Like many others, I'm finding myself quite enamored with Sims horse ranching
Very impressived with what folks have done.
I have a horse breeding question, if you don't mind: Right now I have just one breeding pair (my Sim is juggling writing wtih ranching, but once I'm done with her writing ltw I'm swapping her over to full time ranching, including mid life crises to change traits. Oddly enough her career is horsewoman, not writer;when I first started I didnt' have any idea what I'd be doing with Pets) I've just had my second foal, and she's a beauty; I'd like to make her my 'standard.' Only thing is, I don't know how this is done. Pretty sure the sire can't breed with his daughter, so does that mean two breeding pairs, i.e. 2 stallions/2 mares?
Two stallions would be a major problem in the real world, but I'm guessing Sim stallions get along better. And wouldn't I have to make the stallion in CAS with similar markings? I'm confuzzled as I'm moving far away from what would be done in real life.
As for racing, I've won the advanced races by just using Steady Pace. However I've not found any combination that works yet for Int'l racing: Starting with Take Risks or Go For Broke and/or any combination with Steady pace gets me no better than 2nd (my stallion Sampson is 10/10 racing/jumping with 15+ advanced racing wins and has the lucky mount trait, and my Sim has the 20 advanced races skill achievement.) I'm now waiting to see what happens when I swap in the lucky/equestrian traits to see if that has any impact. (My game is a little odd; my sim hasn't broken a single thing, but it was weeks before I saw any wild horses even with two horses with the friend of the herd LTR.)