I hate bombarding people that don't play with silly game requests. Mainly because I hate being bombarded with them, and eventually block the games on Facebook.
Are you all seeing something I'm not? I just re-watched the video, and I still don't understand how people are getting the impression that "game requests" are in the works at all. The only thing I can figure is that you're hearing "social networking" get thrown into the conversation, and you're making the leap to games like Farmville. I don't really think that's a fair assumption at all.
Social Networking is a way for people to find other people with similar interests and communicate with them. We pretty much do that here, don't we? We come here, share things we're doing in the game, create stories to entertain our friends, and help each other. This forum is pretty much all about social networking in regards to The Sims, and when each one of us came here and started posting, we knew that we had at least one thing in common with everyone else. We didn't have to worry that someone would think we were nerds (or at least thinking that we were
bigger nerds than they are lol) for enjoying this game as much as we do. And after coming here, we've all managed to make some great friends...well, at least I know I have.
What I see that this does for us is that it adds the ability for us to share the small things we do with those good friends...the things which aren't necessarily worth making a new thread about. You bring a new nooboo into the world, post it to your wall on the Sims 3 site, and all your friends get to share in the joy of that. You manage to do something in the game that you've never done before, post it to your wall and your friends share in that victory, regardless of how small it really is. I see it doing
exactly what social networking is meant to do: it helps bring friends closer together.
Does that sound so bad, really?