Ambitions sounds great, but I'm a bit apprehensive. Sims doesn't do well as an rpg or an rpg similar game. It's better as a sandbox.
WA Rant starts here: If you want to read about my thoughts on Ambitions, scroll down.
WA for example- the quests are in general pretty good, but I don't think I've gone traveling after about 4 trips. Tomb raiding was finnicky-traps and such were a repetitive pain, buggy quests were very frustrating, pushing statues was annoying, etc. They made it easy and repetitive, which is very boring. Maybe you don't agree with me but I thought WA was a bad EP. The only part that I mildly enjoyed were the new skills. Not worth 50 dollars for a couple new skills. The skills weren't very appealing to me either. Nectar making was fun, but martial arts had little practicality outside of tomb raiding (in Egypt) and photography was a good idea but very finnicky as well. Timing was stupidly hard and object recognition was terrible.
Sorry for my rant about WA. But if you can see my point, Sims is better simpler. Making something that sophisticated presents some possible issues for me:
Movement obstructed while working: the workplaces look crowded on the trailer. When going from place to place, I hate it when Sims wait 30 minutes trying to figure out a way to walk around each other.
Stupid AI while firefighting: complicated situations (a FIRE for instance) require complicated responses. From what I've seen in WA, sims isnt good at complicated responses.
Private eye: roleplaying problems. Also, finding evidence and things like that is like collecting, which i dont really enjoy. Collecting is easy, boring, and repetitive. Also, detective work involves putting two and two together on your own. In WA, two and two was always put together for you, sometimes in ways that didnt make sense.
Also, one reason I prefer careers over self-employment is that in careers, sims are on autopilot, and it's very simple. Send them there, pick a tone, forget about them until they're done with work. Self employment meant that I had another Sim I had to keep an eye on. For the same reason why it's tough to go tomb raiding with a family, I think it would be tough to monitor a Sim at work and your Sims at home or around town.
Inventing: Well, I can't say much about that because I have no clue how it will work.
Art related stuff: well architecture sounds the most fun. It's like build/buy mode but at work. I would definitely enjoy it because you get to think for yourself. Tattoing sounds pretty interesting, but the quality of that and fashion design will in the end be determined by the controls.
But on the flipside, there are plenty of ways for it to be tons of fun, but you already know that.
Sorry for the long post lol
[Edited for punctuation. -Pam]