I just hit week 7 in the challenge and one of the paparazzi has been with me for 3 weeks. The reason I say they resurrected them is because the top picture is an exact match of
Victoria Skullfinder in facial features and clothing for when she is resurrected. The bottom picture is
Reed Wright. Their names in my game are Erika Blakenship and Philip Eastman. Both paparazzi and both love to sit on my front porch until 1 am in the morning. I've been thinking as soon as the challenge is over I'm going to try to get both ghosts into my house for some ambrosia to see if they look like twins with their paparazzi cousins.
EA-created dead Sims with grave markers in locations around Bridgeport, Barnacle Bay and Twinbrook all have moss colored green skin and gray hair with gray clothing if given ambrosia. It's their easter egg towards Strangetown and the aliens of the Sims games that have come before.