Author Topic: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances (Failed)  (Read 29186 times)


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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2011, 01:06:44 PM »
That's one scary vampire lol! Can't wait to see the nooboo don't let us wait too long ;D

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2011, 02:52:45 PM »
Ahg! Can't believe I missed the start! At least I'm here now! It's amazing!  :D Especially that House. It's certainly... unique but totally awesome!  ;D
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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2011, 06:50:52 PM »

Maybe Artie isn't the only one with green people fever?  Meet Tomas the handyman.  He came to fix the sink Artie broke earlier.

Rica: "I don't think you're winning."
Mr Bigglesworth: "Of course I'm winning."
..a moment passes..
Mr Bigglesworth: "Aha!  I got it."
Rica: "What is it?"
Mr Bigglesworth: "A shrew.  I figure it will make a great wedding present for Artie."
Rica: "I'm not sure whether to encourage you or scold you."
Mr Bigglesworth: "Oh look.  I'm a hunter now."

Here's the other wedding present they got that was useful.  Nicholas bought it so I'm sure he was thinking it was more useful for himself than the house since he's the cook.

Rica: "No no.. a little more of that other stuff."
Cassidy: "Shh."
Rica: "No.. not that stuff, the stuff from before."
Cassidy: "Do you mind?"
Rica: "Not at all.  And I meant the stuff in the little vial."
Cassidy: "If you don't leave me be, I'm going to blow up the house."
Rica: "Geez.  Just trying to help.  I know how to make a sleeping potion already, it's you who doesn't."

Jessica: "This is going to be so much fun. "
Rica: "Yeaa.  About that.  We need you to do something for us."
Jessica: "Ut Oh.  What's that?"
Rica: "I need you to slave away at nothing but sculpting until you get to the point where your ice sculptures don't melt and I need you to do it in two weeks."
Jessica: "Is that even possible?"
Rica: "Assuming Cassidy learns the sleeping potion, you don't complain about being stinky and you don't mind eating nothing but raw produce for a while. Yeah it's doable."
Jessica: "Well alright then but you'll owe me later."

Dawn: "Who's a pretty boy."
Rica: "What did you name him again?"
Dawn: "Sylvester.  Don't worry.  I know.. back to painting."
Rica: "No no by all means get some socializing in."

Rica: "Hey I said you could talk to the bird not make a phone call!"
Dawn: "I'll be back to painting in just a minute Rica.  Now if you'll excuse me."
Rica: "Hmph."

Mr Bigglesworth: "Why am I fishing at the graveyard again?"
Rica: "I want to see if you can catch a deathfish this way."
Mr Bigglesworth: "I don't think it matters where I fish.  I'm just that awesome."
Rica: "Shush.. you're scaring away the fish."

Rica: "That's not fishing!"
Mr Bigglesworth: "I'm done fishing - I need to scratch something!"
Rica: "Then go home."
Mr Bigglesworth.  "And now I have fleas.  This is all your fault.  You're lucky I can't make you bathe me."
Rica: "Yes I am."

Rica: "See.  I told you.."
Cassidy: "Shut it woman!"
Artie: "Hey that's my line."
Cassidy: "You shut it too."
Artie: "Hmph"
Rica: -giggle-
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #48 on: November 17, 2011, 07:34:35 PM »

Rica: "Hey look at you.  Starting the ice process already."
Jessica: "Yeah that wasn't so bad.  How many do I need to do?"
Rica: "Oh.. only 24 more after this one."
Jessica: "That's not what I wanted to hear."

Rica: "What on earth are you doing?"
Mr Bigglesworth: "I think he's trying to show us that he really is a dog."
Artie: -cough- "That wasn't very nice.  I think we need to get someone that can teach you manners."

Mr Bigglesworth: "Oh please gentle master.  Accept this spider as a gift to show you that I really don't need you to do that which you threatened.
Artie: "Aww what a thankful gift.  But the call has already been made.  Sorry Bud."
Mr Bigglesworth:  "In that case, I want my spider back."
Artie: "Too late.  It's mine now."

Rica: "I would like you all to meet the newest Grim -- Cherish."
Artie: "I still don't know why we can't name her Cheshire."
Rica: "Because I said so."
Cherish: "Mrow?"
Artie: "Aww, this one can't talk."
Rica: "Or she thinks you're an idiot."

Boy meets Girl.
Girl sniffs Boy.
Boy chats with Girl.
Girl chats with Boy.
Boy and Girl become friends.

The family that preys together..

..stays together.

Dawn: "You know.. you have the most gorgeous eyes."
Nicholas: "Yours remind me of the afternoon sky when I'm out in my garden.."
Rica: … -confused-

Next Update: New Toys
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #49 on: November 17, 2011, 08:24:05 PM »
Great update! :D
Formerly Simstar3

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #50 on: November 17, 2011, 11:20:16 PM »
Go, Dawn! Find someone who might be meaningful to you maybe perhaps!

Also, is it just me, or is the 'pretend to be a dog' animation for crazy sims new (post-Pets, basically)?
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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #51 on: November 18, 2011, 06:33:57 AM »
Great update! It's so much fun to read, love it ;D

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #52 on: November 19, 2011, 07:33:19 PM »

Artie: "He's kinda cute for a greenie."
Cassidy: "I'm green."
Artie: "Yes and you're adorable.  I'm just not sure he's adorable."
Cassidy: "What if our child is green?"
Artie: "We put it back in and until it's done cooking."
Cassidy: -punch to the ribs-
Artie: "Ow"

Rica: So I know what you guys were thinking seeing this picture.   It's a greenboo!  How about I show you how we got to this point?

The Grim Family welcomes Thomas Sommers.  He's artistic and hates the outdoors.  His favorites are yellow, autumn salad and country music.

Dawn: I know the evidence looks bad against me but I would like a chance to explain everything.  I've been in my adult life stage since I met Artie.  I've known that my time was limited and all I've ever really wanted was to have a family.  This house is the family I always wanted but something was missing for me.  I wanted a baby.  I enjoyed being friends with Thomas but when we weren't both shackled to our responsibilities, it was my Nickie that I wanted to be with.  We talked about everything with each other.  Over the course of a few days we had talked about everything: our hopes, our dreams, what we wanted out of life.  We both decided we wanted to be with each other but that's when Nickie told me his dirty little secret.  When Nick was growing up there had been an accident that had left him as a paraplegic and his mother as a widow.  Once they got over their grief, Nicholas and his mother had moved here to Hidden Springs in hopes that they could fix his legs.  He says he promised to never tell anyone what the cure was.  He does say that this is why he loves all things green, especially his garden.  The only drawback to his miracle was that he was told he'd never be able to have children. 
     I must admit when I heard that I was a bit brokenhearted.  I had found my perfect mate but there was no hope of us continuing our line.  After a night of restlessness, I went out to his garden to tell him that it was ok that we couldn't have kids of our own.   The two of us could adopt just as easily and raise the child as our own. 

Nicholas: She wasn't the only one who hadn't gotten any sleep.  I knew better than anyone that having a child of her own had meant something to her.  So I told her that my dream of being with her forever could wait long enough for her to find someone that could fulfill her dream of motherhood.   We argued.  We talked heatedly.  We discussed reasonably and finally I won.

Dawn: He's a dirty cheat.  He called up Tomas and invited him over. 

Nicholas: I've known Tomas since I was a boy.  Tomas is a local like Cassidy.  They all knew about my medical past.  So yes I called him up.  I knew he was a friend of Dawn's.  I know that they shared her first kiss.  Together we teamed up against Dawn.  Tomas didn't have anyone and it was almost his elder birthday.  He didn't want to leave this world without leaving something behind.  Dawn knew what that felt like and eventually, like I said earlier, I won.

Dawn: The two of them have done everything to make me feel not guilty but I think it's the ability to look into my son's beautiful blue eyes that makes me realize I made the right decision.

Artie: Yes Yes, we're all going to live happily ever after! Can I get my story back now?
Rica: Artie be nice.
Artie: Well that greenboo over there isn't the only thing that happened over the weekend.
Rica: Oh?

Artie: Like this crib.  I got this crib for the new arrival.  I had it especially made for our family.
Rica: Yes well it definitely fits the house.
Artie: I know! Isn't it great?
Rica: Ok what else happened?

Artie: We got the cats a new contraption that helps get rid of fleas without giving them to the rest of us.
Rica: And how do the cats feel about it?
Cherish: It's unnatural but if it keeps the fleas away, I guess I can handle it.
Artie: Hey! How come you never talk to me?
Mr Bigglesworth: I told her she didn't have to unless she didn't want to so apparently it's because she doesn't want to.
Rica: Before this becomes a fight, you got anything else to say Artie?
Artie: Uhh.. No.  Off to the consignment shop.
Mr Bigglesworth: Bring me back something good.

Artie: You know a miner.  Big yellow thing about this high and makes a lot of noise.
Consignment Specialist: No.  Nothing like that back here.
Artie: -buys some things-  How about now?
Consignment Specialist: Oh yeah.  I just got something like that in.  Here ya go.
Artie: -evil laugh, steepled fingers- Excellent.
Rica: Oh boy.  There goes the neighborhood.

Next Update: Baby Fever!
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #53 on: November 19, 2011, 08:14:43 PM »
Welcome little Thomas! Hidden Springs may have a load of springs and a whole lot less of hidden ones...
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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #54 on: November 20, 2011, 04:45:01 AM »
Lol, awesome update! Artie is the best!  :D
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Offline ratchie

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #55 on: November 20, 2011, 10:52:20 PM »
Hello baby Thomas. Its amazing what they can find at the back of the consignment store once you buy a couple of things. Of course in a world where you can fit a car in your pocket I suppose a little thing like a miner could get lost quite easily in a big shop like that.

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2011, 02:34:41 AM »
Artie with a miner the poor neighbours lol! Awesome update ;D

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #57 on: November 22, 2011, 04:38:15 PM »

Jessica: "Cute little nooboo."
Rica: "He matches your night gown."
Jessica: "Kind of.  How many more days?"
Rica: "Five more until his adult birthday."
Jessica: "Five more days to get 11 more ice sculptures done."
Rica: "You can do it.  I know you can."

Meanwhile - the birth of little Thomas has an interesting effect on the other couples of the house.

Nicholas: "Who's the most perfect little green nooboo huh?"
Thomas: -awesome baby giggles-
Nicholas: "That's right.  You are.  You are."
Cassidy: "I think you're making me sick."

Cassidy: "Yea.  Definitely too much baby talk going on."
Rica: "Or Artie was finally able to sweet talk you into a nooboo."
Cassidy: "Maybe.  Mainly because I'm hoping it's green."
Rica: "What if it's twins and it's one red one and one green one?"
Cassidy: "Shush you."

Cassidy: "Aww Nooboo."
Rica: "HA I was right."
Cassidy: "Don't let it go to your head or anything."
Rica: "No no no, of course not. What do you want, a boy or a girl?"
Cassidy: "I'm just glad the nausea is over really."
Artie: "I want a girl if anyone cares."
Cassidy: "Of course we don't."
Artie: "Yeowch."
Cassidy: "Just kidding, love.  If you want a girl, I'll go get some watermelon from the store."

Cassidy: "Hey Laila, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me with the gender of my baby."
Laila: "I'm still upset that you left the hospital but I guess I can do this for you for old times sake."
Cassidy: "I really appreciate it.  I don't want to eat nothing but fruit until it's all over."
Laila: "Well, it's definitely a girl now.  I hope that's what you were wanting."
Cassidy: "Yep.  Too bad you can't guarantee it will be green."
Laila: "What?"
Cassidy: "Nevermind.  Have a good night."

Rica: "Hey Artie.. what's going on?"
Artie: "Well, the house is kind of having trouble with space right now so there isn't really room for a new arrival or two."
Rica: "So what are you thinking?"
Artie: "Dawn and I talked it over and she wants to give Thomas a new crib, too so..."
Rica: "So?"
Artie: "It's been decided to release Sylvester back into the wild.  I hate to do it but we don't really have the money to push upwards yet."
Rica: "That's probably the most responsible thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth."
Artie: "Geez woman."

Rica: "Bye bye Sylvester."
Sylvester: "Bye Bye."

Rica: "Oh Cherish.. what's wrong sweetie?"
Cherish: -more yowling-
Rica: "OH!  That's what a cat labor face looks like.  Good to know. " -snap of fingers- "Man I was hoping for some cross eyes."

~*~ Welcome Chester Grim ~*~

Mr. Bigglesworth:  "Yes you will do quite nicely."
Chester: "Mrow?"
Rica: "Do quite nicely for what?"
Mr. Bigglesworth: "I can't live forever you know.  Someone has to become the liaison between this world and the boss's."
Rica: "Ah right."
Mr. Bigglesworth: "I think you need to get to work yourself."
Rica: "I do?"
Mr. Bigglesworth: "Yes.  My son needs a place to sleep and something to scratch and dont forget to move the litterbox inside."
Rica: "Well aren't you just full of it today.? Hmph"
Chester: "Now."
Mr Bigglesworth: "He's so cute."

Rica: "Whoops.  I guess you don't need that cake huh."
Thomas: -gigglegurgle-
Rica: "Aww."

Ladies, eat your hearts out! 

Two days to go...

Jessica: "I did it!"
Rica: "You did it!"
Cassidy: "Artie!"

Next Update: Generation Two Arrives!
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #58 on: November 22, 2011, 04:58:11 PM »
Way to go Jessica and I guess that somebody is in labour. I really hope it is a little green nooboo.

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Re: Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances
« Reply #59 on: November 22, 2011, 05:03:19 PM »
I don't know who is cuter...Chester or Thomas!  I can't wait to see Artie's offspring.   ;D

