Author Topic: Pets: First Impressions  (Read 77475 times)


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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2011, 10:11:00 PM »
I was reading about the list of traits on another site that someone posted here somewhere, and planning all the traits I'd add to my pets. Until I opened it up (just installed, yay!!!) and discovered they only get three :( My dog is so many more than 3 traits (Friendly, plus a whole heep of the bad ones)

They get three when you make them on CAP but as you play with them, they earn a whole lot more. For example, my dog kept scratching all of my furniture so he got the destructive trait, his fourth trait. They can lose them too if you scold them.

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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2011, 10:29:52 PM »
Hey guys, long time...
I picked up Pets this morning and have been playing for a couple of hours. Love it so far. Have noticed a few things though. I was trying to befriend a wild horse and it begged for a carrot. We've never had carrots before have we, and if not, where am I going to get one? I did try to go to the grocery store, but when I click on it, nothing happens same with the cafe it's attached to.
My sim is working on the Zoologist lifetime wish and I think this is going to be an easy one to fulfill. It's only day 2 of week 2 and already she has caught 12 minor pets without really searching too hard. I found you don't have to keep the pets for them to count, but at first I didn't know this so I was going to keep them. I bought a terrarium for the hedgehog she caught, but had to keep the turtle and crow in her inventory because she didn't have the money to buy their habitats. Well the spiny turtle kept escaping (usually when she went to bed) and every time she recaptured it, the count went up by one, so after seven nights of it escaping and her recapturing it, her count was up to 8 for the one animal plus a couple for other animals she had caught!
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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2011, 10:37:41 PM »
I'm totally loving creating my own horse. It's been forever since I've ridden or done anything horsey (he lives at my Mum's). I already want new store content for him: I want little braided knots for his mane. Unless you have an option to do their mane for competitions? If not, then they need to add a 'formal' mane and tail to CAP.

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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2011, 10:43:37 PM »
Ha, just answered my own question about the carrots. I remembered the bug about having different things in the inventory, so I put all the special and rare seeds from her inventory on the ground then went to the grocery store and was able to get in and buy carrots. When she got home she planted some.
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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2011, 10:48:01 PM »
Other things I've noticed -- you can find minor pets in China (I'm assuming Egypt and France, too). They don't seem to show up on the Collection Helper, but my Sim went to pick up what I thought was a beetle, and it turned out to be a pygmy tortoise!

Another Sim's cat hasn't actually caught anything yet, but always gets something when she fails -- a maple leaf, a feather, a snakeskin. I am impressed that EA took the trouble to make these things.
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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2011, 11:41:39 PM »
Well, my sister and I were not going to get this EP, but after installing the patch and finding out it fixed some of the bugs, we decided to give Pets a try.  This EP is amazing and so much fun.  The horses are absolutely wonderful and so much fun to play.  I have one of mine pregnant and will post a pic when she has it.  I can't wait.  All in all this is a great EP and so glad we went ahead and got it. :) :)
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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #51 on: October 20, 2011, 12:11:40 AM »
Well, my sister and I were not going to get this EP, but after installing the patch and finding out it fixed some of the bugs, we decided to give Pets a try.  This EP is amazing and so much fun.  The horses are absolutely wonderful and so much fun to play.  I have one of mine pregnant and will post a pic when she has it.  I can't wait.  All in all this is a great EP and so glad we went ahead and got it. :) :)

Nice, personally I think this is the best one, though it is a bit early to be sure.  I got generations late so I haven't tried everything, but I was a little frustrated by a few of the bugs that came with it (trying to send twins to boarding school for example, one stayed home even though career tab showed she was there.  It took me a bit to find a solution)

I also have been breeding the horses, just had my first foal tonight.  Taming the wild horses is also fun, even if it does take a while with all the 'watching' to gain trust.  It is a nice way to make a bit of cash, especially if you train them up a bit as well.

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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #52 on: October 20, 2011, 12:18:53 AM »
I found quite a few wild horses, but I don't think the horses liked my sim, unless they don't like anyone at the start.  There was also a foal, which was so cute.
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #53 on: October 20, 2011, 08:14:19 AM »
I found quite a few wild horses, but I don't think the horses liked my sim, unless they don't like anyone at the start.  There was also a foal, which was so cute.

They are pretty skittish at first, its best when you find the herd to pick one specific horse that you like the look of and just 'watch it'.  Your sim will even jump in a cab and chase it all around town just to watch.  It took me 3 days of watching until the horse liked me enough to be curious and sniff me.  Then you can 'let it sniff you' and 'feed it treats'.  You have to be riding level 8 before you can adopt the wild horse though, I didn't know this at first, once you are friends with it then you can adopt.

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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #54 on: October 20, 2011, 08:39:31 AM »
All these posts are making me really excited. It's not released in the UK until tomorrow so I'm still waiting but not much longer to wait now!

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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #55 on: October 20, 2011, 09:20:53 AM »
I found something cool! My cat, muff, had 3 traits, and when I opened up the change trait tab (testingcheatsenabled true) I could make the amount of traits five!  ;D
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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #56 on: October 20, 2011, 12:13:26 PM »
So, the past 48 hours have been rough, having had to wait until the EU release date while hearing about how awesome this is, but now my preordered LE edition copy arrived (on time! :D), and I'm currently waiting very impatiently for it to install...

And there we go... now installing the LE bonus stuff...

Done... starting game... and sigh of relief, the game works. YAY! And maybe I've been spoiled by Generations, but isn't the loading screen for Pets kind of tame? The animal footsteps are somewhat cute, I guess.

And dear lord, do I love Appaloosa Plains! I didn't think it looked too great in pictures, but it is awesome! And the pet store is cute.. kind of taking me back to Unleashed.

Cat slippers are the best thing ever.

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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #57 on: October 20, 2011, 12:36:56 PM »
And maybe I've been spoiled by Generations, but isn't the loading screen for Pets kind of tame? The animal footsteps are somewhat cute, I guess.

And dear lord, do I love Appaloosa Plains! I didn't think it looked too great in pictures, but it is awesome! And the pet store is cute.. kind of taking me back to Unleashed.

Not just you.  I miss the Generations loading screen.  The pets loading screen is cute but I wish there were kittens or something involved. 

I love Appaloosa Plains, too.  All the farm/ranch houses remind me of where I live.  My only problem so far is I've not found any wild animals/strays yet.   

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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2011, 12:54:28 PM »
Try finding or buying one of the gnomes that has a sign.  As far as I know they're like Sleeping McNulty where they stay still but they should have strays come to you.  From what I understand anyway.   The only time I've seen a stray was during the night.  I got no notice that a stray was at my door and I had to wake up my sim to go meet the cat.  I barely noticed him scratching at my door because the game gives no notification and everyone in the house was asleep.   

The wild animals are a little harder to find sometimes.   In AP, the places I've found for wild animals has been next to the fire house is a bird spawn, in of the graveyard off the lot and to the left is a lizard spawn. There is a bird spawn to the right of the graveyard in the back near the pet cemetary. A turtle and a bird spawned at Cinnamon Falls.  A hedgehog wasn't that far away either at the end of the path that leads up to the upper most section where the really rich people live.  Across from the junkyard, I saw two different spawns.  There is a trail from the junkyard to the water treatment plant that almost always has a wild horse just standing there.  A bird spawned in the middle of the football field like thing behind the school and a lizard just off the field next to a tree leading to the firehouse. 

That's all I can think of right now though, Sorry.
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Re: First Impressions of Pets
« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2011, 01:16:47 PM »
Try finding or buying one of the gnomes that has a sign. 

The new gnomes for pets are in the buy screen under sort by function --> Pet essentials --> Miscellaneous tab, for anyone that is looking for them.  I got one of the 'Wildlife Stray Gnomes' right away and set it to deter racoons from my lot, as they are always dumping my garbage over!