I don't have any pictues, but I have a funny story...My PI in Bridgeport has 4 stars of fame, and her husband, William Fangmaan, has 3 for being married to her. One day, after building them their new gated estate, a person my sim had beat up for information showed up at the gate. Somehow, despite this being the special callbox gate, she got in. I wanted to drive her off the property, so...I tried having William distract her from my PI, since the woman was making a beeline for her. It got worse, as she stalked Will into the house, and up to his private painting studio, and took pictures of him, despite not being a paparazzi. I was weirded out, and I had to cheat move her off the property. She kept coming back in, till I stuck her RIGHT on the tip of the property...Then she got stuck. I have no idea what happened there.