Note: This is a topic for all the writers out there who want to make the characters in your story behave more realistically in all the situations, and especially disaster situations which you will confront them in your story. You can still be succesfull with writing without reading furter, but this topic is specially for all of you who are willing to put that extra attention in your story.
As you all may know the success of a story depends mostly in how far the reader can have sympathy for the characters in the story. All characters will behave differently in all situations in your story based on their personal character, the mood they have at that moment and the relationship they have with the other character in that situation.
The best thing you can do to define a character in depth is giving each important one a personal profile, just like professional book writers, script writers for movies and soaps, comic book writers and every self respecting writer that is out there have for the characters in their story.
Depending on the story it is up to you which character traits will have a benefit in the story and the given situation but the more important your character is the more indepth his or her personal profile should be.
What also is important, and what easily can be forgotten in a characters personal profile is their opinion about other characters. Based on that opinion, and on the traits that character has, including the mood he or she has every character will act differently compared to another. This defines all the scenes where monologues plays an important issue. Monologues are therefore a very important way to show the character of the person to your writher.
I've found a file on my computer (from 23 June 2004 17:51) with the questions you should know the answers from about the character of your story. What you should put in your characters profile is an Interview with each important character to give them more depth. This file contains the following information:
What is the most important trait in my character?
What is the quality of a man/woman (opposide of the sexe of the inverviewed character) which I prefer?
What do I prefer the most in my friends?
What is my most principal shortcoming?
What is my favorite pastime?
What is my dream of happiness? (don't confuse this with lifetime wish. This can be different in the story you're writing.)
What will be my greatest mistake?
What do I want to be?
In which country would I really want to live?
What is my favorite color?
The flower I love the most?
Favorite bird?
My favorite prozawriter?
My most favorite poets?
My hero (male and or female) in the world of literature?
My preffered composers?
My preffered painters?
My heros in the daily life?
My heros from history?
My favorite names?
What I loathe above all?
The historical figures I loathe the most?
Militairy event I admire the most?
The reforms I prefer to see implemented?
One power of nature I would like to possess?
How do I want to die?
My mental condition at this moment?
Shortcomings who will inspire me the most to allowance?
My motto/slogan?