Dear Journal,
I am PREGNANT again! I feel quite young again! Thanks to the salon man
... Anyway. Today is the Sunset Valley Summer Parade in the park. Velvet is cheering and Calvin has a "Welcome the Prince" moment. I have to stop writing for a second and pack a picnic, I will write while the parade is going just to entertain myself during some of the more boring acts. Its more of a show case then a parade. It has dance numbers by the local studio, speaks and songs by local groups and little showcases of the rival school sports. My kids go to Glory of Education Private k-12 schools and the other school is Sunset Valley Public School.
The Parade had begun! Cheerleaders from G.O.E go first.
There is Velvet! They started with a mount, Vellie was lifted high in the air then thrown up and caught. The crowd cheered. Then they clapped they hands with legs spread shoulder length apart the captain yelled "Hey!" then the rest of the squad yelled "Hey What?"
Captain: Let me see you get down!
The Squad: Ok! Ready!
Captain: OK!
Then the whole squad yelled "We are... G.E.O!" yelling and clapping. Then the captain did a back handspring tuck and they walked off.
Apparently there is a 3rd school on this tiny island. Way away from town is what people refer to as "Red Neck Country" there is a little school that are for the red necks in the woods. They had a cheer team! They came out in Camo and high heels and did the most horrible cheer ever! No stunts or anything!
I couldn't help but giggle when I saw her! Next was singing groups the school choruses and they sang amazing. Finally it was Calvin's turn.
Calvin walked out and a man stood next to him.
The man yelled: Welcome your prince Calvin Troy Lammerwright!
Calvin bowed and waved then the next act was on. Velvet had to sing a song.
Then we finally went home. I was sun burned a bit. It was 95 degrees out today! Horrible! At dinner I announce my pregnancy... Velvet was so excited and Calvin was not... he said he liked being the youngest. I had to calm him down. Now what shall I call the baby... hmm what do you think? here are the names you choose!
For Boys...
Prenly Mark Lammerwright
Sam Max Lammerwright
Jacob Caleb Lammerwright
Starlit Nathan Lammerwright
Nathan Mark Lammerwright
Chris Troy Lammerwright
And for Girls...
Emerald Rose
Diamond Rose
Aquamarine Rose
Opal Rose
Sapphire Rose
Amber Rose
You pick! Or if you have any better ideas please respond
-The Oven with a bun in it Sterling Rose