Dear Journal,
I decided to take a walk this morning.
I rested in the central park. I looked around listening to the birds calmly. Then I saw a moving van... I watched it and it parked 2 houses down the road from mine. New neighbors! I was excited and walked quickly to meet them. As I walked the presidents limo passed and stopped, the limo driver takes the royal family around sometimes too. He offered to give me a ride and i agreed.
I walked out of the limo and a hansom man pointed at me and said
"Whoa!" I was flattered.
"Hello sir!" I said perky.
"Hello, sorry, I didn't mean to be rude I am just shocked you came out of a limo ride to see me." he said and I smiled. I was kind of in shock as well that he didn't recognize me as princess.
"Your not from this island are you?" I said.
"No miss... I'm not... May I ask who you are?" he said embarrassed.
"I'm Princess Velvet Rose..." I said with pride and a sweet smile.
"Oh!!! I am so sorry I don't even know how to act around a princess I just..." Then I cut him off.
"No worries I understand. May I as who YOU are?" I said.
"Oh I am Art Carter." He said.
"So what makes you want to move to Sunset Valley?" I asked Art.
"Well things just fell into place and it was the only thing I could afford..." He said sadly.
"Oh my... may I ask what happened?"
"Well..." he started looking around then lowering his voice.
"Its kind of a long story..." He said.
"I got time..."
"Ok then. I was coming home from work on day and I saw a young boy about age 14 just sitting on the curb at the side of a highway in Bridgeport. I pulled over and stepped out of my car. I said "Hey, what are you doing out here alone?" he looked up and stared at me looking shocked "What do you care?" he said sadly. "Shouldn't be out here alone like this... get in..." I said opening the car door. He got in and I asked "Where do you live I will give you a lift..." he looked at me and said "No sir! I'm not going home! The streets are better than that..." he was mad now. "Tell me what happened?" I said. "Well my parents hate me and say it to my face telling me to get out..." he said. I was shocked and said "Kid... you wanna stay with me?" "Really?" he responded. "Sure lets go..." and well I took care of him for a month then I lost my job and rent was too high and I decided to move." Art said looking sad.
"Do you still have the kid?" I asked him.
"Sure do, he is inside now, he is 15 now and his name is Max."
"He is busy now but if you wanna come over tonight you can..." Art offered.
"Sure! Can I bring my daughter? She is 14..." I asked.
Then the dialog ended and romance begun.
I saw the school bus coming and decided to head home. Me and Amber got ready and headed over to the Carter's.
We arrived and I got to meet Max.
Then we are broke into conversation.
I forgot to tell Amber that Art and Max are not related and his story. So Amber brought it up and Max told her all about what happened. Amber felt bad for Max and gave him a big hug.
I think Amber's hug cheered him up...
-The in love again Velvet Rose