Author Topic: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)  (Read 4441 times)

Offline simlishlol

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The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« on: November 08, 2011, 10:55:40 AM »
Welcome to the Paton Dynasty! I'm going to use this post for the Table of contents, and in a few hours I'll post the intro, after I'm done with school. ;)

~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~

Chapter One: Unforeseen Circumstances


Katelyn Paton

Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Neat, Equestrian, Natural Cook, Frugal
LTW: The Jockey
Career: Level 2 Horsewoman
Supermax Skill: Riding; not done
6 Black ops:
6 Best Friends: Ming Paton (horse), Kenji Paton,
Museum:Young Adult
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 09:43:25 PM »

My name is Katelyn Paton. :D I've lived in the city my whole life, but I think I want some new scenery. It would be nice to look out my window and see an actual yard and something natural, instead of another apartment building! Somewhere out in the country, where it's easy to get closer to nature. Some small town, where everybody know each other, and life goes by a lot slower. I think i'd like to settle down in a place like that. Graduation is in a few days, and i'll soon after be on a train headed to a town called Appaloosa Plains. I'm going to get a job at the equine center there, where they breed and sell horses. I'll be renting a small apartment on the edge of town, where there are some other young adults my age. It's the start of my being a responsible adult. Well, i'd better go, I here my mom calling. I'll see you again after graduation! Bye for now!

When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

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Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2011, 10:23:49 AM »
After school I will update. Last night I wrote for a long time, i hope you guys like it! I'd say it was one of my better writing pieces. :)
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 04:27:29 PM »
Chapter One: Unforeseen Circumstances

  It’s the day after I graduated, and I feel… alive. I’m moving out, starting a new life. I’ll be on a train halfway to Appaloosa Plains tomorrow afternoon, away from the hustle and bustle of Bridgeport. Out in the open, not a paved jungle, but a real, truly alive forest. Not some Man-made pond or fowl smelling lake, but a natural lake bed or a spring. I want, no- crave this, to be there.

       *       *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *       

  “One ticket to Appaloosa Plains please.” I told the small man at the ticket booth with a grin.

  “Yes ma’am. Here yah go. That’ll be twenty simoleons please.” He said as he slipped a piece of paper that said, ‘APPALOOSA PLAINS; ONE WAY’ through the slit in the window that separated them. I got the 20 simoleons out of my wallet and slid it through the same slit in the glass. “You have a nice trip now, ma’am.” He said with a smile.

  “I will, thanks.” I said with overwhelming confidence. As I got on the train, I looked in the car for an empty seat, and then went to sit down.

  “So what brings you to Appaloosa Plains? I would think a city girl like you would steer clear of towns like that.” I nearly jumped out of my seat, because I had barely noticed the frail old lady that sat next to me, slightly turned to me now.

  “I-I’m going to Appaloosa Plains to start my career at their equine center.  They have a nice life going for them, the people there, and I’d thought that maybe I’d like to give it a try.” I said, wondering what had made this lady so curious.

  “Hmm, interesting… she seems like she may work… I can’t just stay on this train for the rest of my life, expecting the ‘perfect’ person to walk through those train doors. She will have to do what I could not.” She must have thought I couldn’t hear her, but she probably had exceptional hearing loss, not to mention I have always had excellent hearing.

  She didn’t say another word while we were on the train. Eventually, I laid my head back and fell asleep. Things would never be the same again. Of course, I didn’t know that then, because if I did, I would have never closed my eyes. Maybe I wouldn’t be in this mess if I hadn’t. There’s just no way of telling.

   *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *   

  I woke up feeling groggy, confused, and frankly, a little scared. I didn’t know where I was. I wasn’t on the train anymore, I wasn’t even sure if I was still in the same country, I just couldn’t know. I was sprawled on the grass in a huge field. I sat up and looked around, finding a note on the dew covered grass beside me.

Dear Katelyn,

  Wait a sec, it was coming back to me now. The old lady, the weird question, the muttering under her breath… I didn’t tell her my name. Was this letter from her?

In case you were wondering, you are in Appaloosa Plains.

  I sighed in relief. At least I knew where I was.

You have been chosen for a very important task, one that is vital to all of simkind.

  Whoa, hold on a sec- all of simkind?! Way to make this situation even worse for me!

The empty lot where you are located now is yours, and also you have a bank account waiting for you with 1800 simoleans. I’m afraid we couldn’t bring your belongings with you.

  What the heck?! Is she saying I have to LIVE here? It’s an empty field for crying out loud!! 1800 simoleans isn’t exactly enough to build a house you know! As for my things, what do you mean you couldn’t bring them?? All I had was a backpack with my laptop, my wallet, and my résumé for the equine center! “Oh!” I reached for my neck, and with a sigh of relief found that I still had my necklace. My father gave it to me when he left for war. He never came back; this necklace is all I have left of him. I read on.

You’ll find that the renters that you were planning to rent from will not recognize you, and you will not be aloud to rent an apartment, so no trying to find another place to live.

  “Oh perfect” I groaned. “Nothing like camping on an empty field… with not even a tent or a sleeping bag… This just gets better and better.” I said grumpily.

When you finish ranting on about getting your wish, go to the mailbox at the end of the property. Take heed to what’s inside, it will be your lifeline, and, if you succeed, the key to immortality.

  “This is NOT what I wished for!” I screamed at nothing in particular. I mumbled grumpily to myself as I got on my feet and looked for the mailbox. I saw it, and got a weird feeling. Curiosity. “It did kill the cat, lets hope it doesn’t kill the Katelyn.” As I got closer, anticipation replaced the curiosity, and then it turned into full bound anxiety. On one hand, she didn’t want to know what was inside the box.  On the other, she was terribly curious and not to mention enticed. Immortality… The curiosity out weighed the dread, and I jogged over to the mailbox.  I opened it and found a thick package inside. I walked closer to where I woke up and sat crossed legged on the ground, opening the package as I went.

  Inside were several pieces of paper. I read the first line:

How to start your immortal dynasty!

Congratulations [Insert pitiful soul here]! You have been chosen to start your own immortal dynasty!! You will be located at [Insert starting lot here] in [Insert town name here]! In case you haven't noticed, you don't have a house or any possessions on your land!

  Well no duh, Captain Obvious!

This is because for the challenge you have been chosen for is designed so that you have to make money and build your own house from the ground up!

  Oh joy, I LOVE building! NOT!!

But wait, theres more!!

  Ooof course there is. Why wouldn't there be more??

To begin your immortal dynasty, you need to follow these inclosed instructions! Please begin immediately after reading!

  … Ok, that was just a little
too cheery for something that's turning my world upside down. But, the lady said that it was for all of simkind… I guess I have to. Whoa, That reminds me! I didn't even read to see if it really was from the lady. I looked back to the note crumpled in my pocket.

Good luck,
               Agnes Dragon

  That seems like her. And if it isn't, well, it's not anyone I know anyways. I then read over the rest of the packet. Supermax skills, opportunities, heirs… this is going to be a lot of work. At least it says here that I can still choose any career I would like. At least
that part of my future wasn't crushed. On this list, it says I need a husband… that's what I'm most concerned about, right there. I need to get it over with though. I guess I can start looking near the apartments where I was supposed to live. Ugh… first I think I should head to a fast food place. I'm suddenly so hungry, that must be my body getting over the shock. Well, I'd better get going.


Author's notes: That took a really long time to write! I think I really like this writing style, with less pictures and more writing. Tell me what you guys think! :D
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2011, 06:41:13 PM »
I really liked it! You're a good write, and good luck Katelyn!


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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2011, 06:54:22 PM »
You're writing is very good! I like it :)

Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2011, 06:57:54 PM »
I really liked it! You're a good write, and good luck Katelyn!
Thank you very much! ;D
You're writing is very good! I like it :)
Glad you liked it! ;)
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

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Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2011, 01:22:23 PM »
So sorry I haven't been around to continue this guys! I have had to do a factory reset to my game, because of a disk authorization error :P The Paton Dynasty was pretty bugged, and I wanted to start a new Paton file because there were a lot of Pet's bugs that I wanted to be fixed with the new update. Because of the factory reset however, I had to completely re-make Katelyn, but I think I did a pretty good job, she looks almost exactly the same! I've started it and I can just continue the story like nothing happened, since I hadn't gotten far at all in the story. :P So I will work on this next part, and hopefully, no bugs! *knocks on wood* ;D
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2011, 04:58:57 PM »
Love it! And she has my name :D So I'll for sure be following this story along. Good luck!

Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2011, 05:49:29 PM »
Love it! And she has my name :D So I'll for sure be following this story along. Good luck!
Thanks Kattiq! Glad to have you back! :D
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2012, 04:17:37 PM »
To avoid, um, embarrassing failure (::)) I am going to play until I can get Katelyn's first painting so I'm past the critical part of the beginning for me, that's what I always seem to have trouble with. :P So as soon as I do that succesfully, I'll continue the story! ;D
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2012, 06:44:16 PM »
So I had been having technical difficulties with the game, so I had to do a complete reinstall. Hopefully, I can get back to this story soon! :D
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2012, 09:16:22 PM »
Sorry to hear about your problems! As much as I love this game it seems like the glitches and bugs are endless!
I hope the reinstall works for you :)

Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2012, 10:09:42 PM »
So true! I played for awhile after I finished the reinstall- it seems to be working better then before it started bugging up! Yay! ;D
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D

Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Paton Dynasty (Here we go again)
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2012, 10:42:04 PM »
Ok, got to the point I wanted to in the game, with Katelyn's first portrait painted. Wierd turn Of events though. I think somehow her husband aged up to elder (he was supposed to age up within 8 days to adult, not elder) before they got married. I went along with it because he was still a good choice and I didn't want to find another bachelor for her when she was already too close to adult. It's kind of creepy, lol. Also, the husband seems to have acquired A bug. A nice one, but probably not a good thing since this is supposed to be a HoF run! I'm not sure how it happened but at some point he woke up, and hasn't needed to sleep since then. It's acting like its static, but all his other need bars are normal. I didn't think to reset him. :o I'll have to get some ruling on that!
When life gives you founders, you make an immortal dynasty!
Feel free to call me Simlish ;D