Chapter 48: Seven Immortals
First, Taryn's teen birthday. We told her to make a wish when she blew out the candles.
Here she is as a teen. I think she looks quite a lot like me, just with darker hair.
Much to Grandma Anwen's surprise she's taken less of a hatred towards skirts. Apparently there's a much better way to bother your great-great-great-grandma, and that's skull print legwarmers.
She's known about the dynasty from an early age, but it was at this point we decided to explain it to her in it's full detail. We took her down to see the immortal museuml, but she got distracted by the pile of old junk in one of the other basement rooms and decided to fix it. She spent much of her first week as a teenager down there fixing all the old sinks, bathtubs and computers we'd stored down there.
We did get her to come up from there occasionally, though. We did a spot of mother-daughter bonding in the form of a pillow-fight. I think some of the elders would have rather we did something less violent.
She often brings her best friend, Brigette Perez, home from school. They're always talking about sports and video games. I'm sure I talked about boys, makeup and clothes when I was her age, but each to their own.
Neither of them had a date to the prom, so they went solo. Taryn got into two different fights but was crowned prom queen, so I think overall she had a good night. But it's hard to tell with teenagers.
We also bought her a sports car. Spoilt teenager, or what?
And onto my big news now. I had my elder birthday, and aged up with such an awful hairstyle that everyone was too terrified to take any pictures of it.
I still look young after my makeover, right?
Most elders stop and rest when they reach that birthday. In this family, there's a flurry of activity. Grandma Anwen got started on my portrait and ice sculpture while Grandma Eleri cooked my first dish of ambrosia.
Eleri and Mum gathered in the kitchen to support me as I ate my first bites of the dish. All these years of writing, however, and I can't even begin to describe the taste.
I stood up as the sparkles overwhelmed me.
I was immortal.
@alex: I know, she was an adorable toddler. I couldn't really see a sim that was going to supermax handiness as a girly-girl.
Eleri Afon - 1st Generation: IMMORTAL
Rhiannon Afon - 2nd Generation - IMMORTAL
Anwen Afon - 3rd Generation - IMMORTAL
Megan Afon - 4th Generation - IMMORTAL
Gwenlyn Afon - 5th Generation - IMMORTAL
Adlais Afon - 6th Generation - IMMORTAL
Seren Afon - 7th Generation - IMMORTALLTW: Professional Author
Career: Writer
SuperMax Skill: Writing
Building: Bookstore
Property: Library (lvl 3)
Lifetime Rewards: Master of Seduction, Acclaimed Author, Above Reproach
Best Friends: Taryn Afon, Dianne Isbell, Shamika Lockwood, Star Lau, Elisa Garett, Jed Ortega
Opportunities: The Writing Club, A History of One, A Small Painting, Tear Up The Dance Floor, Save the Herding, Best Food In Town
Paintings: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult, Elder
Ice Sculptures: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult, Elder
Taryn Afon - 8th GenerationLTW:
SuperMax Skill: Handiness
Lifetime Rewards:
Best Friends:
Opportunities: Scavenger Hunt: Precious Metals, After School Employment
Paintings: Toddler, Child, Teen
Ice Scuptures: Toddler, Child, Teen