a time after they passed...
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Offline Audren

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2012, 11:32:37 AM »
I give them a cane and let them terrorize the locals.

Offline MoMoll

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #40 on: June 09, 2012, 12:26:54 PM »
I give them a cane and let them terrorize the locals.

Love it! I'll do that next time.

Offline Axiom

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #41 on: June 09, 2012, 03:27:32 PM »
Right now I'm playing a huge family... So I had to boot out my elders. But next time I will try some of these suggestions out!

Offline tara1727

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #43 on: June 10, 2012, 09:13:04 AM »
Loads of things based on what they want and how they are. Sometimes they just do new things I haven't tried before to help my own boredom. They have been painting, writing books, skilling, teaching skills, playing chess, singing, playing guitar, breaking boards, gardening, fishing, spending time with dogs, taking care of toddlers and so on. Some has been lots on their own doing what they want. Some has worked till the end and some who has pulled a wish to retire and done so. I tend to actually send them to eat and sleep and have fun without using moodlet manager on them. My legacy sims are rich enough they can afford a maid so elders usually don't clean except those who thinks cleaning is fun. My experiences with elders are from legacy settings where I kick out all the spares after they have finished with their LTW, I haven't completed a dynasty yet.

Offline Priyansh

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Re: What do you do with your Elderly Sims?
« Reply #44 on: June 10, 2012, 08:59:56 PM »
As soon as they get old, I send them to a new house so that they can enjoy their remaining life. I usually send their younger son with them, or often play him myself to take care of them.

Like Axiom, I play a huge family, and move out to make room for more.

The recent grandpa was a coward, so as per my orders my whole family with pets watched scary movies for an hour, at night after eating dinner. It was somewhat mean but fun to see grandpa jump around, and even pee in one instance.

