Mr Bigglesworth: "I think this should be Artie's property. It seriously needs help."
Rica: "Artie's property is Artie's choice. I do agree though. At least the food bowl is full."
Mr Bigglesworth: "There is that and we don't have to pay to refill it."
Rica: "Exactly. Maybe you'll meet someone that Artie can marry."
Dawn Sommers: "Welcome to Graham's Pet Swap Shop. How can I help you today?"
Artie: "Hi. I've inherited a cat and I've never really had an animal before. What should I get to keep him from being taken away?"
Dawn Sommers: "You've come to the right place. Let me show your our list for cats."
Rica: "Why isn't there a litter box on there?"
Artie: "I don't know. Do I need one?"
Dawn Sommers: "Need a what?"
Artie: "A litter box."
Dawn Sommers: "Oh. definitely, if it's an indoor animal."
Artie: "I just moved into town and I'm looking to meet new people. My name is Artie Grim."
Dawn Sommers: "Wow. I just moved here, too. I'm Dawn Sommers. They called me in just to work the pet shop here."
Artie: "Sommers.. Sommers. You mean like the people who own the modern mansion on the other side of the hill?"
Dawn: "That's right. I just moved in this morning."
Artie: "What a coincidence. Before I came over here, I took a moment to admire your home. I think it's a real beauty."
Dawn: "If you think that's nice, you should see the car they gave me, too."
Artie: + +
Artie: "You're right. This is an amazing car. I've always been a Bwan Speedster fan myself."
Artie: "And all that was left was the reaper's scythe leaning against the tree.."
Dawn: -gasp- + +
Artie: "Dawn, I've had a great time tonight. I was wondering if you were interested in having more great times on many nights ahead by moving in with me."
Dawn: "I would love to! I love the great outdoors and seeing this big empty lot here fills me with such joy that I have to join your household and get out of the Pet Store business."
Artie: "Hey hey now. I'm just asking for a roommate. I don't think I can handle a relationship right now."
Dawn: "Let's cuddle under the stars and you can tell me all about it."
Artie: "Umm.. Ok. Welcome to the house."
(Dawn Sommers: Easily Impressed, Loves the Outdoors, Family-Oriented, Hopeless Romantic, Artistic. Her favorites are white, stir-fry and hip hop. Her lifetime wish is to be a Master of the Arts. And in her pocket was a Margaret Vaguester ($105k), Special Snowflake ($705), and Do I Exist? ($842) for a total of $126,547 brought in.)
Rica: "Ta-da!"
Artie: "Oh thank Rica. A toilet."
Mr Bigglesworth: "A bed! You got me a bed!"
Dawn: "Um what is all this? And who are the new voices?"
Artie: -flush- "The first one was Rica and the second one is the white fluffball."
Mr Bigglesworth: "Who you calling a fluffball?"
Dawn: "Who or what is a Rica?"
Rica: "I'm a better friend than Artie ever will be. I take care of your basic needs. Hence the sudden appearance of a bed,toilet and a fridge."
Artie: "Where is the house?"
Rica: "I'm too tired to build and it's dark. I'll think about it in the morning."
Artie: "Fine!"
Mr Bigglesworth: -cat giggles- "It's a catnip mouse."
Dawn: "I think we've all had a long night. Let's go to sleep."
Artie: "Yeah we should do that. I have work in 6 hours."
Rica: "Good Morning Dawn. Sleep well?"
Dawn: "Yes and it's a bright new day. Maybe today I'll meet the one."
Rica: "The one what?"
Dawn: "The one that will make my heart skip a beat."
Rica: "So you have no intentions to shackle Artie?"
Dawn: "Oh of course not. I like my men tall dark and handsome, not crazy average and the color of tomatoes."
Rica: "Wow. Ok. We'll see. How do you feel about painting?"
Dawn: "I love painting! I want to take a class in painting."
Rica: "Alright then. Head down to the school and take a class then you might want to hit the gym to get rid of the fleas and maybe use the mirror for a hairstyle that suits you better."
Dawn: "That sounds like a great idea. Maybe new clothes, too."
Artie: "You got fleas on purpose didn't you?"
Mr Bigglesworth: "Not exactly on purpose but I did give them to you on purpose."
Artie: "Yeah and my carpool will be here any minute now. Don't you dare think this is over, either."
Mr Bigglesworth: "Oh no no no. Of course not. This is going to be a lifelong adventure, no doubt."
Artie: "Hmph."
Rica: -sniffle- "How do you like it?"
Dawn: "Oh Rica. I love it but why are you crying?"
Rica: "Oh I'm not anymore. You just remind me of Josephine that's all. You even like the color white like her."
Dawn: "Well cheer up now. I'm going to go to the art museum."
Rica: "Hey you found an easel."
Dawn: "As soon as I saw it, I knew I needed to paint so I am."
Rica: "Have fun.. Maybe someone special will walk in the door, too."
Dawn: "Wouldn't that be perfect?"
Mr Bigglesworth: "A-ha! I got you! Ohh silly catnip mouse."
Dawn: "Oh Rica.. look what I found."
Rica: "Very nice. It's a macaw right?"
Dawn: "Yes a Catalina Macaw. Can I get a bird cage and keep it?"
Rica: "Sure but aren't you worried about Mr Bigglesworth?"
Dawn: "I wouldn't if I had a room to put it in."
Rica: "Ok Fine! I'll go work on getting us a house."
Next Update: House tour