One of my favorite things to do with book titles has to do with lots I upload. I usually have a session where I get four or five sims on the same lot and crank out fiction or non-fiction books that have humorous titles that have something to do with the lot. Then I collect all the books once they have come in the mail in one sim and move them into my lot I am about to upload. Then I stash the books with the titles in one or several of the bookcases. After that I move the sim out and upload the lot. The titles of the books in the bookcases transfer. On my showcase threads, I always find it interesting to see which of my friends will actually go looking for the titles, or if any downloaders happen by them on accident. It is really fun when doing a build for a contest or around someone's specific sim.
The first time I did it I had just discovered the transmogrification bit of WA, so I used a lot of skulls and large spire cut gems I created with that around the lot. The back story was the guy that built the fishing retreat was Old Man Carter and he made his cash off of transmogrification, and then created the Carter's Display as well as wrote a bunch of self-help books how to do it. Titles like "More Cowbell: Getting the Big Gems", "Transfigurification: Silly Name, Serious Money", "Turning Iron into Serious, Cold, Hard Cash", "Awaken the Transfigurificationist Within", "Where to Pick Up Chics, I Mean Rocks", etc... I dropped a few hints in my write up for the lot and a handful of friends found them and got a kick out of it. In my TS3 showcase thread for the lot, several of my friends even posted their own pictures of their sims sitting there reading the titles where I had stashed them. Since then I have done the same thing around the theme of ghosts, the troglodyte gnomes, and contest builds for specific people. It is hard to explain how cool it is when people like your build for the build's sake, but also find the humorous book title easter eggs hidden in there too.