Author Topic: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please!)  (Read 81398 times)

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2011, 09:58:46 AM »
Chapter 3: Ordinary Days
Elaine, having gotten that make-over, accepted the story with a little blink and a wry shake of the head.
"And what, honey, do you want from me about this?"
"Well...I... I don't want to be trouble. I want to leave as many options for my -- my descendants as possible. In which case...I need someone to help me cook, primarily. And Norman said you had an interest in recipes -- we could supply you with books, if only you'll help."
I clasp her hands in mine and give her my most earnest face. I don't think sims are quite prepared to look an angel, even an embodied one, straight in the eyes: not, at least, and retain total ownership of their own heart.
Is it cruel that I look at her, then, and plead with my eyes? I'm not sure.
Is it cruel that they all are so gleaming, so clearly brief and dazzling, like fireflies reflected in pools of water, that I can't help but love those good people I meet?
It runs both ways, is what I'm saying.

Except that when I'm cruel, people do my bidding. And when they're cruel, I just feel twisted and awed and sad, all at once.
"Sure. I may as well quit my dead-end job, anyway; it sounds like we're not hurting for money."
Well, we're not hurting now, but I'm not sure how it'll be when the property and businesses are bought. We'll have to see.

And so Elaine quits her job at the grocery store. I know I'll probably need to find myself a career full of opportunities -- but that can come later. I'd like to be a little more settled as a gardener, first.

And part of that is finding valuable seeds. I find a few, and I also find a rainbow gem about town. There's a lot of magic in rare jewels: even as a human, I can feel the rainbow's pulse. If someone ever needs to bring something to life, I'll be happy to have it.

Norman, meanwhile, has started preparing to help gather materials and speed the garden along: he's a much better planter than I am... currently... So he's planting uncommon and rare plants so we can save time on the generation. Both of us would like to see a more beautiful and lush formal garden formed -- a perfect garden. But we need better plants to do that with, and right now, they're fluctuating too much for us to be confident in them.
He's also starting to fish for some alley catfish. They're the start of a long chain.
Come to that, everything's a chain on this plane, isn't it? It's almost as if it's some sort of arbitrarily challenging task, trying to ensure that a lot of hard work goes into otherwise simple accomplishments!... Well, as long as the chain actually chains together cleanly...
Of course, now that I say that, it won't, will it? Wish me luck.

And we begin Elaine's schooling in cooking -- Ambrosia's a very hard-to-make recipe, and it takes a master chef.
...Boy, that library looks sooo nice. I really need to visit sometime...ahhhh...
Apparently libraries, too, can claim my heart without my willing it so. I'd be more worried if it wasn't such a willing exchange.

And speaking of willing exchanges...
"Billy, is your painting going well?"
"Yeah; I think I'll be ready to start painting portraits soon. I'm glad I'm doing this. I was sort of...just stalling. And now I feel like I've got some real drive! Some real purpose!"
He seizes me into his arms, and I do not resist. How can I? Seeing him so excited is thrilling, and that beautiful, brilliant quality is honed on me like a beam of light.
"That's marvelous! I've been quite inspired by all this hard work, myself!"
"Who actually says that sort of thing? Honey, I get you're not exactly simish... But you really, really sound it sometimes. Like some sort of proper alien princess."
I blink, taken aback, a smile forming.
"Umm...Well...How should I say that?"
"Hey, why are you asking me? If I could say things the right way, you think I'd spend all my time alone in the studio?"
"Well, I'll stop sounding like a proper alien princess when you, my dear Billy, learn to talk like a gentleman."
"Oh, you are so on."
Then I stick my tongue out at him, my gauntlet for our mock-challenge.

We fall into close giggling. Spontaneous tickling may have been involved.

From there, we take some time, as a couple...
Oh, how embarrassing! I haven't been a lady for long, but I think propriety demands a lady show some discretion...
Or, as Billy would say it, I could just kick propriety to the curb and do the funnest stuff!
Though Billy says that, there's a bit more swearing.

 I'm not good at kicking propriety to the curb.

But, as I was saying, we take some time as a couple to enjoy one-another, and get to know each other better.

After all, sims are like flowers: you gather your rosebuds while ye may, as the poets say.
These just happen to be heart-shaped and rain over the bed. Truly, this world is a wonderful, magical place that makes absolutely no sense!

I also remember to tell him not to worry about Uriel. I know he means only the best.

While all this is going on, Norman and Elaine are hard at work: Norman's upgrading the sprinkler and planting the more exotic plants I've found, and Elaine's cooking food for the rest of us in the kitchen, and Uriel's ordering the two of them around for something to do.

And when we're all asleep...

"...I'm watching you, little cave-gnome... Don't think I don't see you..."
Uriel glares and mumbles at the cavegnome. If it keeps him so entertained, I should really try and find a few more!

A small routine forms, with everyone working on their skills first thing in the morning – Norman fishes, I tend the garden, Billy paints, Elaine cooks for the rest of us, with Uriel acting as coordinator of all these busy sims.
I think life's beginning to settle down now.

Though I manage to catch Elaine around breakfast time, for a word or two.

"That was really a delicious salad; thank you, Elaine."
"I don't think I've ever seen someone eat a salad for breakfast..."
"Humans seem to have very strange standards, then. I can hardly be expected to do all of them."
"Ok, Ok, good point! Do you think your garden'll start producing vegetables I can use?"
"I do hope so...Though only the lettuce will be a vegetable, you know --"
"Not by culinary standards."
"Culinary standards? You have a messenger of the divine saying tomatos are fruits, and you don't believe her? How unfair!"
And we chatter on like that for a while. I do hope Elaine and I can be friends.
Stories In Progress:
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Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 3)
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2011, 09:23:47 PM »
I actually wrote this this morning, and I've been hoping someone would say something so I wouldn't be double-posting... But as it stands, I have a chapter all prepped and want to share.

Chapter 4: Light In a Darkened Place

My first post-breakfast task, however, is to practice my gardening. There's a lovely neighborhood garden not too far from here I've been aching to see.

And look at it! I certainly couldn't stop looking at it, nor could I stop myself from harvesting those lovely bell pepper plants. If I do this in my spare time, it'll help me raise my gardening skill faster.

And I also met a very nice young lady named Ruby Broke. Like so many others I'm meeting in this town, she's very interested in listening to me talk about gardening. While we left before we could become friends, I think she's a great person to want to get to know.

And Elaine, having been encouraged by our efforts, joined the culinary career to help bring in money and learn cooking at the same time.

And Uriel pointed something strange out to me.
"Ok, I want you to picture this. The bobber and the fishing spot Norman's been at are right next to that creepy warehouse."

"And? What's so strange about that?"
"Because Norman's all the way across the river. No, not on the center island: on the total other bank."

Elaine and I are at work, using the TV and a book to further our cooking and gardening enterprises, when Billy calls us over.

You see, when he was painting, he realized something: that he was contented enough with the quality of his painting to begin painting portraits.
"Yes! One requirement readied!"
"Eeeee! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I give Billy a hug, squealing like an excited child.
Billy shakes a brush in my direction and says:
"Hold still: hold still already, woman! Geeze... How do you expect me to do any painting if you just freak out like this?"
"Oh. Oh, sorry. Sorry." I eventually call upon aeons of celestial serenity to try and calm down enough for him to get a pose for the painting.
Elaine watches with a bit of a smirk.
"...Is something funny?"
"No, not exactly 'funny,' but...I guess I envy you. I've always wanted a family...But I've never really had the guts to just go out and find someone."
"If it's what you really want, you should do it!"
"Especially since I gave you that stellar makeover. Work it, girl!"
Billy narrows his eyes, and asks:
"Ok, I got a new question...Why is it that he sounds so... heavy on slang? Do all angels just sound really weird?"
"Basically." "Basically."
And Elaine laughs again.
"There are a couple of single guys in the neighborhood... Maybe I'll go talk to them..."
I feel Uriel go moving about, and a second or two later, he adds,
"Actually, the guitarist and the doctor are out. But there's this family -- the Coulters? -- I don't know anything about them."
"How did you know about who lives where, anyway?"
"Well, I've been ethereally scouting out the neighborhood."
"Or just doing a google search," Billy commented.
"Why, I never!... I mean, seriously. They have dedicated wikis for that sort of thing. Google's wholly un-needed."

And so Elaine goes searching for love at the Coulter's home.

And immediately realizes that there are significant obstacles to a relationship from this house.

I've finished my gardening book in the meanwhile, and I think for a moment about going out and buying the third and final book in the series. But then a thought occurs -- why a book when I could buy the bookstore? I need a building, anyway!

So I place a few calls, and decide to purchase Lost Willow park as well as the local bookstore.  I am now the proud owner of multiple venues!

"So now all we need to do is upgrade Lost Willow Park."
Billy chimes in: "Well, I am an architect, so maybe I can help..."
"Hey, don't forget that I can build this pretty fast: we'll have it to level 3 in two shakes of a lamb's tail."
So we look over the plans for the park.
"Well, if we can clear out some of the trees and smooth out the land --"
"But -- but the trees and the flowers need a place to live, too!
"Well, you heard the lady. The greenery stays -- unless you want to be the fool who makes her cry?"
"Of course not, you jerk!... So what are we using this place for, anyway?"
"...Well...What about arts and skills? It'd be such a beautiful place to paint."
"Yeah, I like that! In honor of Bill here."
"Billy is for six-year-olds."
"...You two...I asked you not to fight anymore..."
"Yes, sweetheart..." "Yes, Honey..."

This is what we come up with.

I personally think there should be more flowers, but we'll worry about that when funds are better.
On the one hand, this fulfills a lot of our needs. On the other, we're now nearly bankrupt. I really need to see about a career.

"...I still think it's watching me."
I giggle.
"Uriel, silly, you're not even on a visible light spectrum. Nothing *can* watch you."
"That's what makes it creepy."

The garden, cave-gnome infestation aside, certainly is coming along -- our first harvest will be any day now, and when that happens, I'll probably want to re-organize it all. I'm just not sure how yet: do I organize by plant, or by quality? Hmmm...

Of course, from what Uriel tells me as I work, I'm not the only one seeing things growing. Elaine ran into or neighbor, Mr. Lessen, by the grocery store. And right away, they started flirting.

"And, thanks to that wonderful and confidence-boosting makeover I gave her," as Uriel puts it, "She's totally willing to admit she likes him. And he's not exactly cold to that, either, you know?"
Unfortunately, unlike every other sim I've met, it appears Mr. Lessen is a little afraid of moving too fast.

But since they're romantically connected, I'll have to invite Mr. Lessen over so the two can spend more time together.

I'm barely done hearing this news when Billy calls me in to look at the portrait. I think it's a little blurry, but I really like the sort of almost-chiaroscuro effect made by the lighting.

And, while it's not perfect, it's still complete:

The first element of the museum.

...There's still so very much to do.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 4)
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2011, 11:27:43 PM »
I actually did nothing with the terrain levels: I just added a second floor to the little covered bridge and put some easels and stuff up there.
Stories In Progress:
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Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 4)
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2011, 09:03:06 PM »
Chapter 5: The Fruit Love Bears

Having completed my portrait, Billy decides to throw himself into sculpting. I know I probably won't get an ice sculpture while I'm still a young adult... But it means a lot to me to see it.

And I tell him that.

And he gives me flowers -- roses in my favorite color.
"Where did you get these?"
"Oh, just around... But I thought it'd be better than whatever else I could do."
"Billy... It's everything you do. I feel... like I don't do enough for you."
Because seeing him satisfied in his work, the clay beneath his fingernails or the paint still left drying on his eyebrow, but that big, silly smile on his face...
Makes me feel so happy. It's like watching a morning glory.
I'm not... I don't... a little voice in my head keeps saying I need to protect myself, but...
"C'mere, you..."

He lifts me up, and I drape my arms around him, and the feeling of time moving all around me, wearing me away like a rock in a current... It just goes away, and the moment's pure. Pure as white roses.

But the moment isn't still: it's moving, like a series of still images or a kaleidoscopes mirrors. Maybe I say something to him, in a low voice. Maybe we say a lot of things.

All I can say for sure is that time certainly isn't standing still: it's time to prepare for the future. Over the blood rushing in my ears and the sound of us, in the distance, I think I hear something whistling a lullabye.

...I'm still basking in the after-glow when I hear a less pleasant sound coming from outside.

"You -- you -- you lout! How can you tell me you're single and then be kissing some other girl!" It's Elaine's voice.
"Hey, we never said --"
"That's Lessen, isn't it?...Yeah, doesn't sound like all's well."
"Don't you 'we' me! I don't ever want to see your face again!"
I quickly run outside to find Elaine in tears.

"Elaine! What's the matter?"
"This man is a cheat! I was willing to give my first kiss to this guy! He said he's single, but he's been kissing all over town!"
"Shh...It'll be Ok. It'll be OK, honey. It's his loss."

"Uhh...Lessen...Are you really getting your guitar out? Are you seriously going to be playing guitar on our lawn?...Dang limited manifestation."
I keep trying to calm her down and comfort her...

Though she's upset enough that I'm willing to listen to angry gossip. But we spend most of the day and some of the night out there, just... talking.
"You really don't need a guy like him -- you're too good for that."
"Thanks...I wish he'd get off our lawn, though."
"Yeah...yeah...Well, maybe someday."
I think after all this, I can safely call Elaine one of my best friends.

Billy, having stayed in the studio for all this drama, has completed his second sculpture, having gained a bit of skill along the way.

At this point, though, he may just be running on caffeine.

And if you're wondering, Norman's been fishing -- since he's using live bait, he can catch angelfish...

And the next piece of the puzzle.

I wake up sometime around midnight feeling the worst I have ever felt in all of my existence. my whole stomach's one big knot full of needles, churning itself over and over, until eventually I can't stand it.

That part's really almost a relief... But I still spend a while there.
"I hate you, Uriel. I hate you and your schemes and your plans and human bodies and also whatever it is I ate last night..."
" don't mean that, do you?"
He sounds very small and very scared. And of course it's scary -- as scared as I am, on the bathroom floor, he's just as scared. He can't not be.
Neither of us...Have any idea of what we're doing. And really all he can do is watch -- and even that...Is just because he didn't want me to be scared alone.
"No, honey. You know I couldn't..."
I get a glass of water and head back to bed.

Billy is up early again this morning -- after a night or two of a full night's sleep, he's apparently back up to his old schedule.

And because he's been getting a little stir-crazy from all this work, he heads on out to get seeds.

And when I'm up, taken some medicine, and done the gardening, I head to sell some crops at the consignment store.
That's when I notice that next door, the Joys' former house stands empty, and its garden has been unharvested since they moved. I figure that I can get my harvestable count up, improve my gardening skill, and help keep the neighborhood in order.
So I do that for a while, when Uriel stops me.

"Hey, kitten!...I...umm...Well, I've been looking into why you've been feeling so bad."
"...Well...Umm...Congrats on the upcoming birth of generation 2! I brought you some things to change into, since I don't think those'll stretch well..."
"I'm pregnant?"
"Yup! This family's gonna have a precious little mewling sim-larva noboo thing!"
"Oh, goodness..."

I'm going to be having my own little nooboo.


"Also, this outfit is terrible."
"Yeah, I sort of panicked."

((Man, I wish I understood what was happening early enough for me to catch a shot of Elaine really telling John off. Also...Yeah. My plan of having Elaine have John's kid? It's over there. No, no, not behind the bonfire -- it *is* the bonfire.))
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 5)
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2011, 06:22:05 AM »
I enjoy your story very much! Can't wait to see the nooboo hope it looks like the mum she is lovely :)

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 5)
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2011, 01:40:48 PM »
Thanks! Due to my schedule, I've run out of I'm hoping the little nooboo turns out nicely, as well!
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 5)
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2011, 09:03:21 AM »
Chapter 6: Welcome to the World
Once I return home, my heart pitter-pattering with excitement, I realize that I still need to do more work on my gardening. I'd like to go to work once the baby's taught some of her toddler skills, and I want to work as hard on my gardening as I can first.

Though when I'm done fertilizing, I think I've gained enough confidence to plant some of the more rare and unusual seeds -- which is exactly, as a gardener, what I need.

But about the pregnancy... There, I'm really very worried. And excited. And worried. I haven't been a sim for terribly long, so I don't know all the important things. What if I mess up? What if I don't love my child like I should?

Books. All I need to do is read enough books, and the problems will all be sorted out. Books will save the day.

While I'm doing this, Elaine gets off her first day of work in the kitchens. Keep working hard, Elaine.

When Billy wakes up, he begins work on ice sculpting -- it's not a requirement, but it's a very nice element for a museum.

And I go to greet him -- I told him about the pregnancy earlier, though I think seeing me with a bump really sinks it in.

"Oh, Ariel...That's our noboo. Our perfect child."
"That's right."
"Of course that's right."
"You know, we need to come up with a names."
"Yeah! A theme that'll unite the whole dynasty!"
"A theme?"
"All the cool dynasties have themes."
"If all the cool dynasties jumped off a cliff, would this one?"
"Well, if it had a strategic advantage..."
"Well, it would be some cute wordplay..."
"What sort of harebrained, pain-in-the... Nah, nah, let's do it like this... -- how about great painters?"
"That's stupid. You should do great angels -- well, I mean, besides us... Like Gabriel and all."
"Heck no! Art should be important to this family, even after I'm gone!"
"Aim for the future!"
"Respect the past!"
"For Ariel and I, that was the past -- once and future!"
I shake my head and sigh. Girls, girls, you're both very pretty...
"Wasn't there a painter Raphael?"
"...Yeah, yeah there was..."
"...Yeah. Ok. Artist-Angels, then..."
I wonder if they realize that there's very little room for girls' names there...
Oh, well. I find when Uriel gets in a scheme mode, it's better to just go about your own business. I support him as I can... But someone has to clean up the mess.

"... Sims are weird."

I'm feeling a little run-down, so I decide to go and pamper myself with a quick massage. The books say a pregnant sim should take extra-good care of herself, for the health of the child, after-all...
And in the end, I'm so relaxed that I realize how to escape the block I've been having, and use a little more of my own power over nature, and put it into my gardening... It's not much, but it'll greatly improve the quality of my plants.

To celebrate, I head over to that lovely local garden and clean the whole thing out.

And Uriel informs me that Elaine, spurred by something at work, leaves the diner to go and confront John Lessen

"I refuse to accept the way you treated me, Jon Lessen! You're a dog, not a man, and I won't be having with a dog! I think you're..."
"Actually, you know what, honey? I don't really think I want you to hear everything she said to him: not with an innocent nooboo growing in you. I heard they can hear."

The point, Uriel tells me, is that the two of them are now mortal enemies.

And while I don't want to diminish my best friend's pain, between my discoveries, my work, and my donations to charity... I feel really good. Like an angel's supposed to.

And Billy feels like a caffeine fiend is supposed to.

Elaine's feeling better by the next day, and even gets a chance to deliver some produce to Flat Broke. I supply it happily...But I get the feeling she's got something on her mind.
"I'm thinking... Just because I'm not in the mood for a man's drama right now, doesn't mean I shouldn't have a child while I can. I'm thinking...That once your baby is born, I'll adopt a child," She explains.
"That sounds like a wonderful plan! I'll ready the nursery."
Which is, for the record, just what I do.

My baby-bump is getting pretty big...It's such a strange feeling, having my body adjust to something like that. Billy and Uriel both are doing a wonderful job of looking out for me -- I can tell they're each, in their own way, a little anxious.

I feel like getting out of the house and away from at least half the fussing, so I head to the consignment shop. A little extra income is always good.
But the moment I'm done consigning my fruit, I feel a sharp pain.

The baby's coming! The whole shop goes into a tizzy. I decide immediately to call a cab to take me to the hospital -- it's about as far as home, and it's more official.

I'll spare my dear readers the unpleasant details, and add two things: The first is that Billy, of course, rushed out to meet me. The second is that I'm rather surprised he did, given his loner nature... And the giant crowd that was outside the hospital.

The next thing I knew clearly, when the rush of natural endorphins faded, I was heading home with my precious little girl.
I think she's got an artistic streak, like her father... But that, perhaps because of my own otherworldly blood...She's going to be a little...strange.

"I think I'll call you... Aster."
I smile and hold my little nooboo close.

"After all... I wanted a plant theme."

I laugh wearily as we all drive home.

((Welcome little Aster! Her traits are insane and artistic. Her favorites are Latin Music, Eggrolls, and the color Black.))
Stories In Progress:
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 6)
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2011, 11:03:44 AM »
Congrats on the nooboo! That pic in the bath is funny lol!

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 5)
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2011, 07:58:27 AM »
I can't see the last picture, is there supposed to be one? I can see a Red X. Welcome little nooboo!  :D
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 5)
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2011, 03:52:05 PM »
I can't see the last picture, is there supposed to be one? I can see a Red X. Welcome little nooboo!  :D

It's fixed. I sort of...forgot to put in the URL of the image. Oops.

Chapter 6: So many nooboos! It's like a powerthirst commercial!

On the taxi ride home from the hospital, Billy stares ahead and starts talking,
"I think it's time for me to really focus -- on this family."
"Don't forget about you, too, Billy."
"You're right, you're right. I need to -- when the ice sculptures are ready to last -- really focus on working on music. Art is art."
I nod and smile.

And little Aster is just darling, with her soft little hands reaching out from the swaddling clothes to grab at the world. I don't think anyone in the house can keep their hands off of her.

Since Norman's the only one up so late, he's staying home and reading a gardening book at nights.
Uriel's waiting and watching her most of the day and night, and he'll usually tell us if she wants for something before we can tell for ourselves. It's not surprising to me that Uriel's a little protective of her -- it's his way, in the end.

The next morning, Norman comes in with a package.
"Billy, Ariel -- either of you have an 'aunt Bernice'?"
"Why, no... I don't have any sim relatives outside this house."
"What about angel relatives?"
"Angel relationships..."
"...Are not static 1:1 with sim relationships."
"Right. But even so... I can't think of any older angels named Bernice, who might want to call me her 'niece'."
"We're pretty old as angels go - pre-fall and all. Not that that was a good thing."
"And I don't have any family I'm in touch with... I don't think there's a Bernice anywhere."
Norman reaches into the package and pulls out a small doll.

"Some 'Aunt Bernice' sent this. It's for Aster."
"It's sort of cute."
"I'm more curious about why it was sent..."
"Well, I guess in the meanwhile, we'll let her have it. I think I'll call it Evanthe."
"Why do you want to name some creepy clown doll?" Billy asks.
"I like naming things."

While we're talking about Evanthe, Elaine is outside making a call.

"Yes, Yes, that's right. I'm unmarried, but I live with my father and some friends -- Not a lot of money, but the house can support all of us very well.
...You'll send someone over? Really? I kind of expected a longer process...
Ummm... A boy. Preferably an infant.
Thank you very much."

"Happy with your choice, Elaine?"
"Oh, don't you go snarking at me, Mr. I-don't-have-a-body-so-I-can-be-a-clever-spy."[/b]
"I was being sincere."
"Oh...Well...Then, yeah. Yeah I am."
"Good. Hey, Ariel! She's happy! Stop worrying!"
"...I live in a house of gossip. *sigh*"

I enjoy my time with Aster so adorably small while I have the chance -- it's not a thing that will last too long. But we can go on like this until she grows up little without any trouble.

Elaine's son arrives while she's at work, so it's up to Norman to greet the little one. His name is Reed. THe files the social worker left with us say he's a good but excitable little one. His favorites are Latin Music, White, and Lobster Thermidor.

Norman, despite the child being no blood of his, is a very proud adoptive grandfather.

It takes Elaine a few hours to get home, but when she does, she's instantly taken with her little boy. Her first thought is to hold him.

And Billy's no slouch in tending to Aster, either. He's really following through on his resolutions.

Reed also gets a doll from “Aunt Bernice.” Now, Aunt Bernice does not (I asked Norman and Elaine) exist. I suspect magic is afoot.
"Well, Aster can have hers, but I am not letting Reed near a creepy magic doll --"
"That came from a nonexistent person, possibly some sort of terrible extraplanar being from beyond comprehension. That likes dolls that look like clowns."
"Right. Reed's not touching anything that is that scary and specific."

And from all the crops, it comes down to the truth -- we need a second sprinkler! Yaaay!
That is literally the only thing of note that happens for quite a while...

Until I realize that I've learned about as much as I can about gardening in this form. But there are still challenges to meet, though.

Which means my core job will be completing those challenges by handling harvests and planting, while Elaine -- today, anyway -- can now help me out with the weeding, to save time.

“Guess what I bought at the consignment shop, Uriel?”
”Is it another gnome?”
“It’s another gnome! Now cavegnome can have a friend!”
“..Uriel, honey! Are you crying?”
”…I’m…just so… very happy… f-for cavegnome…That I am sobbing…with joy…And not terror. At all.”

And then it comes time for Aster's birthday. They really do grow up so fast. Still, the challenge is only just starting.

Aster ages up into a precious little girl with no hair.

"She's got your eyes, though...And come on -- we'll dress her up and she'll be good to go."

And so we dress her in blue and black, even finding a shirt for her formalwear with a nice pattern from super fashion designer Gheez.

((Billy's traits now include family-oriented and virtuoso, instead of slob and loner. Reed's traits, as mentioned in-game, are Good and Excitable -- for an adopted kid, that's not bad at all. Also, Aster has inherited her mom's custom eye color. Yaaay!))
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 7)
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2011, 04:54:19 PM »
Wow, I think Aster is going to be one stunner of a Sim, she is so cute as a Toddler, love her eyes and hair combo!  :D
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 7)
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2011, 08:52:21 PM »
Chapter 8: Time to Do Some Stuff

I started teaching Aster to walk as quickly as I could -- it's important for a little one to be active early. That's what the book said.

Even though Elaine thinks it's odd, I let Aster bond with her toy. It just makes her so happy.

And once she's done, Billy decides, just out of the blue, to start teaching Aster to talk. It's cute to see them sitting there, Billy trying to explain words. And to avoid swearing like a sailor in front of an impressionable child.
"When you get older, Mommy will throw you lots of parties.... Man, am I not looking forward to that. I'm better about crowds, but geeze do I hate that..."
Aster stares at him, waiting for the next word out of his mouth.
"Shi...ngles? Shingles. I hate those shingles. Need some new ones. Can you say Shingles, honey?"
It really is adorable. In its own way.

Like all children, Reed begins to grow up a little.

It's unfortunate how many children grow up without their hair. It's like some sort of toddler-pattern baldness epidemic.

But it's quite fixable. It turns out Reed's a little blond. I think he looks rather cute.

Of course, Reed's not the only one getting older. Indeed, it seems like everyone is, these days.
I... I am not someone who's used to time. I see these little markers -- the lettuce plant gone bitter and barren, the children growing... And I feel Azrael, grimmest of angels, breathing in my breath, sucking the sweetness from my bones; I can feel him waiting and looming.
Time is a beautiful and frightful thing, to make an angel feel old and ugly just from being near it.
But this is about Elaine, not me: we didn't have anyone to invite to a party, so she had her birthday more-or-less alone.

Perhaps the reason she didn't want anything, even a cake, was because of how uncomfortable the thought of her own age makes her: she's been spending hours staring at wrinkles in a mirror. According to Billy, this is something sims go through called a 'mid-life crisis,' and will eventually pass.
Maybe I can find a book about Mid-Life Crises that will tell me how to help.

To distract herself, Elaine begins potty training Reed...

But somehow, in just trying to get her to go to bed with an empty bladder, ends up training Aster.

And Billy, in a bit of a panic, realizes she's well due for her portrait. I'm sure it'll turn out just fine -- oh, but Aster certainly loves to watch him paint.

In the early morning, when I'm just waking up, I hear a discussion:

”It’s inside the house! Billy, hide Aster and Ariel! We’re being inva –“
”Quit being crazybones, crazybones.”
”I don’t have bones.”
”Well then that’s why they’re so crazy!”

Since Elaine's busy with work, Norman decides to help take care of his grandson.
"...Hey, Norman?"
"Yeah, Uriel? I'm busy right now...But what is it?"
"Oh, I don't need you to do anything...I just want to ask you something... Ariel's...Well, she's trying to hide it, because that's --"
"That's her way."
"Right...But... W-what it's like, getting older?"
"She's never... Angels are infinite. Without time or end. I... I just want to be ready to help her."
"...It's...Like anything else, I guess. Hard and sad and glad. I never thought I'd live to see a grandchild: I can say I'm happy enough in my twilight years. But I never expected to see my wife go before me, or so many old friends...
There's gonna be a moment for her when she'll lose someone, and it'll stop surprising her. It'll hurt like getting ropeburn and not like getting stabbed. Maybe it'll be mine, and she'll face the rest without fear. It's possible."

"But not likely."
"Be there for her in the meantime... And when she worries about how numb she's gotten, tell her not to. After Jenny died, the rest were just drops in a bucket... But she's the one that hurt more than any."
"...And you still miss your wife?"
"Still? Missing her's forever, kiddo." He sighs. "It's cold comfort, but it's what there is. But hey -- look at this kid and tell me there's no good in time."

...I don't think Uriel expected me to hear that. But when it's been long enough that he won't catch on that I was nearby, I scoop Aster up and take her and the stroller for a walk.
She really loves the walk -- she points at things as we walk by, seeing the play of color and light like a wonderland.

And sometimes I collapse the stroller and carry her. Then, she snuggles close, as if she realizes that she and I will have a lot to see one day, and best stick close.

"You always have to remember that you are loved; love's the thing that'll win the day, always."
I explain to her as I am teaching her her words.

"Yes, that's right... But please, please, honey, don't let love hurt you..."
I change the subject.

"You'll be painting soon, I bet. Can you say 'painting'?"
"Da world'll wed widda paint fwum my brush!"
"Very good! Aren't you such a precocious little one?"
"...You know, that's not a sentence to be happy about..."

Of course, when you're raising little ones, little compromises must be made:

Billy Asks: ”Isn’t that normally in the nursery?”
”Welll eeeexcuuuse me, Princess. Maybe I was worried Little Aster wouldn’t be able to make it all the way, ever thought of that?”
“I’m sure he’ll put it back, Billy.”

“O~h Urieeel…Loook what I bought?”
”….This…This is my pennance. This is how you’ve decided to make me pay for all I’ve done…You finally found it…”
Silly Uriel. Well, if I just keep buying them, maybe one day he’ll stop being afraid.

I decide that there are some things to do while out on the town. First of all, there's an event in town that'll help me out.

I compete in a local amateur athletics competition, and according to the judges, I achieve total victory! Does that make me a Ninja Warrior, or will none of my readers get this joke?

And I also join the workforce: you are now looking at a coffee courier. It'll be tough, but I'll do my best to make my way to the top!
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 7)
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2011, 06:01:22 AM »
Great update! Uriel so afraid of the gnomes is so funny, now you must plant some plasma fruit and get vampire gnomes!

Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 7)
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2011, 07:17:36 AM »
I don't have Late Night, so that simply won't be possible.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 7)
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2011, 08:22:32 AM »
I've been enjoying this. There's a free picture of an angel at the store, if you're interested.
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