Hello, first post here! I'm Rui, from Portugal, and both me and the missus are heavy into Sims 3. Obviously, this site has done wonders for our enjoyment of the game, insofar as to let us know just how huge a game Sims 3 is...
So, on to my question!, but first, an introduction so you can better school me on my problem.
I've started a game with a lonely writer, called Gustavo Elias (I'm a huge comic book fan, and I based him on comic book writeer Warren Ellis
); my intent was on him living solely on his writting skills; I had to semi-abandon my project, when the bills came on knocking, and proceeded to take a part-time job at the bookstore. When he was getting to an old age, he met this other Sim, a beautiful blonde middle-age woman named Laura, whom he proceeded to flirt, and then marry, having a kid. Said kid then grew up to be an austronaut and martial artist, married and has a kid of his own, Chen, who is now into his adolescent years, but already planning big to be a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder.
The thing is, Gustavo and his missus, Laura, have both passed away, and the grave markers went to their son, who, when given the chance, ressurected them both as ghosts. Now my household is a ghost-couple, a human couple, an adolescent, and an Egyptian woman Gustavo brought with him, after a mad stay in Egypt during holidays.
Laura's LTW is Gold Digger; when she married Gustavo he wasn't rich, but his son did became rich, and when Gustavo came back to unlife into the household, he became rich, as well; wouldn't this trigger Laura's LTW? By the way, Laura's status with Gustavo is fiancée, not wife, but I've tried to get the "propose" option on their conversation, to no avail!