Just wanted to give a quick, informal update. I'm in a really boring stretch of game at the moment. Idelle is about a week away from her adult birthday and she is working on her career, black ops, and friendships - everything else is all set.
Her romance with Tiffanie is quite rocky at the moment. Apparently Tiff aged up with the mean-spirited trait, so it ends up being a crap shoot as to whether she will be nice or mean to Idelle on any given day. Idelle hasn't rolled the wish to break up, so I'm trying to keep the relationship afloat, but I really wish she would dump her and move on. Who needs a mean-spirited significant other?!
The elders are all doing great. They will be getting a rock climbing wall in the near future, so perhaps that will give some interesting or funny photo ops. The house is still under a gnome invasion - the gnome cemetery now has something like 30 headstones in it and I have at least a dozen candidates for it when they age up and pass away.
Hopefully I'll have enough interesting screenies to make a real update in the near future.
Thank you everyone for continuing to read my dynasty...the end is so close I can practically taste it!