Author Topic: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 19: Birthday Surprise  (Read 43002 times)

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 13: Soulpeace
« Reply #105 on: January 26, 2012, 12:28:52 AM »
Awww, I'm glad your cousin is doing well!  Surgery is especially scary when a baby is involved in my opinion.  Here's hoping that he recovers quickly and has a long and happy life ahead of him!
Thanks Debbie! They had to take out 1/2 of his large intestines so considering the trauma he's been through before that we are all glad he is healing so well!

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 14: Safe Side
« Reply #106 on: January 27, 2012, 12:09:27 AM »
Chapter 14: Safe Side

Since the last time I saw you guys I had just had a near death experience. Well, I'm still doing great and after that scare I'm staying closer to the safer side of life at the moment.

Although, I don't think mom is really feeling safe at the moment. It was stop and go for awhile, but I finally got the hang of it.

Donovan: " Mom, seriously chill out it's just a squirrel."

We also found out that Sandy was going to have puppies! It's been awhile since we had a new family member so we all waited in anticipation for the new arrival. The day finally came and a puppy was born.
Meet Remo!

Grandma Aria found a weird remote one day that changed the colors of ALL the lights in our house! I felt like I was at a disco party or something.

It was super cool to work out in a green room too, it was very calming. Eventually we had to turn all the lights back to normal so we'd actually get some work done!

Dad has still been sculpting his butt off, which he has been doing ever since I was born. I can't say we have the closest relationship, but I figure we have forever to work that out. He's just been really focused on all his dragon thingies to barely notice anything else.

Mom also had her elder birthday, she still looks really beautiful despite being old! She isn't as happy about looking like a cougar when her and Dad go out on dates though. I think it's rather comical.

Finally it was time for my birthday too! I am so glad to finally be a Young Adult now.

I also graduated as the Valedictorian of my class and I was nominated "Most Likely to become a Sports Superstar" (go figure) or something a long those lines. I hope I can live up to that.

After the celebrations ended, it was time for another mission in life. I needed to find a lady.

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 14: Safe Side
« Reply #107 on: January 27, 2012, 01:57:00 AM »
That is a lot of sculpthers! The house look festive with the lights lol. Can't wait to see the lady he choose. ;D

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 14: Safe Side
« Reply #108 on: January 28, 2012, 07:53:44 AM »
That sculptures picture is awesome, and then Christopher standing there doing the peace sign! ;D Can't wait for the spouse hunt, I always enjoy spouse-hunting for my sims. :P

Offline DoubleWe

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 14: Safe Side
« Reply #109 on: January 28, 2012, 03:50:22 PM »
Ah! It stopped! You can't just stop there!  :o

However, your story is very great. I love Egypt in real life. It's all the better with the Sims! You have a unique way of telling this story and it's very fascinating. I'm still transfixed with all of those great pictures. I've never seen the Sphinx do this fire-light-maelstrom-thing!

Well done! I hope you continue soon. :)

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 14: Safe Side
« Reply #110 on: January 28, 2012, 07:52:14 PM »
Thanks Lovesims!

Fez: Yeah I figured it would be funny to have Ben in the background being cheesy, since he is rarely ever doing anything new or exciting! And spouse hunting is one of my favorite things to do too!

Ah! It stopped! You can't just stop there!  :o

However, your story is very great. I love Egypt in real life. It's all the better with the Sims! You have a unique way of telling this story and it's very fascinating. I'm still transfixed with all of those great pictures. I've never seen the Sphinx do this fire-light-maelstrom-thing!

Well done! I hope you continue soon. :)
Thanks DoubleWe! And I promise I'll get up an update soon, I was going to do one earlier but my game freaked out and I lost all my progress :( And on top of that I had to work 9 hours today so I haven't had time!

And you've been to Egypt in real life?!?!? I'm SO jealous! I love to travel but I haven't gotten over to that side of the world yet :P. I'm glad you like my pictures, I try really hard to get good and interesting shots so you guys aren't super bored with my progress.

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 15: Ana Baħibbik
« Reply #111 on: January 28, 2012, 11:30:30 PM »
Chapter 15: Ana Baħibbik

"I love you.." as soon as the words left my mouth I knew there was no turning back. It's not that I didn't mean it, I just have never felt such a surreal feeling before. Sure, the feeling I get from adventuring is close, but this..this feeling of love is nothing like I have felt before. And this is how it all started...

I met her while still in my teens on my first adventure to Egypt. She had long flowing black hair, a beautiful smile, and a heart of gold. She was just a child back then when I knocked on her door needing information for a quest. I didn't know it back then, but she was the girl I was going to hopefully marry.

Years passed, I had grown into a young adult and she too had grown up. I hadn't been to Egypt in several years but decided it was time to go back and finish off some more quests.


One day I was on my way to the market to sell off some of my relics when I passed by a familiar face.

Donovan: " Sayia? Is that you??"
Sayia: " Oh my goodness Donovan! It's so good to finally see you again.."
Donovan: " Wow, you've grown up so much since the last time I saw you. How's your father?..."

My heart skipped a beat every time she spoke to me. But it was such a relief that she was still the same old Sayia I knew years ago. With the exception that she is no longer a little child, but rather a VERY attractive woman.

We met for the next few days catching up on each other's lives. I found out that she was still single and loved athletics just like do. And she also was a pro at seducing the king cobra in the snake basket!

I knew from these moments shared with each other that we were destined to be together, but I knew I had to make a move or else. So, I started out with some flowers I so happened to have magically appear behind my back. I then asked her to be my girlfriend.

She of course loved them and said yes! :)

Her parents were still a little skeptical of me because I wasn't Egyptian. They weren't very happy that Sayia had defied their wishes and wanted to be with me instead of the boy they had arranged for her. Needless to say, I was told to stay away for a few days. I knew it would be a challenge to win over her parents, but I knew I had to somehow. I ended up deep within a tomb again to keep myself from going crazy over how much I missed her.

Several days later, I was still in the Great Pyramid looking for a third relic when I received a phone call (I have really good cell service by the way...) I answered it and it was Sayia!

She told me that she had talked her parents about how she felt about me and they were slowly on the road to accepting me. She said they saw how happy I had made her and so they would consider me a suitable man for her.

I quickly found my way out of the Pyramid, took a quick shower and headed over to Sayia's house.
We spent the next few hours talking before her parents came home from work. That's when we also shared our first kiss together.

Then we quickly ran off to one of my favorite spots in Egypt.

I know you are probably thinking that there is no way we could have fallen for each other after only a few days. But it's true, or I know at least I have fallen in deep with this woman and I intended to find out if she felt the same.
What I did next even surprised me.

I took her hand and we traveled to an old palace. I lead her to the middle of a tiny bridge overlooking a lake filled with exotic koi. I got down on one knee, professed my love and asked her to marry me.

Donovan: " Sayia, from the day I met you when we were just little kids, I knew that somehow you would be in my life forever. The way I feel for you right now surpasses any feelings I have ever felt. "Ana Baħibbik" Sayia, forever and always I will love you..Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"
 I was very thankful at the moment, that my grandmother had taught me some words in Arabic, because Sayia's face after I said I loved her in her own language was all the answer I needed. Her eyes began to tear up as she embraced me and whispered "yes!" in my ear.

I swear I could feel my heart pop out of my chest. Now the hardest part was to confront her parents about our decision. So, we set off to her house to have a little chat with her parents.
I wasn't sure what was going to happen next... I hoped her parents approved, the last thing I wanted to happen was to cause a rift between them because of me.
All I knew was that I loved her, and I would do whatever it took to make her happy.

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 15: Ana Baħibbik
« Reply #112 on: January 29, 2012, 12:12:18 PM »
How can her parents stand in the way of true love! Awesome update. ;D

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 15: Ana Baħibbik
« Reply #113 on: January 29, 2012, 12:44:01 PM »
How can her parents stand in the way of true love! Awesome update. ;D
I know right? It's rather ridiculous.
Thanks :)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 15: Ana Baħibbik
« Reply #114 on: January 29, 2012, 01:49:02 PM »
Aww, that was the sweetest proposal ever! I don't know if I've mentioned this yet but one of my favourite things about this dynasty is the Egyptian theme fused all the way through it, it really lets the readers explore the culture in a way that we perhaps didn't before and you're doing it really well! Sayiah is beautiful, great update! :)

Offline Katluvr

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 15: Ana Baħibbik
« Reply #115 on: January 29, 2012, 09:11:52 PM »
Awww, what a lovely proposal!  I hope Donovan and Sayia can convince her parents that this is a good match.   :)

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 15: Ana Baħibbik
« Reply #116 on: January 29, 2012, 09:56:59 PM »
Aww, that was the sweetest proposal ever! I don't know if I've mentioned this yet but one of my favourite things about this dynasty is the Egyptian theme fused all the way through it, it really lets the readers explore the culture in a way that we perhaps didn't before and you're doing it really well! Sayiah is beautiful, great update! :)
I'm glad you think so Fez :) I have had fun finding the translation of English words to Egyptian Arabic for all the titles. I'm glad that you see the fusion between cultures, I love to travel and explore cultures myself so it was only natural I wanted my own sims to do the same!

Awww, what a lovely proposal!  I hope Donovan and Sayia can convince her parents that this is a good match.   :)
Thanks! I hope so too. It's down to the wire with these two!


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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 15: Ana Baħibbik
« Reply #117 on: February 02, 2012, 02:19:10 AM »
That was a lovely chapter! I hope they can be together soon :)

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 16: Eloped
« Reply #118 on: February 04, 2012, 11:18:02 PM »
Chapter 16: Eloped

I know my parents just wanted what was best for me. But they didn't understand! I love Donovan with all my heart and soul, that's something that could never be changed. I could care less about any other man my parents could have potentially picked out for me. I hope someday they will understand why I chose this path. Even if it was to be with a man who would spend most of his life without me. I knew the risks and I was willing to take the plunge. The only thing that hurt the most, was knowing I was going to break my parent's hearts.

After Donovan proposed to me, I raced home and packed my things and met him at the airport. My heart was beating wildly and I was so nervous. I had never done anything so rebellious in my life! Donovan could tell I was in such a state of panic, so in efforts to calm me, he put his arm around me and told me everything will be alright. Before we knew it we were boarding a plane to head to Appaloosa Plains.

When we arrived, I was greeted by Donovan's parents and his grandmother. It was so nice to finally be around the family Donovan talked so highly about during his stay in Egypt.

Before I could ever settle in Donovan pulls me aside.
Donovan:" Well dearest..I know of a tiny corner of the beach with a readily available wedding arch if you'd like to go make it official now.."
Saiya: " Say no more, let me unpack my wedding dress!"

I'm sure you must be thinking we are crazy! But you see, we needed to get married before we could do anything else. In my culture, it is not acceptable to be with a man in bed before you are married. Plus, I just wanted to be married to him, the thought made me shiver with excitement!
I gathered my things, fixed my hair as best as possible and hopped in the car with Donovan.

It was so nice just to be with him... I wished this moment could have lasted forever.

When we got home, his parents were sort of perplexed at the strange behavior we had had ever since we got home.
Though after we explained ourselves, they were over joyed at the fact of gaining a new family member. I knew I was going to love his family already! It made me sad that I might never see my family again, but at least I know I will be loved here.

Later that night, we snuggled into bed together and soon fell asleep in each others arms completely exhausted from the days events.

Several Days Later...

The days were filled with blissful woohooing, and lovely walks through town. I could tell Donovan enjoyed showing me around his world. When we got home one day after a trip there was a knock on the door...

As I opened the door, my mouth dropped. My parents had come to find me.

Saiya: " Mother.. Father.. wh..what.. are you doing here?"
Daliah:" Saiya! You are to come home with us RIGHT now! How dare you embarrass us like this? In front of everyone!"
Saiya: " No mother. I won't! I'm married now.. Please just try and understand me..I love him mother.. I do.."
Raffi: " Dal, it couldn't hurt to listen to her. She is after all our daughter.. I know we raised her better than this, but lets hear her out."

I spent hours spilling out my feelings to my parents, telling them reason after reason why I did what I did. Donovan was my lifesaver, he finally convinced my parents that he could and would take care of me no matter what. They seemed to simmer down after seeing how much we really did love and care for each other.

My father was the most understanding of both of them. I loved him the most, he always seemed to get where I was coming from. He never got angry at me, and always was there for me when I was growing up. I was so glad to see his face again.

The next day, we took a tour through town.

First, we went to go see the spot at which Donovan and I had been married.

Then we took them into town and had a good time in front of city hall.

We also decided we were all hungry for some bar food, so we went down to the local watering hole. Needless to say before we got any food our bartender died. My parents were a little stunned by the site, so we quickly made our way back home before things got any more weirder.

My parent's stay was short and sweet. Three days after their arrival they were due back on the plane. I was going to miss them dearly, but I was glad the air was cleared and they were happy for me now. So with a promise we'd visit them soon, they boarded their flight and headed home...

-------------------------------------Author's Note-------------------------------------
I hope you guys like this chapter, I wrote this when I was kind of tired so I apologize for crazy sentences or weird grammar. I've checked it several times so hopefully nothing is too bad!
That was a lovely chapter! I hope they can be together soon :)
Thanks Sarah! As you can see.. They got together pretty quick. :)

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Re: The Mitzráyim Dynasty- Ch. 16: Eloped
« Reply #119 on: February 05, 2012, 01:53:37 AM »
Where did you get her dress? It was beautiful!

