Author Topic: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Ended  (Read 61273 times)

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 24!
« Reply #210 on: January 15, 2012, 09:39:59 PM »
Well maybe it was a Martial Art Themed Prom? I assume though that he just called "little lamb" too much, so his popularity went down right before the voting for King commenced. :P

Offline samoht04

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 25!
« Reply #211 on: February 04, 2012, 10:05:53 AM »
Chapter 25, You're my Best-friend because I say so

'Well... It's been a long time since I last waffled on at you. Someone has been busy elsewhere with a certain other peoples. That and we'be been planning our new house! Yep, the Big T has agreed to let us have a new house! Until then he's upgraded my Pond and has placed traps a way to make people go there and stay there so that I can make friends.'

Yeah, pin the blame on me. I deserve it for leaving you alone for so long.

'If I had a Daughter instead of a Dragon I would allow this guy a chance to speak to her because he has cool eyebrows. That's what every potential suitor of my children need - cool eyebrows. I don't have a Daughter though and I only have a Dragon so he'll die before then so oh well. He's a bit spooked out though because I forgot to talk in my head and am speaking out loud... Or maybe he is a mind-reader! Ahhhh! Oh wait... that's not possible - but then I did teleport here somehow so hmmm.'

Tris he can't mind-read and what are you talking about?

Anyway, so Tris went and socialised with his prey new friend. Till they were Best-friends. It's been so long though that I have forgotten his name.

'How rude of you to forget my best-friend's name!

You don't even know it!

'Yeah.. So?'

This was his next victim. This time I'm not even crossing it out.

'How odd that for once a Human is targeting a Vampire.'

Just don't try and suck her blood, okay?

'Cool! I can do that?'

This was his idea of socialising with his next victim. Somehow it worked and they in fact did become best friends, thus completing the Six Best Friends Goal!


So sorry that I have not updated in so long. I was sidetracked by my new Legacy and have been put off this due to needing to build a new house for the second time. The next chapter has a house but it was more for show and not very practical and I wasn't happy so I deleted it.

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 25!
« Reply #212 on: February 04, 2012, 12:36:48 PM »
I've missed that face! Great update. :D

Offline samoht04

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 25!
« Reply #213 on: February 05, 2012, 04:13:30 AM »
I've missed that face! Great update. :D

I have to!  :) I think I may actually be very happy with the house I just built for them. They ran out of money so it's nowhere near done at all but I like the shape and style. It's only Six bedrooms though and four of those are best for single beds. So I think The two main bedrooms will be for the two heirs with Spouses alive.

I'm getting a chapter ready to post today since I've hardly posted lately.  :)
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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 25!
« Reply #214 on: February 05, 2012, 04:23:51 AM »
Can't wait to see the house! It sound awesome. ;D

Offline samoht04

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 25!
« Reply #215 on: February 05, 2012, 04:28:10 AM »
Can't wait to see the house! It sound awesome. ;D

You'd like the one that's coming up in the next update but it was already lagging and way too big for what they needed. What is in the new house basically fit into one room of the old new house.  :P
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Offline samoht04

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 26!
« Reply #216 on: February 05, 2012, 04:49:53 AM »
Chapter 26, Such a Body Builder

Come on Dragon, you won't be a Teen forever and I've set you that goal, remember?

'You ain't the one lifting the weights here!'

No but it feels like it trying to get you all to do what I want.

Seb and Cat seem to be going into some form of a reclusive nature. Preferring each others company over the others. Seb has no close female relationships though and it will take time to build one up, he's close to becoming an Elder as well though so who knows.

That Cat is often snoozing, whilst for some reason dreaming of Dragon.

'The Cat. Has a name.'

You're asleep, shush now.

'The Cat. That has a name. Has many skills.'

I much prefer Moons. Less chatty, although louder at the same time. The whole family try and hide the squeaky toy but he always finds it.

'Since when did my Property become a Horse Ranch?'

I don't know but perhaps we should upgrade it soon to cater for the new clientèle.

After school it's a mixture of things to do. Sometimes Dragon goes to Louie Falls with Seb, then for some reason Tris goes to the consignment store to read a book.

How do you guys make so much mess? I'm always having you use the Moodlet Manager and yet the Kitchen is in this state?

'Can we get a maid?'

We already have one? You.


Congrats Dragon! You've mastered Athletic! That's part of your Lifetime Want completed!

'Now to kick some serious Knight butt!'

Oi, calm down Kid. First off you're not a Dragon. Secondly I said you're maxed. I didn't say supermaxed.

Tris and Seb went through a bit of a Portrait frenzy earlier. They came up with some nice stuff.

Then I made Tris do a decent one of Dragon. They both paint very quickly now that they've got the 30 Paintings.

This is quite the usual sight to see in the house.

'Rar! Chucky the blind Clown is attacking! Get tot he bomb shelters!'

'Finally, the Body Builder challenge done.'

'Now what do I do?'


'Oh... Right.'

What are you doing with Moons?

'I don't know, just felt like picking him up.'

Seb's getting back in shape after spending so long at an easel. He's gone past level 5 Athletic now all by himself without me making him.

When Cat isn't gardening she's painting. She really does seem to like painting though. That's why there is three easels - because she often leaves them half finished.

These images were taken in the Old New House. It was demolished soon afterwards.

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 26!
« Reply #217 on: February 06, 2012, 02:05:40 AM »
Too bad about the lagging! But if a game lag it is not fun anymore so a smaller house is a little sacrifice. Awesome update! ;D

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 26!
« Reply #218 on: February 06, 2012, 06:35:56 AM »
Well the 'old new' house looked awesome so I'm well excited so see the new one! :D

Offline samoht04

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 26!
« Reply #219 on: February 07, 2012, 11:52:51 AM »
Too bad about the lagging! But if a game lag it is not fun anymore so a smaller house is a little sacrifice. Awesome update! ;D

Yeah although I do kind of like the current house and it's not that demanding at all.

Well the 'old new' house looked awesome so I'm well excited so see the new one! :D

It was but now I don't know if I have a copy of it.   :-[

Yesterday I had one of those 'Rip your hair out' moments, I played about 5 days and when I tried to get someone to move in the game crashed. Uhg.
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 26!
« Reply #220 on: February 07, 2012, 12:12:13 PM »
It was but now I don't know if I have a copy of it.   :-[

Yesterday I had one of those 'Rip your hair out' moments, I played about 5 days and when I tried to get someone to move in the game crashed. Uhg.

..Oh oh. You do have a second save, right? Five days is horrible to lose all in one go! I know how you feel, I just lost three chapters of my legacy (almost two whole sim weeks and a holiday :P ) due to a similar issue. ::) At least it was just those five days and not the whole dynasty! :)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 26!
« Reply #221 on: February 07, 2012, 05:36:35 PM »
Samoht your Dynasty is one of the best stories because it is true to you as a writer. Your natural wit comes across in your writing and I among many others love it.

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 26!
« Reply #222 on: February 08, 2012, 04:16:09 PM »
Good news is I've played a lot today, I even managed to go to China was no issues! Hooray! Some irritating things happened though, like the game was left running after returning home and I missed Seb ageing up. Then some glitch news:

I've tried to move the same Sim in four times now and each time it's crashed on the moving in screen. I may have to give up on moving her in though, she was destined to be Dragons Romantic Interest. On the fourth time I tried through marriage and after 7 attempts, I found out she had Commitment Issues! It crashed on the marriage move in. So Dragons going to have to keep looking - anyway I think his Girlfriend is glitched from being a Babysitter? She was a teen a few days ago and now she is looking quite wrinkled so she may be NPC bugged?

..Oh oh. You do have a second save, right? Five days is horrible to lose all in one go! I know how you feel, I just lost three chapters of my legacy (almost two whole sim weeks and a holiday :P ) due to a similar issue. ::) At least it was just those five days and not the whole dynasty! :)

I have some back-ups, especially now that travelling has begun so I should be fine now. Ah, that sucks when you lose so much. Saving just takes too long and you put it off!  :-[

Samoht your Dynasty is one of the best stories because it is true to you as a writer. Your natural wit comes across in your writing and I among many others love it.


Aww, thank you Rachel!  :)
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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 26!
« Reply #223 on: February 08, 2012, 06:27:13 PM »
Ah yes the NPC Aging disorder, the cause of so many monkey wrenches in our dynasty plans. I hate that bug! I squish it, with my bugs stomping boots!

Anyway, I love these updates, Tris is a funny fellow :D
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

Offline samoht04

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Re: The Jade Dynasty, Tristans Story - Chapter 27!
« Reply #224 on: February 09, 2012, 01:01:24 PM »
Chapter 27, The Dragon has found his Not-A-Princess

Tris is full of odd faces, he changes moods so easily it's unbelievable and when he becomes an old man in a few days he'll probably have an even looser grip on his sanity.

'I don't want to be old though.'

Just think that you'll never die, then you might be okay with getting old.

'I guess so. Although I bet you being immortal is overrated.'

Now off we go to see the young Dragon who, lacking a Princess to kidnap has to resort to the old fashioned methods of flirting.

Yesnia is the Not-A-Princess in mind. She's a babysitter you see, with not a royal blood in sight.

Things progressed very quickly for the young pair though and they were literally in each others arms.

The stars were gazed...

'Do you mind?'

What? I was only narrating your romantic interests!

'This is like a private moment though'

Dude, if you want to live in this household you've gotta accept I come with the house.

'Fine but keep quiet.'

Awww, a first kiss!

'Shhh, I have a question to ask Yesnia!'

'Dragonbear, who are you talking to?'

'The voice in the house, why?'

And so the young couple are now an item, who knows if it's just a teenage thing or a long term relationship. We can only wait and see...

The images in this Chapter have been taken in the new house.

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