Author Topic: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please!)  (Read 81396 times)

Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 29)
« Reply #120 on: December 21, 2011, 04:54:35 PM »
Chapter 30: Short and Sweet

WAIT. Stop. Before we go any further, there's something I must show you. Something so mind-boggling it defies description. Are you ready? I don't think you're ready. Your mind will be destroyed.
...But the story can't go on until you see it, so...

Look it how cute Orchid is when she's playing with her bunny! So precious!
I bet your mind is just full of "D'awww," isn't it? I've destroyed your rational mind...
Well, that's OK!

Anyway, apocolyptic things are happening. Dogs and cats...
Are making friends! Though it's possible that they were always friendly, and this whole 'dogs and cats don't like each-other' is a conspiracy, designed to stop people from using pets to keep pets company...
This is probably by the same people who keep putting that metal taste in the water to send gremlins into my fillings as spies...

I bet that animals talk about all sorts of things, like the superiority of ducks as a water toy over sprinklers, which get everyone all wet and my good dress wet, too.

Anyway, I'm still trying to find work. There's no call for architects in this town.
My hand gestures will convince Miss Ruby Broke, or die trying.

"See, this one looks like a bird."
"...I'm not sure how that's going to..."
"Shh. I'm making headway. I throw a German Shepard in there, and I'm in."

1 hand gesture later...

"...How did that... Wait. I thought she wanted a pool."
"Well, the bathroom's where all the water's located. So I need to know how much water she has room for."
"...That's not how... Princess... You know what? Whatever. Whatever it takes to help you max your career."

"It turns out her bathroom can store a lot of whater, but it blocked the way to the toilet, so I brought it all out here."
"...She likes the Anubis lights?"
"Loves them. Apparently, she's a closet egypt fan. Or maybe she's just easy to please."
"Princess, when you find someone like that, you milk it for all it's worth. I say you ask for more money."

Still, the last two levels seem so long...

While I've been at work, Evanthe's been finishing teaching her son his final toddler skills.

And she heads upstairs to lay out her catch in bowls in the upstairs...And it turns out that she's completed her lifetime wish.
Go 'Vanthe!

And also, storytime.

"'Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy. Many cities did he visit...'"
"Isn't that a little mature for Orchid, Mom?"
"It's good to start them young. She'll learn what it all means at her own pace. Besides -- she loved Beowulf, didn't you, Orchid-honey?"
"Hrunting! Hrunting!"
"...And you're cool with this, Uriel? You usually stop me when I pull stuff like this."
"I get to give the Cyclops a funny voice."
"...I see, so that's how it is..."
"Is something wrong, Aster?"
"...Well... Athena needs a funny voice, too. I'll do it."
"Of course, sweetheart."


"Uriel, a word?"
"Yeah, Billy? What is it?"
"I've been thinking about things."
"If this is about getting a new gnome, forget it!"
"No, No...There's not... A lot of time left, is there?"
"No. I don't think there is. For you or Elaine."
"So I thought I'd get my affairs in order."
"Your affairs? You've been cheating on her all this --"
"[Billy, we thought you stopped doing this - Ed], Uriel, cut the comedy routine! ... I'm sorry. But this is serious."
"...Alright. What is it?"

"Take care of her, Ok?"
"You know I will. I always have, and I always will."
"...Yeah. You know, when we started this... I was so jealous of you. I just wanted to punt you to the moon, I was so jealous."
"Jealous? Of me?"
"Yeah. You were this powerful, uknowable thing that understood Ariel like no one understands her, who she's loved and needed since the dawn of time! How do you compete with that!"
"Heh. Ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha!"
"Hey, I'm bein' serious! What are you laughing at, tough guy?"
"...Because I... I was always jealous of you. The whole stupid time. This big strong man who comes in and sweeps her off her feet... Who showed her this whole new world, who loves her without being made for it... How do I compete with that?"
The sound of laughter fills our house for a brief moment.


Another day trying to find work begins. Some days the anxiety, all the waiting -- waiting to see if I can get the job, waiting for everyone to leave so I can perform it... It feels like time itself is around my throat, strangling me.

"That's because you're strangling yourself. It's not a simile at all."
Huh. So time is my hand in disguise? Ah, but now that I have this clue, I can unmask... It? Me? What's the personal pronoun for a part of yourself gone rogue?
Because I need it all the time.

Everything with my parents continues very lovey-dovey.

And Reed and I aren't any slouches in that arena, either.

Evanthe and Ross are...trying. They're really trying their hardest, but Ross just doesn't seem to know what to do with Linden. Maybe he's just not good with kids that age... I hope so.

Because it feels unbalanced otherwise. Like... The two of us, who came into this world like twins, whose lives are bound... Can't find equilibrium.

Because Reed loves his daughter like crazy. He'll play with his daughter for hours,

Taking her for strolls around the neighborhood, letting her point at all the pretty things...

Having tickle-fights when they're done... The two of them are always beaming together.

He's not just busy being a good dad, though. He's also been busy as a stylist. The reports are in: he is fabulous.

I'm... not sure how. I guess they think badmitton birdies are the height of fashion, or something... Maybe due to the natural animosity between fashionistas and jocks means that to steal a sports article for a trophy is the ultimate glory!
I'm not sure, though. I'll get back to you on that.

Aster's Requirements

Lifetime Wish: Living in the Lap of Luxury
Career: Architect (9/10)
Supermax Skill: Painting (2/3)
Building, Property: Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, Romper Recreational Park
LTR: Innapropriate in a Good Way, Artisan Crafter, Extra Creative
Best Friends: Ariel Seraphim, Billy (Caspian) Seraphim, Reed (Joy) Seraphim, Evanthe Seraphim, Lindsay Coulter, Helmut Roderickson, Jacob Roderickson, Ross Dorman, Orchid Seraphim, Gabriel Seraphim, Cyrique Cantu
Black Ops: When Dream Come True, Scavenger Hunt: Rare Elements, A fishy science project, Outside Reading, Larger than Necessary Doorstop, Local Artists' Gallery
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teenager, YA
Sculptures/Photos: Child (sculp), Teen (sculp), YA (sculpt and Photo)

Orchid's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish:
Supermax Skill: Martial Arts (unless travelling glitch, then athletics)
Best Friends: Aster Seraphim, Reed Seraphim
Black Ops:
Portraits: Toddler
Sculptures/Photographs Toddler (sculp&photo),
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline alex51299

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 30)
« Reply #121 on: December 21, 2011, 06:22:35 PM »
Aww I am not ready for Billy to go.  :(
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Offline AnnBeiFong

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 30)
« Reply #122 on: December 22, 2011, 05:37:23 PM »
I am totally not ready for Billy to go. He's been so amazing.

Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 30)
« Reply #123 on: December 23, 2011, 08:01:36 AM »
Well, if it's some comfort, this isn't his last chapter before his death... But he's in his mid-to-late 80s in Chapter 30, and he was giving himself some thought... There's no better time to give the end some thought.
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Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 30)
« Reply #124 on: December 29, 2011, 12:10:51 AM »
Chapter 31: Gentle into that Late Night

Every morning. Every morning. You guys are pains in my nebulously existing rear, you know that?"
"Who are you taking to?"

"The gnomes! They get in the rows of Ariel's garden every morning!"
"I'm sure Dante doesn't mean it..."
"Oh, 'he' means it alright...His desire for suffering..."
"Mom brought most of these home, they wouldn't want to hurt her!"
"You assume them to be creatures of loyalty, like you or I. And in this, you are deathly mistaken. Their ceramic hearts know only evil.
...By the way, Princess, what are you doing out here?"

"...Teaching the gnomes to talk."

speaking of Mom's garden...

Someone's getting into trouble! Mom scolded Gabriel for eating those tomatos for what felt like forever -- Mom upset is so rare, it was worth remembering.

But I can't stop and watch that today. I got the feeling...It's just a sense... That something's up with Ross. The town has been changing a lot recently, with the movie studio moving in and all...

But even though he was home when I left, by the time I reach his house, no one's there. I guess I shouldn't worry.

But then I get a call from a guy asking if I wouldn't like to get famous for a painting. I'm not exactly sure how a painting makes one a celebrity -- maybe he melts it with some sort of turpentine and uses the pigments to power a celebrity-generating machine, perhaps in the form of a white dwarf star? Is THIS why famous people are stars?
So I hand it off.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to pass your name around town as a great artist."
...What? What was that! That is a distinct lack of stardom!
And then I get a call from an agent, saying I've made a name for myself and he wants to cover me.
"Cover me with what? Is it fudge?"
"...Ms. Aster, we'll keep in touch. Just do what we say, and you could be somebody."
...I thought I was somebody.

Am I not somebody? Or am I disembodied, but with some sort of psychic power to make me seem tangible?
Or... Does he mean I'm not 'real'?

I drive back home thinking about that, and worried, walk down towards the nursery.

The kids have taken to playing with one another, since they've finished all they need to right now. The two look so
The two of them are just so sweet and innocent that it completely derails my worries... Except...
That voice talked about himself (or maybe it was herself?) as a 'we.' That's a little weird for a single person to do.

I'd ask Mom what she thought he meant, but...

She and Daddy are enjoying the hot-tub, followed by even more 'enjoying' the hot-tub. The two of them really are as in-love as they were when they had just gotten married.

The day passes like that, quietly. I hear Uriel saying something like,
"Hey, Elaine. I think Ariel may have left a few plants unattended to before breakfast -- mind taking a look-see?" While I'm painting.

That's why no one noticed it right away; unused as we are to thinking about anyone but Mom in the garden, and anyone gardening late at night, that we weren't looking there.
"...You know, this feels... Kind of... Nice."
"What feels -- Oh."

"Oh. Oh no."
"I've had a good life...But I was still looking forward...To learning more recipes. To seeing my grandbaby --"
"...How dare they!"

"Please...Please, a little longer..."
"Say something, you rat-fink! Anything!"
He didn't even look at her -- his unknowable eyes were fixed at some point beyond reality, like the eyes of a doll.
All he did was cut her down with his scythe like a stalk of wheat, and she was gone.

For a moment, it was like she had never been -- the air where she had stood warped into the perfect vacuum. Aunt Elaine...
She never found true love. She spent her final years so quietly...

She only really left one thing to her name, one thing that marked that she ever really existed, from the moment she was gone.
And he was the first one to feel the wrongness in the air, and rush out onto the lawn.

He was the one who cried out by the garden in the night.
"...Please... Let's give everyone just a few more hours of thinking that everything's Ok..."
"I'll help you...Arrange things."

Elaine Joy
Beloved Mother and Friend
Always Followed Her Dreams

The silence doesn't last very long. Even the animals figure out that the nice old lady who filled their food bowls is gone.

But I can't concern myself with Gabriel or Echo (even if I love the fuzzballs.)
Because...As much as I've needed people... Tonight's the first night I feel like someone needs me.

His eyes are red-rimmed, even as he clutches in a sob. I hug him, and feel it under his skin, that clutch of feeling crowding jaundice yellow and bruise blue into his throat, even as I snuggle my head into it.
"...She was the person who gave me a place in the world... The first person to tell me I was wanted..."
He mutters.
"I'm sorry."
'I'm sorry. I need you, and I'll say it every day...Even it's worthless.' I think it into him, hoping that the psychic powers I always thought were in the water seep through my filiments.
"I never cared about my birth mother because s-she..."
"She was real," I finish for him. I lead him by the hand out to the deck, where we can sit. Above us are the stars.

"...We exist in a closed universe. Nothing can enter, and nothing can leave. Even when the stars aren't visible, they're just hiding behind the blue sky."
I pull him near, and hear at last that gasp of tears.
"Nothing leaves, because we exist in that universe. Your mom isn't gone; she's only went to circulate among the stars."
"...You think she's watching?"
"Absolutely. The stars have eyes. Point her out to me."

We spend a while, taking his mind off of it, talking about things like that. I meant what I said, though. Really.

Mom came to mourn the moment she woke up. She cried for hours, distraught. I thought she'd have been ready...
"I never should have talked her father into this, Uriel..."
"She would have died the same. Really."
"I should have worked harder to make sure she was happy. There should have been something I could have..."

"Honey." My dad stops her. "She was happy. She loved our family. Come here.

Everything is alright, OK? So keep smiling for her. Stop crying, silly woman."

"I swear to you, it's gonna be OK. (I hope. A little longer, Grim...C'mon.)"

We spend the day taking solace like that, and remembering Elaine.

That evening, I decided that we weren't just going to sit there!

The mysterious man/men on the phone suggested that we go out dancing at The Grind, one of the new clubs that's moved into town. I just thought it'd be good to enjoy an evening out.
This time, we leave Evanthe at home to watch the toddlers, but she and Mom and I will have to have a girls' night out one day.

I bring Reed close; we skip the drinks and just begin tearing up the dance floor, drinking in the spotlight.

Mom...Maybe overly enjoys her drinks.
"Wooh! You go, Ariel honey! Ha-ha!"
...I do not know how Uriel managed to get a drink, but even he seems caught up into the spirit of it.
"Oh, you think that's nice? Ha! Let me show you something, Mister Featherweight!"

"No one wants to watch you dance!"
"Oh, Uriel, dearheart...Don't say things to my husband that just aren't true."

Life is short. Even though nothing can ever leave, nothing can stay 'real' forever, either. I wonder when the moment will be, when even the immortals cease to be 'real'?
Will it be soon? Something about Elaine's death made me think of that.

All Mom and Daddy can do is dance like there's no tomorrow.

I'll get the immortal stats up in the morning, but first... A few words for Elaine.
She was the quiet one: the one who, with the exception of her drama in love, never stuck out her head. She spent her days in incredibly boring pleasure after her retirement, and she seemed more than happy to just quietly tend to matters around the house. She was a good, hard worker.
I only really left out one moment in her life, just for lack of screenshots: in retrospect, I regret it. At work, she had a friend. And one day, she had a wish to kiss him (this was after Reed had come into the family). So I invited him to the diner after work... And asked him if he was single. And then, to my sorrow, he was not. And that was the last time Elaine had a wish for love, snuffed in the bud like that.

Farewell, Elaine. I'm sorry you couldn't see some of the Late Night content I installed right before this chapter. And I'm sorry we never did find you a man. Goodbye and thank you.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline AnnBeiFong

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 31)
« Reply #125 on: December 29, 2011, 12:20:41 AM »
*sniffle* R.I.P. Elaine Joy. You will be missed by all who read your kind-hearted story.


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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 31)
« Reply #126 on: December 29, 2011, 03:37:48 AM »
R.I.P, Elaine :( Lovely update, happy and sad at the same time. Enjoy late night!  It is a lot of fun.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 31)
« Reply #127 on: December 29, 2011, 07:22:43 AM »
I love Aster's reaction to the celebrity opportunities! In my book she really is a somebody.
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Offline alex51299

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 31)
« Reply #128 on: December 29, 2011, 11:30:41 AM »
R.I.P Elaine  :'(
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 31)
« Reply #129 on: December 31, 2011, 08:39:10 AM »
@ Everyone: Thank you very much for the nice comments; I'm glad I could tug at your heartstrings, sad as it was.

I love Aster's reaction to the celebrity opportunities! In my book she really is a somebody.

She's somebody to me, too. Specifically, she's somebody who's really fun to write...And alarmingly versatile for someone so out there.


I also would like to apologize for the wait for this coming chapter. It's... A very tough chapter to write, and getting the feeling of it is really hard. I'll keep working!
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 31)
« Reply #130 on: January 04, 2012, 03:12:57 PM »
...I'm finally able to finish this chapter. I'm so glad, since it's been giving me so much trouble.

Chapter 32: The Figure in the Dark
The day began like any other. Well, any other birthday. None of us were really in the mood for a party (And I think Uriel was hung-over), but we had set out a couple of cakes for Orchid and Linden. I was coming back from City Hall with an award in hand -- it's like the one Reed has. Maybe they only have one sort of statue.

I guess I'll start by talking about Evanthe. We of course invited Ross to the kids' birthday; it's only natural, right? While the rest of the evening's action was going on, Evanthe was waiting out in the dusk for him to arrive. And then she saw him. His skin, gone slightly tinged with grey or white, something that turned the warmth of his colors cold. His eyes, lit from within, gone completely gold.

"...Ross. You're a vampire."
"It was my father's idea."
"...I see."
"Are you upset?"
"I love you, just the same."
But that wasn't a yes, and it wasn't a no. Because there are some things that the rules of our lives, that the Immortal Dynasty rules, forbid. After Mom told be about it, she showed me the rules Uriel had been given.
Household Matters, item 5.
"•Vampires, mummies, and SimBots are not allowed in your household..."
They disrupt the flow of time, virtually immortal themselves. TO bring one into the house... Would probably mean certain failure, even if it wasn't against the rules.
"(Too late. I'm too late,)" she whispers as she wraps her arms around him. She had wanted to marry him -- one day, when it wouldn't be a drain on the family.
And now that time would never come.

She cried into his shoulders, and she would not tell him why. His shoulders must have been so cold.

And the rest of us...
Was I in the Dining Room already? Was I somewhere else, and came in through the extra door we installed for easier access? ...The sequence of events slips away from me; the sequence is riversilt and the color of light on water.

The color of light. That's the first thing that I can say existed with certainty. The color of the light was gold.

The color of the light around Daddy.
"...So soon?"
"...This...This a joke, right?"
Uriel's always the first to notice this sort of thing. This time... This time, he felt like the last. Even me, limping mentally behind, understood.

"...I don't think it is. I think it's time."
"G-good one, Billy. And you, too, Azrael. You can come out now, and put things back to normal.... Please?"

Then my mom's footsteps, from the hallway. She knew immediately -- before her eyes could even take in the scene, they were wide with shock and loss.

"Billy," she whispered. "No, please, no..."
"I'm sorry, honey." He gave her a gentle smile.
"D-don't say you're sorry... I can't think..." The sentence goes silent on her lips. She's spent time unimaginable in limbo, and she's had friends who have died.
But she's never been without someone whom she truly loves. She never loved anyone who could die. She's never loved anyone who kissed her on the nape of her neck, or made her giggle in a shower of rose petals.
"There's nothing you'd have to apologize for. I love you."
She tried to smile. The last smile she could give Daddy... Didn't work. Her eyes were too red-rimmed, and the movement of her muscles sent the tears rolling down her face. She hiccuped, in the way of a small child trying very hard not to burst into tears.

And me?

I couldn't say anything. I had to watch them, I had to remember it -- to soak it in like color paletes and the way the light hit my mother's eyes, those big blue eyes with the intensity of a spring sky, when it reflected off her tears; as the tears slid down her face, and lit tracks against her freckles.

"Please. A little longer -- for my wife. Aren't you an old pal of hers? Please. Just let me --"
"There is no allowance."
Death said, calm and still, as if holding something back.
"You rat-fink! Couldn'ta given us a day, could you, you heartless rat!" Uriel snarled. His voice was gaspy and full of tears. "I don't care, but darnit, what about her?! What about him?!"
"...I cannot be merciful. I cannot be altered. I cannot be anything but Death itself," said the Angel of Death, swinging his head upward in a jointless motion. Then he added, in a cracking voice, "Or else. Say goodbye."

Maybe, to Daddy, begging didn't seem important. Not as the scythe came closer and closer, in a moment that stretched thin as spiderweb.
"I love you," he said, as his white figure vanished.
"I...I... Billy..." Mom whispered, to the empty air. "I knew this would happen. I knew... From the moment you kissed me...That you would break my heart.
And you made me love you anyway, and love you forever."


"Idiot...You should have taken up jogging. Marathons. Vegitarianism. I hated you, you know that?
I didn't care about you at all. Don't... D-don't you ever believe otherwise, alright? So...I'm not sad, understand, you dead jerk?!"

Uriel sobs as he sets up the grave. Hearing him and Mom cry... Is like listening to rain or piano music. It's like the first tears ever shed in the history of the world, completely without reserve.
It's like the others, with two exceptions. The first is this: a chair, so Ariel can sit here when she feels like it... And the white roses he loved to give her, given back for good.

Billy (Caspian) Seraphim
Who Lived His Life in the Love of Angels


Life wasn't allowed to freeze that night. It never is. As if they were ought to remind us of that, the children decided to age up without us.

First Orchid aged up, with a stubborn fiestyness that seemed to say 'No, I'm not getting left behind!' She's a rather Adventurous young lady.

And then Linden, following cautiously after. He's got a clever look, like a little Genius.

While we couldn't put the birthday cakes to good use, we could at least all celebrate their becoming children successfully... After everything that's happened over the past few days, for my daughter's sake, I want to forget. I want to be the sort of insane person who can make the past happen to somebody else. I'm not, but I can still pretend.
But no matter what I pretend, this is still true:

The figure in the night of a crying angel with tatoo wings, weeping for the only man she'll ever love.


A few authorial words for Billy.
...I don't even know where to begin. He was such a joy to write, right from the start.
And, of course, nothing in this dynasty would have been possible without him. He provided almost all of the portraits so far, and the money for the house on top of that...And Ariel's ice sculptures, too.
And, I think, most importantly, he was the absolute most in-love sim husband I've ever played. He and Ariel couldn't be in a room together without rolling wishes to talk or kiss or woohoo. I tried to show how close and how very much in love those two were, but I don't think I could have succeeded without it being an endless montage of love. I think we'll all miss Billy - the first spouse is always the hardest to see go.


Aster's Requirements
Lifetime Wish: Living in the Lap of Luxury
Career: Architect (9/10)
Supermax Skill: Painting (2/3)
Building, Property: Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, Romper Recreational Park
LTR: Innapropriate in a Good Way, Artisan Crafter, Extra Creative
Best Friends: Ariel Seraphim, Reed (Joy) Seraphim, Evanthe Seraphim, Lindsay Coulter, Helmut Roderickson, Jacob Roderickson, Ross Dorman, Orchid Seraphim, Gabriel Seraphim, Cyriaque Cantu, Ami Oakley
Black Ops: When Dream Come True, Scavenger Hunt: Rare Elements, A fishy science project, Outside Reading, Larger than Necessary Doorstop, Local Artists' Gallery
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teenager, YA
Sculptures/Photos: Child (sculp), Teen (sculp), YA (sculpt and Photo)

Orchid's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish:
Supermax Skill: Martial Arts (unless travelling glitch, then athletics)
Best Friends: Aster Seraphim, Reed Seraphim, Linden Seraphim
Black Ops:
Portraits: Toddler
Sculptures/Photographs Toddler (sculp&photo)
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 32)
« Reply #131 on: January 04, 2012, 03:36:25 PM »
Good-bye, Billy! I haven't played in Riverview that much, but when I do, I'll think of this Billy.
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 32)
« Reply #132 on: January 04, 2012, 03:57:12 PM »
Bye Bye Billy. I for one will miss you dearly.  :'(
Live. Laugh. Love.Dream Big and Have no regrets

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 32)
« Reply #133 on: January 04, 2012, 04:05:43 PM »
R.I.P Billy, we'll never forget you.  :'(
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: 32)
« Reply #134 on: January 04, 2012, 08:11:59 PM »
On a non-Billy-related note, where does the pirate hat come from?
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms