Author Topic: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 32 - A Chapter About Myst  (Read 23323 times)

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty
« Reply #90 on: March 18, 2012, 10:50:45 AM »
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, guys. Grinding with Lazuli and Semprini through the teens has been tough and not a lot of interesting things have happened. Octavia's taking a long time to die and I haven't had as much time to play recently. But Lazuli is now due to age up to YA, so hopefully I'll have a proper update for you all very soon. Thanks for being so patient!


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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty
« Reply #91 on: April 01, 2012, 10:02:58 AM »
Phew! What a long time without an update! However, I got some playing time in recently so on with the story!

Octavia, Galaxy and Quartz have been spending some quality time together.

And Ashley has aged up to Elder.

(Sorry I didn't manage to get a good closeup shot of her in Elder form. That'll come later.)

Hubert also aged up well at boarding school. I let him come home for a weekend with his family before sending him back.
He's as handsome as his father.

Hubert and Lazuli have struck up a pretty close friendship. He heads over to the Equestrian Centre to watch her compete. Hubert has the Animal Lover trait, so he loves the horses as much as Lazuli does.

Lazuli herself is proving to be a major headache for her parents. She was a good little girl but now in her teens she's developed a rebellious streak.
It's not really her fault, though. The equestrian competitions end quite late and it takes her a while to get home on Semprini (who's getting faster all the time). This often means she's out past curfew and doesn't do her homework and this doesn't please her mother one bit.

Ashley knows that the horses are important to Lazuli, but schoolwork is important too.

But Lazuli doesn't care. She's obsessed. She even breaks curfew to go out and watch wild horses!

This is a mare whose taken a liking to hanging round the Merryweather Estates. I've affectionately nicknamed her Blumaroo.

One last piece of news is that the Merryweathers have acquired a new horse! This little foal is Arashi.

He's an Akhal-Teke (apparently) and will be Hubert's main mount when he returns from boarding school as a Young Adult. I'm also hoping that he and Semprini will have a couple of foals once there's room in the household.

Semprini was keen to check out the new arrival.

But she can't stop for too much socialising. She and Lazuli have competitions to win!

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty
« Reply #92 on: April 01, 2012, 10:43:34 AM »
Awww, she looks so happy. Actually, here's an idea to help her get (assuming she's still a teen in your file) home from competitions faster. Get her off the horse. Give her a fast car. Send her home in that after competitions, with the horse running behind her.
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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty
« Reply #93 on: April 02, 2012, 02:06:05 AM »
I love the screenshots of the horses! Great update. :)

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty
« Reply #94 on: April 09, 2012, 12:00:15 PM »
I bring some good and some bad news from the Merryweather household.
The good news is that Lazuli and Quartz both aged up with a double birthday bash!

I managed to get this gorgeous shot of Lazuli in her graduation gear. I still can't believe how pretty she is, and in a unique way, not a generic one.

This is Lazuli's Young Adult portrait. I did some moving around of decoration in Topaz's room and found a lovely landscape painting that she'd done years back. I put it on the wall just behind where she usually gets people to stand for portraits and it makes for a pretty impressive background effect. I need to get Topaz to do more of these, it's much prettier than just a plain background or a brick wall.

The bad news is that the next day, Ashley Merryweather's time came.

I was surprised and saddened that we lost her first and not Octavia, who is pushing 110 now. Of course, it would happen to be the one Sim that I didn't want to live that long that goes on and on and on. Sigh. Also in the middle of it all, Galaxy aged up to Elder.

Ashley had had a good life with the Merryweathers, but there seemed to be some sort of mysterious agreement between her and Grim. What does this mean? Could Ashley be betraying her family at the last moment? Surely not! Or is it possible that Grim is in fact not the true enemy?

R.I.P Ashley (Glover) Merryweather.

Finally Hubert returned from boarding school, still as handsome as ever – and he's been pining for his dear Lazuli. They worked with the horses together and he helped comfort her after the death of her mother.

Lazuli played hard to get at first, but by evening she was won round to his charms.

Hubert knew that she was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with – not like he's got much of a choice as no one's allowed to move out of the Dynasty household – but he's an upright fellow and he wanted to do things properly. So he tracked down Quartz to ask for his permission to marry Lazuli. I think Quartz was even more excited than his daughter.

Having got the approval he was waiting for, Hubert wasted no time in proposing. The action always seems to happen in the kitchen - the deaths, the proposals, everything!

So Lazuli and Hubert are now quickly (and very sweetly) engaged! But plans for the wedding are not in motion quite yet, as there is much Riding skill to be gained by both the young Sims.

The day after, with a final review of all his requirements, Emerald prepared a very special meal for Quartz.

Welcome to the third Merryweather Immortal.

3rd Generation - IMMORTAL
NAME: Quartz Merryweather
TRAITS: Athletic, Disciplined, Adventurous, Charismatic, Brave
LIFETIME WISH: Physical Perfection
CAREER: Professional Sports
BUILDING: Little Corsican Bistro
PROPERTY: Beryl Lane Picnic Spot
3LTRs: Dirt Defiant, Fireproof Homestead, Teleportation Pad
6 BEST FRIENDS: Galaxy Merryweather, Octavia Merryweather, Esther Willey, Lazuli Merryweather, Candi Wesley, Christopher Rasmussen
6 OPPORTUNITIES: Free Game, Amateur Olympics, Work/School Learning Project, Celebrity Body, Health and Wellness Seminar, The Right Moves
PORTRAITS: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
ICE SCULPTURES: Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
SPOUSE: Ashley Glover

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty
« Reply #95 on: April 09, 2012, 02:42:43 PM »
Congratulations Quartz on your immortality, and congratulations Lazuli and Hubert on your engagement, and RIP Ashley. Can't wait for the wedding!

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty
« Reply #96 on: April 11, 2012, 08:33:02 AM »
I'm peeved that we haven't lost Octavia yet. She was a real help when there were children in the household but she's living far too long, hasn't got any useful skills, and takes up space so she's now just a nuisance. When Arashi aged up, I had her train him, though it didn't work out too well.

He trains himself nowadays.

The only good news about Ashley's death was that it freed up the tenth slot in the household so that Lazuli could adopt her first Wild Horse. She chose Blumaroo.

Blumaroo is utterly gorgeous and Lazuli would like to keep her as she's an Elder, to live her final years in comfort... but she must think about her career. So Blumaroo was tamed and then sold.

The first three marriages of the Merryweather household I felt had been a little makeshift, just in the back garden with no real décor or anything. And now a huge amount of space is being taken up by areas for Lazuli – both the stables and her new mini-flat section of the house, and the hot-tub and barbeque area, which are set on a small courtyard.

Lazuli and Hubert aren't in any hurry to produce an heir yet, as the horses take most of their attention, so I was able to give some proper thought as to what to do for their wedding.
Lazuli has purchased Meadow Beach (you know, the fishing spot with no ponds on it?). It's a lovely little lot and though I was pained to build on it, I had plans.

I'm not remotely religious, but I do love old churches (and there are lots of them where I live), so I decided to replicate one as best I could. I think the end result is pretty accurate. I even took a chunk out of the Merryweather funds (which stands in the 900,000s now... when did that happen?) to put in that magic book, which makes a halfway decent imitation Bible. I also took all the graves out of the family inventory and created a family cemetary, which will fill up over time. Even Sandpiper and Stelmaria's graves are there.

By the already-installed fire pit, I created a small entertainment area, but I didn't add too much. I didn't want to deface the beauty of the lot. Most of it is still a lush, flowery field.

A day or two later, Lazuli and Hubert were up early. Just because it's their wedding day doesn't mean they can slack on their chores.

They suited up their horses specially. Semprini hasn't worn full tack in a while, as it's quicker and easier for Lazuli to just mount her bareback, but she didn't fuss.

Then Lazuli went off to get ready. This was my first proper experiment with makeup on a Sim. I don't wear makeup myself (can't stand the stuff) and I don't know anything about it really, but this is a wedding and a special occasion so I did my best. I think the overall effect is quite pleasant even if I secretly think she looks prettier without it.

Meanwhile Hubert got dressed, scrambled onto his noble stallion, and raced off to the church to wait for the guests.

For some obscure reason, even though I have Generations installed and put out benches for them, the guests still preferred to stand. Maybe they need single seats.
Ella Carlisle was there, as usual. She's been at every family party and celebration since the Dynasty began. But wait, what on Earth is Quartz doing...?

(And that's Candi Wesley in the background there, by the way. She's still pretty as an Elder.)

Under the gaze of the guests that were able to cram themselves into the church, Lazuli and Hubert were married.

Semprini and Arashi waited outside...

Then, as evening came down, Lazuli and Hubert mounted their dear steeds and rode away into the sunset.

Later that evening, when everyone had gone home, I found Quartz wasn't in the house. It didn't take me long to track him down.

No good can come of this.

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Offline Phantome-A

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 26 - A Blue Wedding!
« Reply #97 on: April 12, 2012, 10:46:26 AM »
Oh boy, will Emerald approve of this? This is so entertaining to read. Thank you and PLEASE I pray that you are able to finish. for my own selfish reasons aswell as your hopeful triumph.

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 26 - A Blue Wedding!
« Reply #98 on: April 15, 2012, 07:58:06 PM »
Thanks, Phantome! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good luck!

Well, I think I can say that this is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me in The Sims. Quartz Merryweather is now in a relationship with his grandmother's best friend.

The trouble is Ella is still in a relationship with Liam O'Dourke, who she married on the very first day of the game. I don't really approve of breaking up their long-term marriage, but Quartz keeps popping Ella-related wishes and a twisted part of me is curious to see how far this will go. Also he has the Master of Seduction lifetime reward and I've never really tried it out before. Maybe I ought to. After all, it's got to be more fun than him just constantly cleaning out the stables, right? Right?

In the meantime, Lazuli has adopted another Wild Horse, a gorgeous white one by the name of Cirrus. Again, I was sorry to have to sell her, but I can concentrate on breeding horses in another file.

When he's not helping Lazuli take care of the horses, Hubert spends his time collecting pets for his Lifetime Wish, The Zoologist. He won't be keeping all of them, of course, but I've made a little sun room for the few he is keeping. He'll be specialising in terrapins and here are his first two, Donatello and Raphael.

Donnie is a Pygmy Tortoise and Raph is a Spotted Turtle. Hopefully I can keep them both alive longer than Azure, who has been gone for a while now. And for TMNT fans, yes, Leonardo and Michelangelo will follow later.
Here is Hubert playing with Donatello shortly after he caught him.

Lazuli's final horse to complete the Mustang Master skill challenge was one more white mare. I named this one Cloud. From here on out, she'll be adopting horses from the shelter to sell.

After living 109 days, FINALLY Octavia Merryweather had her date with Grim.

I wasn't sad to see her go. She more than outstayed her welcome. Even her husband didn't really mourn her (thanks to the Stone Hearted lifetime reward).

With both spouses out of the way (for better or worse), it was time to look to the future. Lazuli and Hubert decided now was as good a time as any to start their own little family.

And they're not the only ones...

The next day, Lazuli was craving pancakes. Emerald was happy to oblige, even if it was likely that Lazuli would lose it later on.

Of course, the downside to Lazuli being pregnant was that she couldn't ride. Regardless, Semprini still headed over to the training grounds to train every day without her rider. She's very close to maxing out both Racing and Jumping.

Both pregnancies went well, but of course, inevitably, they both went into labour at exactly the same time. Total chaos ensued.

Semprini spent a lot of time wandering round the lot to find a good space to give birth. She tried by the hot tub, but thought better of it when she came face to face with a starkers Topaz!

Semprini gave birth first, to a little colt named Myst. Behold the cuteness!

And finally, after a long labour, Lazuli too gave birth. I'm thrilled to introduce you to Amethyst Merryweather.

Everyone is very pleased with the new arrivals!

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 27 - You Lose One, You Gain Some
« Reply #99 on: April 16, 2012, 03:34:49 AM »
Welcome to the world little Amethyst.

Please follow the forum rules.

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 27 - You Lose One, You Gain Some
« Reply #100 on: April 16, 2012, 06:33:19 AM »
Nawww I love the name Myst :)

Offline Phantome-A

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 27 - You Lose One, You Gain Some
« Reply #101 on: April 16, 2012, 07:46:59 AM »
:D yay for the nooboo. Amethyst is by birthstone so I think she will be my favourite. Congratz

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 28 - Down to Earth
« Reply #102 on: May 07, 2012, 09:09:39 AM »
First of all, thought I'd share this gorgeous couple of shots of Semprini and Myst. Did I mention yet that I ADORE the horses in Sims 3?

Semprini has now maxed Racing, and has the Fearless Foals Lifetime Reward, so Myst isn't fussed when his mother goes away to compete, as long as he has someone to feed and play with him. He's a bit of a handful, though. His traits are Agressive and Piggy, along with Untrained, so I have to watch him with Arashi or else they're at each other's throats.

As for baby Amethyst, she spends pretty much all day in the swingseat. Because of this, she rarely gives me any trouble, so I don't pay that much attention to her. Her father enjoys playing with her when he isn't out collecting pets.

Lazuli meanwhile trains hard with Semprini. They're ready to tackle the slightly more dangerous jumps now...


Oh no! Lazuli!



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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 28 - Down to Earth
« Reply #103 on: May 07, 2012, 10:40:29 AM »
 :'( Oh my! I hope she didn't die. 

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Re: The Merryweather Dynasty: Part 28 - Down to Earth
« Reply #104 on: May 07, 2012, 12:41:28 PM »
Oh I don't like these kind of cliffhangers!!  :-[