Well, that's not the way humans do it, but I'm glad it is also not the way sims usually do it (walking on the baby with their hands in creepily distorted position.)
Haha, now I'm glad to know about it!
Can you feel the force Eldridge?
No, not at all. I'm not blessed with that kind of power anyway XD But; it's pretty awesome for him to able to do something like that in far away. Even I know in reality that just another glitch. If only super powers were real like in Superman, Hulk, Prof Xavier and etc that must be fun!
When Gino exploring tomb in France, I happen to capture something weird about him
Someday there's a Paparazzi who has misfortune. Well, she just stands all day waiting for Jalissa to come!
Jalissa wants to help her so bad, but that only make her stuck and she can't go anywhere else unless I use resetsim.
She survived (I hate to see death) and quickly doing Shaka Bra with my butler. They're not part of my household, so it's funny that they did that autonomously!
This is the difference between Kev and Toledo when searching something in that hole. Toledo seems calm and he's not show any animation like Kev. In first screenshot that I capture he just close his eyes, and standing for a moment and then this pose appear. Maybe this is the power of Droopy eyes?
My butler stuck his head just like that.
This also happen with Gino. Two weird pictures!
This is the reason why I turn-off Celebrity in my Dynasty. Because they're never leaving our Sims before they have something interesting to write for. See, Jalissa was singed while she experiment with that Chemist lab. Happy now?
Even that singed Paparazzi come back again just to capture Jalissa photo in her maternity wear. Geez.
They're really happy family. Julietta become the second prettiest after her mother because she's the only girl in this family. The other children are boys. 5 men and 2 women live in this household. So many men