Bolt the Unicorn made another appearance while Davy was on the rounds collecting money from the family's properties (the property Bolt lives on now belongs to Topaz). I'm getting kinda attached to him so I hope my Equestrian Merryweather will be able to convince him to join the clan. Probably after she's achieved Immortality, though. We've got to watch the space in the household.
Also, this is what the unicorn's aura looks like from a worm's eye view. No real reason, it just looks awesome:
Quartz ages up in a couple of days so I'm taking as many pictures of him as I can while I still can. Honestly, you'd have thought I'd given birth to him myself the way I fuss over him. He's reached the Honour Role, which is great as it means I'll get to choose his next trait. His life is fairly routine because he can't get going on his Martial Arts until he reaches Young Adult. He hangs out with his family, plays a lot, school, homework. He's also got an Imaginary Friend called Galaxy who plays a big part in his life.
Unlike most Imaginary Friends I've heard about, Galaxy is a sweet boy and has no problems with cleaning up the household if everyone else is busy.
I'm a little concerned about Davy. He's only two days from aging up to Elder. Topaz managed to capture a portrait of him in that time.
He's got level 8 Painting skill, but I'm wondering if he'll actually live to see Topaz hit her Elder birthday. If he doesn't I could be in some serious trouble because the others in the house are the Immortals and since Painting is Topaz's SuperMax skill, I can't risk either Quartz or Emerald getting all the way up to Level 7. Hmmm what to do, what to do?
Wait, Quartz's Imaginary Friend! Galaxy! I suppose it is a possibility... especially as Quartz just got the "When Dreams Come True" opportunity...
Right. That's what I will do. We have space in the house and if I get control of Galaxy
now that means I may be able to control his traits. We've got a supply of the rare Rainbow Gems down in the basement pending future generations, but I'm sure we can spare just one...
It's very late, so Topaz takes Quartz to the Science Centre to collect the potion.
Quartz is too tired to give the potion to Galaxy right now. I'll wait until his birthday party. The ULTIMATE birthday present for our special little boy.
The next day when Quartz gets home from school, the birthday party begins! But beforehand, our little boy hands his lifelong best friend the potion...
It took a long time to complete the transformation. I was worried Quartz wasn't going to get to the cake. But eventually we welcomed Galaxy Merryweather into the clan! His traits are Daredevil, Hydrophobic and Easily Impressed. No horrible traits, which I was worried about.
He turned out quite nicely, don't you think?
Then Quartz finally got to the cake with his aunt Minzi looking on. (I need to watch her. She's a Kleptomaniac.)
I'm sure I've seen this expression before...
Quartz was a handsome child. I'm gonna miss that little face.
Jump for joy and...
Argh! The eyes! Looks like Nicholas' eyes are like Christopher Steel's lips. Unfortunately Quartz doesn't have the face shape Nicholas did to balance them so they look a bit out of place. He's looking more and more Asian as each age goes by, I swear. Ah well. He may not have retained the gorgeous looks of his toddlerhood, but he's still my Sim so I'll love him whatever.
Also that night, what on EARTH!?
this was unexpected. There's still no sign of Nicholas' grave, but it must be somewhere on the lot otherwise he wouldn't appear! Such a mystery... Maybe when I remodel the house I'll stumble across it.
Galaxy didn't age up until the next day. Quartz took him off to his first day of school. Doesn't he look like a protective big brother?
Galaxy didn't have a party, but he got a birthday cake.
Ooh, he's a hottie! And it corresponds with his new trait, Flirty.
Life moves on for our Merryweather clan.