Meet Saskia Philips.
Her traits are nurturing,rebellious,friendly,dramatic and something that I have totally forgotten. Despite having no helpful traits her LTW is to have the perfect garden. Yes she is blue,did any of you expect her to be a normal colour?
Saskia:Hello,can you deliver me a pizza delivery man please.
Pizza shop:Yes madam what toppings would you like?
Saskia:I don't care just make sure a delivery
Man brings the pizza.
To Saskias disappointment the pizza was delivered by Autumn Cussack who is not a man. Not to be deterred by the set back to her watchers plans Saskia started working on her gardening skill.
After harvesting some wild grapes,watermelons,tomatoes and potatoes Saskia had gained one skill point in gardening.
Living alone can be a little boring and Saskia funds were running low after she splashed out on the essentials like a bed and a lamp. So the only thing she could afford to raise the fun meter was a hopscotch. So all of Saskia's basic needs are being met all except one and that is love. Meeting a male NPC is difficult. Normally they are all over the place but in this game not so much. It has been a week and no sign of any romance she has met every townie that Sunset Valley has to offer. Chris Steel is being particularly friendly,I think he is trying to worm his way into my story.
Next time. Will Saskia finally meet the man of her dreams. Will she ever be able to afford walls.