Author Topic: Clone objects?  (Read 9538 times)


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Clone objects?
« on: October 02, 2011, 08:19:35 AM »
Is it possible to clone objects in CAW? I'm placing waves at the moment, and hate having to place each one, then type in the coordinates so that they all go in the same direction. If I could clone one, and then just click, click, click! It would be so much easier.

Thanks :)

Offline Anushka

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Re: Clone objects?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2011, 04:41:51 PM »
Actually, when you chose them from Effect menu, you can click as many as you want, just as you described, but that is before chosing the coordinates manualy. You can rotate them around with click and hold - you'll see the effect and be able to position them close to what you want. When clicking like this, they will stay in same hight and direction but you can type in coordinates for each after placing them, or use positioning tool to move and rotate them around. Getting them in perfect spots takes time, but keep in mind that there can be too much waves so check it in EiG often.
This is same for all objects you place in CAW.
Also, try right click on the name of the effect in a layer - you should be able to copy it but I'm not shore about this one).

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Re: Clone objects?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2011, 08:13:44 PM »
Nope, I tried rightclick. However, I found that if I type in the angles for the rotation before clicking and placing, they will all place in the same direction then. I'm not sure if there is a standard which is best to use - I did follow the direction the water was already going though - but after a lot of exprerimenting I think I have something that works. How much is too much? I suppose I could have a look at the sunset valley file I'm about tot download to get an idea. I'm using SV as a standard for most things, especially spawners.

Offline Anushka

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Re: Clone objects?
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2011, 02:48:53 AM »
Well you'll see in EiG if there is too much - some area's should have still water while other can have lot's of waves. I'm shore you'll find the right balance. I'm you find a way that works - I wasn't shore about right click since I know you can delete them, find them in the world and move  to another layer from there - it would be nice if we could copy them too.
I also use SV as a standard for most of the things - I have more lots than SV but proportionally they are filling in the same categories of size and value. I haven't find an actual list of spawners in SV, but from experience there is one plutonium and 2 palladium spawners, and I think at least 3 pink diamond spawners. And around 12-15 Special seeds spawners. Good thing is that LN bugs and butterflies are working everywhere too, but I haven't tried compedium and supernovium spawners - never saw them in game and I wonder if they will work.