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Good luck! xD Although I already use cheats in my legacy.. In fact, the only thing that makes it a legacy is that it is a multi-generational story. xD
The only thing that makes mine a Dynasty is the title, and the fact that I never break the no moving rule and every heir must have a portrait painted lol.
I'm going to go search for hints made by moderators.
Ends with an E, Warm, Accidents with ships... Okay, another crude idea. I bet I just got it.
This time I won't be able to say right or wrong. Or lead you astray. I hate pre-planned parties. Especially if other people you don't know are going to be there. I'll probably miss the announcement but that all depends on certain things to happen. I bet I do miss it though.
Who don't you know Thomas? Everyone on here is a friend! I hope you don't miss it!!
Yeah, this was probably the biggest herpderp moment of my life. (herpderp for some reason is slang for stupid.)
Oh, Zap, I hate to break it to you, but if you are anything like the rest of us this is just one of many more to come. Wait until you get to be my age, I have those moments so often I can't keep track of 'em!
Mine still applies. And samoht expect a pm from me.
I mean't at the party.