I just asked the guy in EB if I could get it early because on level 2 of their club card, you get early access to certain pre-orders. No luck, Sims is not one of the titles, but if I really want to, I can go up there at midnight because they will be open for the release of Mass Effect 3.. I somehow think I'll just wait till morning lol.
Getting something like this before it's release date is, for the most part, illegal.
A while back there were some employees at a game store who were selling one of the Halo games before the release date, and charging extra for them. Everyone involved was fired and faced criminal charges, and the store got nailed with a
$10,000 fine. Also, I worked at Meijer's when Star Wars: Episode III was released on DVD. Someone cut a hole in the shipper, just to see what the package looked like and when the video rep saw it, she flipped. She didn't just freak out, either: we're talking a full blown nuclear detonation that made a Titan Missile look like a bottle rocket. She literally got up in the store director's face and threatened legal action if
even one DVD was missing. Luckily, they were all present and accounted for. The store director then wrapped the shipper in enough shrink wrap to repel sustained machine gun fire, stuck it up in the rafters, and made it perfectly clear to everyone in the store that if anyone so much as touched the shipper before it's release date, they no longer worked there.
Any pre-release that EB offers early as a club benefit would have to be agreed to with the company releasing it...and I can't imagine that's easy to do lol.