Hi everyone,
Name: 150 Ely Road
Lot Size: 20x30
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
Cost when placed on 20x30 lot: $49, 174
Cost when placed on 20x30 lot unfurnished: $30, 091
Required expansion/Sims 3 store content: All expansions and Stuff Packs, no store content unless it's free =)
So here's the deal. I have been playing the Sims since it's release, which probably means I have been playing it for a vast chunk of my life. There has always been one thing that has bugged me, and that I promised myself I would get good at one day, besides making a world - which is on my to do list.
Recently I have given up with building my own houses, I got bored of creating the same things all the time, and always thought the pre-made ones put mine to shame anyway. Over the last couple of months I have looked around at guides and always thought it to be a big task to get good at something, I've spent a good few days looking at what people have created here as well, and have been so impressed with some of the results, yesterday, I decided to go for it. This feels a bit like a monumental occasion for me, so I'll go on with a bit more story, for those interested in my thoughts behind this house can read on, those not bothered don't have to.
I tried to get rid of any doubts that this house would look crap, and just went with it. Although I started off with my usual foundations, a few things have dawned on my whilst looking at real houses as well as Sims houses; the outer walls are always square, it is the inner walls that are at angles and have alcoves and the like. Also, I didn't have to stick to where my foundations were, I could delete them when I'm done.
I have finally sorted things out and got my account with the Gallery up and runnning with an album, all the screen shots can be viewed
here. I have also attached the Sim's file for you to download the lot, let me know if there are any problems, as this is the first time I've done this =)
Screenshots for a quick glance;
I also have another proposal, I would love to see those who download it (if it is d/l at all) and managed to expand it to post / pm me so I can see how you guys go about expanding this!!
If you got this far, grats on sticking the post out =) I don't mind criticism, as long as it's constructive and nicely phrased =P
Addict x