Author Topic: Re married to the ex  (Read 67798 times)


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Re married to the ex
« on: March 12, 2010, 11:19:29 AM »
Hey all.

Long story short I fooled around with my sims and tried some stuff with my 2 sims, broke up and now I want to get them back together again as husband and wife. BUT the option in the romance tab never comes, well at least I try a lot of romance. They still live together and have perfect green bar, but the "status" just always stands as "ex"

Now cant 2 sims marry more than once? Or do I need to do something before they can marry each other again?

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: re married to the ex
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 11:30:10 AM »
Having Romantic feelings towards other Sims might be part of the problem. Make sure the 2 Sims you want to have remarry do not have any Romantic relationships other than their own. And don't forget that the Marrying social is a whole chain of socials. You won't see that initially. First, there's Go Steady, then Propose, then finally Have Private Wedding.

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Re: re married to the ex
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 11:45:40 AM »
Well, first off, they don't have anyone else as the "break up" was my doing. But apart from the chain, not even going back to being "girlfriend" comes up in the romance.

I read at another forum that there needs to go some time before the sim can get married again. For instance, with the travel needing 2 days. But again, the only thing I have is the little sign at the Sims picture with 2 broken rings. Other than that, I don't see why they should not get back together just after the break up, even.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: re married to the ex
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2010, 11:54:57 AM »
No what you must do is you must go into the "Mean" category (I think... It could be another one though) and ask to just be friends. That will make them your friend again so you can start opening up more romantic options.
Trust me, I've had my fair share of broken relationships (I just normally do it with the teenagers because I like to see how independent I can make them.)


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Re: re married to the ex
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2010, 11:56:11 AM »
OK... now I got them back to be "romantic interest" *SIGH* But now I have problems with the get married topic. Full bar, but the topic just won't show up under romance, no matter how much of it I do.

[Edited for punctuation.  Please try to be more careful with correct punctuation in your posts to avoid excessive editing.  Thanks!  -Pam]

Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 01:12:56 PM »
You have to keep up w/ the romance.  It'll go from so and so finds so and so to be flirty.  And then it goes to romantic, and then something else, and then finally it says irresistible or something like that.  At that point you should get the option to propose or go steady.


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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2010, 03:38:32 PM »
Oh well. I decided to take an old save and start over. So problem is solved in a way. It was early enough to have them still being married. :-D

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Offline samoht04

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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2010, 04:49:58 PM »
There is an Option after using loads of friendly socials which shows up, called 'Ask to just be friends' I think it shows up when the other sim thinks they are being friendly and maybe once the break up moodlet is gone.
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2010, 09:42:28 PM »
There is an Option after using loads of friendly socials which shows up, called 'Ask to just be friends' I think it shows up when the other sim thinks they are being friendly and maybe once the break up moodlet is gone.
Yes, this is what I meant. After you do that, you can easily go back into a romantic relationship with said Sim.


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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2010, 05:01:00 PM »
Be careful as there is a bug out that doesn't allow you to remarry or live with someone else ever again once you have already married once. I have the bug, I got it with the WA expansion. My first Sim I made with WA got married to the first girl he met, turns out later on he met the love of his life. He then broke up with his wife through the mean option and kicked her out of his house. He then romanced the love of his life but even getting her to the extremely irresistible state still does not give the option to go steady. He can WooHoo with her and even have kids with her, but never does he get the option to have her move in after getting to friendly or to up the romantic interest stage after getting her to extremely irresistible. I have tried several Sims since then and the same thing, once they marry that is the only Sim they can ever live with without going to Edit mode and splitting houses. They, for sure can never marry any other Sim ever again.

Patiently waiting for the patch that will fix this, hopefully some day soon!  ::)

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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2010, 01:32:14 AM »
Okay, I was thinking of when my Sims divorced.  There was an option in there somewhere you clicked on when they talked to become just friends again.  If you didn't do the just friends thing, it would always show up on the friend bar as an ex until I did that.  Even if you got them to kissing, you had to agree to be friends first.

Offline Swede1992

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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2010, 04:11:50 PM »
@Chelkey: I have that bug you're talking 'bout, but at least I can make others move in with me. Have you really checked that you can't? Remember that it's among the friendly socials.
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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2010, 01:38:41 PM »
This "bug" has affected my game as well. I have split the relationship between Thorton and Morgana Wolff and the relationship box shows that they are Ex's. I have Morgana dating Christopher Steel and the option to marry will not show up. They show up as each other's partner on the relationship box, but the option to marry never comes up. I've tried every scenario I can think of - even going to City Hall and changing her last name from Wolff, but even that does not change anything.

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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2010, 01:42:12 PM »
I had same problem with her so I got her pregnant and killed him, I know that was cruel but it adds spice!  ;)
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Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Re married to the ex
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2010, 11:19:47 PM »
Same problem here, did all I was suppose to, break up, just be friends, nothing works, but, not really a big deal.  I just change their last names and even though it is not the same, it is better than alot of the glitches and bigger problems that people are having.
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