Author Topic: Witches from Llŷn - The Afon Immortal Dynasty - COMPLETE  (Read 52373 times)

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Witches from Llŷn - The Afon Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2011, 10:30:47 AM »
Thanks to everyone for all the comments so far! Got a very exciting update now...

Chapter Eight - Promotions, Birthdays and More

On Saturday I recieved my final promotion. I am now a Five Star Celebrated Chef. I used the money from my promotion to fully upgrade Lost Willow Park.

The next day it was time for the girls to become Young Adults. We decided to throw them a party to celebrate this milestone and to help me finish off my six best friends. Rhiannon aged up first, as usual. She gained the nurturing trait, so she is now Friendly, Charismatic, Nurturing, an Angler, and Loves the Outdoors. Her lifetime wish is to have the perfect aquarium.

She decided the look was too old for her and went to the mirror and dresser to improve it.

Next, it was Rhea's turn. She became Good, to add to her Genius, Athletic, Charismatic and Neat. She wants to be an International Super Spy.

She didn't like her new look either, and reverted back to her teenage style. Billy's only slightly warmed to it.

Lastly, Rhoslyn. She was almost too busy talking to herself to remember to come and blow out her candles. She's Artistic, a Savvy Scuptor, Insane, a Slob, and a Born Saleswoman. Her lifetime wish is to master three skills and become a renaissance sim.

And after a trip to the mirror she was dressed much more to her liking.

With all of my three girls grown up, and Rhea now my best friend, I'd reached all the requirements to become immortal. I went to the kitchen, where in the fridge I'd stored a life fruit I'd grown and a deathfish that Rhiannon had caught. Quickly I began to prepare the ambrosia.

I took the plate outside and set it down in front of me. I paused for a moment, feeling my last moments as a mortal sim. If I ate this, I would be one step closer to returning home. But, if I ate it, I would have to watch Billy pass away, watch Rhea and Rhoslyn pass away, and watch my daughters and granddaughters husbands pass away. Would I prefer to live out my days as a mortal sim, to stay with them?

The pull of my homeland was too strong. I lifted a forkful of ambrosia to my mouth and ate. It tasted like nothing I had ever tasted before, bitter and sweet at the same time, both easy and impossible to swallow. I felt strength move through my body and a fog lift from my mind. I was immortal.

Authors Note: Here's a picture of Eleri in her immortal museum room. She became immortal at 69 days, having completed all her requirements by 67 but waiting on Rhiannon to catch a deathfish.

Eleri Afon - 1st Generation: IMMORTAL
LTW: Culinary Librarian
Career: Culinary
SuperMax Skill: Cooking
Building: Bookstore
Property: Lost Willow Park
LTR: Super Green Thumb, Fertility Treatment, Fireproof Homestead
Best Friends: Billy Caspian Afon, Rhiannon Afon, MaryKay Shallow, Odin Crosby, Julie Bowens, Rhea Afon
Opportunities: A Nice Harvest, All New Dishwashing Machine, Learn a Recipe, Harvesting the Best, Perfect Producer, Outstandingly Rare
Portraits: YA, Adult, Elder
Ice Scuptures: YA, Adult, Elder

Rhiannon Afon - 2nd Generation
LTW: Perfect Aquarium
Career: Angler (5/10)
SuperMax Skill: Fishing (9/10, + 0 challenges)
Best Friends: Eleri Afon, Jeffery Crossley, Rhoslyn Afon
Opportunities: Pile of Permission Slips, A Fishy Science Project
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen
Ice Scuptures: Toddler, Child, Teen

Offline Lasnien

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Congratulations on your first immortal! I look forward to reading more.

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Congrats on your first immortal :)

Offline Ferretmania

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Congratulations on your first immortal :)
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

Raven's Immortal Dynasty

Offline Deme

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Yaaaay! Congrats on the completion of Generation 1!
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline ArianaJade

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Thanks everyone! So pleased to have got even this far.

Chapter Nine - Telling Rhiannon

I was out collecting seeds for my garden earlier today. I reached the henge where there are often good seeds to be found, to find my sister Ifanna waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her. "How did you find me?"

"You were never a one for small talk, and you still aren't it seems," she replied, with a smile.

"That's not answering my question."

"No, you're right. You were always right though, weren't you sister?"

"I don't think you're here for pointless jibes, are you Ifanna?"

"Right again, big sister. I'm here because I know what you're doing."

"Know what? I'm here raising my family. I'm here living a different life because you wouldn't let me live my first one back home," I said, hoping she'd believe this and that it was all an attempt to scare me.

"No,"she responded. "Your little attempt to come back and steal my kingdom from me. You've made yourself immortal, and you're hoping to fulfil the requirements for a line of eight immortals and come back. Your daughter Rhiannon is on the path to follow you. Isn't that what you're doing?"

She knew. I decided that there was no point in lying to her, not if she knew as much as she did.

"You stole my life from me. Why do you think I'd let you keep it?"

"I didn't. That's why I kept my eyes on you. I'm not here to stop you from trying, either. I can't even try to stop you, I have no powers in this land. I'm here to tell you that, if you fail, I will have powers again. And if you fail, I will be waiting to make sure that you and your descentants regret every decision you made in your lives to try and take my kingdom away from me. I know you will fail, and I'm waiting."

And she turned on her heel and left me.

I knew that now I had to tell Rhiannon about my ipast and about our future. I'd put off telling her for so long. First she was a child, and I felt unable to tell a child something that important and life-changing. Then she was a teenager, and we were both so busy, her with making friends, school and fishing and me with trying to achieve all my requirements. But now she was a young adult I had no excuse, and my meeting with Ifanna had made it even more important that I told her soon.

I decided to go and find her at the hatchery, where I knew she was planning to spend the day fishing.

She seemed happy to see me when I arrived. I regret not spending as much time with the girls as I should have done when they were younger, and it amazes me how they don't seem to mind. We chatted about her fishing and my garden for a little while, while I worked out the best way to tell her.

I began to explain the situation to her. I explained my former life as a witch-queen and my usurpment by my sister, my finding of the book of requirements for immortality and my plan to get home, and my journey here up until I met Billy. I told her of my meeting with my sister today and what Ifanna had said. When I finished, I paused for her reaction.

"So, I have to complete all the same challenges you have?" she asked. "And it's only me, not Rhea or Rhoslyn?"

"Yes," I responded.

"And this is the only way you can get back home?"


"I suppose we have to do it then. I mean, it can't be that hard, I've already done some of the requirements. I wish we could save Rhea and Rhos, too, though. And Dad."

I hadn't expected her to take it in her stride so well, or to agree this easily. She was a practical girl, and I knew she wouldn't struggle with the requirements. But I could see in her eyes that she was struggling with the idea of leaving behind all of her family except me and her future child. I knew the feeling well, as I'd been feeling it myself since the day I met Billy. I knew it would get worse for her, as it had for me the day I gave birth to triplets and knew that two were condemned to be mortal.

Tonight, I will hand this book over to Rhiannon. Now she knows about the dynasty and our immortal attempt, I feel that she should be the one to document her own achievements. Maybe, when we get home, I will write the last chapter.

Offline Katluvr

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Congratulations on your first immortal!  I can't wait to hear Rhiannon's story.  :)

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Offline ratchie

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Well done on achieving immortality.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Chapter Ten - Rhiannon

Hello. My name is Rhiannon. I think my mum has said a lot about me already, but for the sake of completeness I'll repeat it.

I'm one of three triplets, the eldest one. Rhoslyn is the middle child and she's an artist and scupltor and a little bit insane. I used to get really annoyed by her as a teenager, she was always embarrassing me at school by turning up to Geography in her swimming costume or talking to herself in Maths. Rhea is the youngest and was the school genius, which was great because she could help me with my homework. She's now working in law enforcement and is getting promotions every other day. I'm an angler by trade and at the fourth level of my career.

My mum, Eleri, has already described how she ended up here in Riverview and why we are becoming immortal. She told me the story yesterday, and I'm still not sure how to react. I can see why she didn't tell me as a child, but it's incredibly hard to adjust to the idea of living forever. Especially when your sisters can't. When my mum handed me this book last night to allow me to write the next chapters of our story, she also handed me the scroll with the requirements in it. I looked to see if there could be an exception for Rhos, Rhea and Dad, but the rules are firm.

Which brings me onto what I'm here to do. Tell my story.

Since I was a teenager, I'd had a crush on Nicklaus Newbie. He was too old for me then, but now we're both young adults I decided to go and see if it could work between us. I knew he had a girlfriend, Reagan, but I'd heard it wasn't going too well and I decided it couldn't hurt to try. I went to his house, and we watched the stars together on the porch. Eventually, I plucked up the courage to ask him to break it off with Reagan. He agreed! She hates me now, but I guess I'll just have to avoid her.

Last night, as I often do, I went fishing for deathfish up by the cemetery. They make me the most money for my career, and mum and I need them for future servings of Ambrosia.

As I was fishing, I thought about what I needed to do. Nick was my boyfriend now, and I knew he wanted marriage and children someday. I both wanted and needed a daughter, and I decided that now was the best time to start. Dad is 87 now and I want him to meet his grandchild.

This morning, I called Nick and invited him over. We shared our first kiss in the highly romantic location of my sitting room.

Then, after fumbling in my pocket and panicking (I thought I'd lost it!) I got down on one knee and asked if he'd be my husband.

Luckily, he accepted instantly.

Neither of us wanted a big wedding, and so we went outside and exchanged vows and rings under the trees in the corner of the lot. Nick thought nobody could see, but I could see Mum watching from her bedroom window.

Our honeymoon was upstairs in my bedroom shortly after.

And now I've caught you up to where we are now. I feel a bit ill, so I'm going to rush to the bathroom now...

Rhiannon xx

Correction: Eleri's building is actually the grocery store. I wrote the bookstore down once and only noticed I'd got it wrong earlier today.

Eleri Afon - 1st Generation: IMMORTAL

Rhiannon Afon - 2nd Generation
LTW: Perfect Aquarium (6/13)
Career: Angler (4/10)
SuperMax Skill: Fishing (7/10)
Building: Spa
Property: Fish Hatchery
Best Friends: Eleri Afon, Jeffery Crossley, Rhoslyn Afon
Opportunities: Pile of Permission Slips, A Fishy Science Project, Funny Looking Fish
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen
Ice Scuptures: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA

Offline ArianaJade

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Chapter Eleven - From Death to Birth

Dad died this week. He was painting at his easel when Grim arrived. He was only 90. Everyone was out apart from Mum and Rhoslyn, who ran to the scene to say goodbye. As soon as I heard I rushed home from the hatchery, but I was too late to say goodbye.

Mum took it worst I think. Rhea and I spent more time working to try and ease the pain. Rhoslyn seemed to not notice, and Nick barely knew him.  But Mum took Grim aside, and challenged him to a pillow fight!

RIP, Dad.

Ever since, she's always been out, running off to collect gems and rocks or out in her garden. She's still working too. Rhea has reached level five of her job and chose to join the special agent branch. She's not allowed to talk about her job anymore, so nobody knows what she spends her days doing. Nick has become a Resident at the hospital and is working all hours. And Rhos is the same as ever, painting and sculpting in her swimming costume and talking to herself. I think she's having fun.

In happier news, I became pregnant. Nick was fantastic during my pregnancy, always talking to the baby and listening to her move. He wanted a boy, but I was convinced we were having a girl.

I went into labour while delivering a Tragic Clownfish to the theatre for an opportunity I'd been given. Everyone crowded round and started screaming and freaking out, which was about the least helpful thing they could have done.

I got in a taxi and meant to go to the hospital, but somehow I must have said home instead, because I ended up giving birth on the patio out the back.

Meet Anwen. She's Artistic and Hates the Outdoors. Her favourite colour is white, and she likes roots music and to eat Hot Dogs.

And before I knew it, it was time for her to become a toddler.

Isn't she the most adorable girl you've ever seen?

Rhiannon xx

I was really sad Billy died so soon! If he'd lived one more day he'd have completed his lifetime wish (he was half a point of guitar skill off) and met his granddaughter. I'd also become quite attached to him. Although the pillow fight between Eleri and the Grim was very funny.

Eleri Afon - 1st Generation: IMMORTAL

Rhiannon Afon - 2nd Generation
LTW: Perfect Aquarium (10/13)
Career: Angler (6/10)
SuperMax Skill: Fishing (10/10)
Building: Spa
Property: Fish Hatchery
Best Friends: Eleri Afon, Jeffery Crossley, Rhoslyn Afon
Opportunities: Pile of Permission Slips, A Fishy Science Project, Funny Looking Fish
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA
Ice Scuptures: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA

Anwen Afon - 3rd Generation
SuperMax Skill:
Lifetime Rewards:
Best Friends:
Paintings: Toddler
Ice Scuptures: Toddler

Offline Deme

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Poor Billy... I'm pretty attached to him in my own dynasty, so I'm sympathetic to the loss of any Billy.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Katluvr

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Awww, Anwen is adorable!  I'm so sorry about Billy - I think losing the founder's spouse is the toughest - they contribute so much to the success of the dynasty, more than any other generations' spouse.

Belated congratulations on Eleri becoming immortal - you are off to a great start!

Offline ratchie

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I agree saying goodbye to your founders spouse can be the hardest to deal with. I think you almost get resigned to the fact later on. Although in my humble opinion watching one of your immortals mortal siblings die is by far the hardest.I actually cried when Alfie Khalid died in my second dynasty.

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Offline ArianaJade

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He was actually the first sim I've ever had die of old age, so it was even sadder. And the timing too! Poor Billy. I don't think I'm anywhere near as attached to Nick as I was to Billy, so that'll be a lot easier. But Rhea and Rhoslyn? I'm not looking forward to them going at all. They've got just as my personality and character in my head as any of the immortals.

Thanks for the comments though everyone!

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Chapter Twelve - They Grow Up So Fast

Everyone pitched in raising Anwen. I taught her to walk and talk myself. Get in that all important discussion about the Loch Ness monster early.

Mum helped teach her to use the potty and read her some books about painting.

Nick was very busy with work, although tried to see her when he could. He was busy working 9 till 7 at the hospital, and when he wasn't there he was vaccinating people at the graveyard. Odd place for a vaccination clinic if you ask me. A bit morbid.

He had his adult birthday on the way back from a clinic. He had a bit of a mid-life crisis too, but that was quickly solved by growing a beard, buying a new car and doing some work on the house. I'm quite glad he felt the urge to do up the house actually, as we needed a new bedroom for Anwen for when she soon grew out of the nursery.

When I wasn't looking after Anwen, I was out fishing. I was out going after deathfish most nights, as they'd bring in the most money for my angling career.

I also completed my lifetime wish of having the perfect aquarium. Here it is, out on the patio.

Mysterious Mr Gnome is spending a lot of time talking to the fish. Rhoslyn says he's planning a world takeover with them. She has a very detailed plan which she claims they've hatched up, but I'm not so sure!

Dad's been to visit a few times. He mostly plays video games and chats to Mum.

It was also time for Anwen to become a child. I felt like it was only yesterday I'd given birth, but Mum says everyone feels like that. She also told me not to worry, as I'd be spending the rest of eternity with Anwen anyway. But it's not the same. She won't let me read bedtime stories to her when we're both over 200!

Anyway. We had a quiet party at home for her. I carried her to the cake and we blew out the candles together.

She aged up with some rather unfortunate hair...

...but a quick trip to the mirror and the dresser sorted out both that and her outfits. She still looks adorable, though I wish she would grow up slower.

With love and sadness,

Rhi xx

Eleri Afon - 1st Generation: IMMORTAL

Rhiannon Afon - 2nd Generation

LTW: Perfect Aquarium
Career: Angler (8/10)
SuperMax Skill: Fishing (10/10) + 1 challenge
Building: Spa
Property: Fish Hatchery
Best Friends: Eleri Afon, Jeffery Crossley, Rhoslyn Afon
Opportunities: Pile of Permission Slips, A Fishy Science Project, Funny Looking Fish
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA
Ice Scuptures: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA

Anwen Afon - 3rd Generation
SuperMax Skill:
Lifetime Rewards:
Best Friends:
Opportunities: Scavenger Hunt: Rare Elements
Paintings: Toddler, Child
Ice Scuptures: Toddler, Child