Okay, first, I want to point out how beautiful my adopted child turned out:
This is her current form:
And I aged her up in CAS to check her out:
I had on testingcheatsenabled true and "cloned" some sand castles. The result:
I guess they are like building blocks; Kids build up both of them.
Can someone explain to me what the little girl is saying? It's blocked by the person-person plus, but I can still see it.
Slop, anyone? That looks so disgusting. I would never touch that food.
Okay, so funny story. Rhoda Bagely went to the graveyard and talked to ghosts. That orange one, you see, is her friend. They even flirted a bit. She invited the ghost over, but she left because it was 5am.
Gnome meeting!
"I can't see!" Close up on snake in basket.
That's a little creepy.