Awww! I'm glad I could help! And now I get a puppy named after me. Maybe you could just get him a blue collar or something, haha.
I did give him a Blue Collar, although I am trying to protect the dog but at the moment Moons has only just allowed Tris to give him a Flee Bath (Whilst giving Tris Flees in the process!
Does this mean Tris has nooboos that walk on all fours? Those are the nooboos you should have in your life, particularly the ones with pointed ears and whiskers!
Moons is Tris' friend, I'm hoping Moons will live till Tris is old enough for Ambrosia and will count as a Best Friend by then. Lady Fleur on the other hand is evil. She hisses and is generally mean to everyone except Emma, go figure though because I get the feeling she doesn't like me either.
I agree that furry friends are the best friends you can ever have!