I've been away for a bit, since I've been too busy to play. Recently, I started up again, and wandered over to the store, in case any of the sets I had my eye on had gone down in price or something (it could happen!). And then I saw the Faire Folk stuff. Oh, my goodness, how cute is this set? And how expensive! $18 for just 39 items - I could buy High End Loft for that much! Or $10 if I just want the outfits, but that's only 19 items. Aargh. This is what bugs me about the store. Pricing things in points sounds so innocuous until you convert it to dollars. I could spend a fortune on there if I wasn't careful.
Anyway, while I've not splurged on anything yet, I know I want the Faire Folk things to create a fairy tale family for my town.
Two questions: is it possible to create a family and move them in without switching the active household? I don't want to play a new family, I just want some kooky neighbours, and my active household is a legacy, so I can't switch around.
2nd Question, do you get any Sims Store points if you buy High End Loft. I think I might buy Faire Folk instead of High End Loft, but if you get store points than I may as well buy the stuff-pack and use the points to discount Faire Folk.