Author Topic: Townies' Graves?  (Read 7517 times)


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Townies' Graves?
« on: September 06, 2011, 07:42:36 PM »
I have a family, and it's in Twinbrook. So I started with 3 Sims-  mom, dad, and their little girl. 16 weeks and 2 days later and notified DeAndre Wolff (?) died of old age. Honestly am sad! Broken. The house is 6 sims (mom, dad and little girl, now married with 1 child, are immortal and so is her husband and the child will be.) In this game I got attached to DeAndre so bad! He would come over at time of dinner, everyday since he bacame elder. So I was going to add him to my household, well long story short. He died and I can't find his grave (I have Oh My Ghost.) so I can make him a playable ghost and feed him ambrosia! I looked all over town! I can't find it.
Any help?

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Re: Townies' Graves?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2011, 07:56:49 PM »
I know that all the townies graves are stored in the mausoleum in the graveyard. Click on it and you'll find something like manage dead or something like that :P then just drag and drop the tomb to your inventory. I remember back when my sim got attached to Iqbal Alvi.  ;D
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Kaiko E. Mikkusu

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Re: Townies' Graves?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2014, 01:13:24 PM »
I know that all the townies graves are stored in the mausoleum in the graveyard. Click on it and you'll find something like manage dead or something like that :P then just drag and drop the tomb to your inventory. I remember back when my sim got attached to Iqbal Alvi.  ;D
Yup except for Blair Wainwright in my current Pleasantwiew, for some reason. She died of... electrocution? Her portrait appears kinda yellowish? but when i send either Boyd, Susan, one of the Roomies, or my "main" family (remade Yumi "Kayeze" Sekemoto and her adopted son, Sam Sekemoto II.) in the mausoleum, the tomb for Blair does not appear.

But this is just because i like Blair very much so i wanna know how she died at least... even if i'm doing an ISBI, you could at least make the "regular" face 1 townies as dying fodder, or the homeless ones\NPC, or even sims like Beau + Victoria Andrews or Gobias Koffi? Or Buster Clavell who is the oldest sim in town?

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Re: Townies' Graves?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2014, 05:58:24 PM »
I guess since this thread was bumped (Kaiko, please don't bump every thread with stories about your game. We have the Misc. Stories board for things like that), I should make a few notes about townie graves, for anyone that stumbles upon this thread.

- This might have been a recent patch, but townies usually will get a tombstone only if someone in your household was friends with them, or disliked them heavily. Generally, it's for those sims that you get the "(x) is getting pretty old and won't live forever" notification for.

- Unless the townie dies on your home lot, their tombstone will be whisked away to the mausoleum or deleted entirely (again, depending on your relationship with them).

- If you play with Twallan's Story Progression, then every sim in town gets a tombstone when they die.
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