Thank you everyone!
I think Tris has been the quickest to achieve Immortality amongst my many Founders! So far Dragon seems to be on the same luck as his Father.
Great update but I do really want to know what chocolate drops Tristan found? bleh.
Tristan says that he'd rather you didn't know. I told him what he really ate afterwards and he says I'm speaking nonsense and that he's going to go and sell them at City Hall. He's been collecting them all day.
Bad News.
Turns out that my terrible Lag may not be down to the File itself. I haven't told you guys about it yet but seriously, I'm at Generation Three and it is faster to load Union Cove. Twice. I am keeping things to a minimum, Portraits only. Selling stuff in Inventories, Family Inventory. Gems, extra Decorations and resetSim * makes no effect whatsoever. So anyway, I am told that Hidden Springs may have a problem with it that makes it unsuitable for Long-Generational Games, with information provided by Error Trap and Overwatch. 120 Cars were removed and 85 Sims were unstuck. Now this was from a file that wasn't very old and would be probably about half the size and age of mine... I am waiting to hear from Metro about what I can do. I hate to say it but there really is no way I will be able to continue with the lag I have now, it is unlike nothing I have experienced in Sunset Valley. I thought my last attempts that got further than this one had bad lag, well this lag is worse and I'm practically half way to reaching the same point in this attempt.