Author Topic: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please!)  (Read 81373 times)

Offline Deme

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Chapter 16: Rated 'S' for excessive sappiness.

Aster didn't come home from school on-time that day. Not for any bad reason -- she had been invited to the house of the Coulter girl, whose family Elaine had met quite a long time ago. And, desiring to make some friends and endear herself to the neighbors, she assented.

Of course, from what Uriel relayed to me, things there do not go entirely well. You see, Aster's eccentricities, to us, are darling (or vaguely worrying, but we don't inform her of this). To someone else...

"If we could expand the molecules to house-sized proportions, and then we could live inside, like, your nose... And ride the electrons to school. Which, of course, would take place in the molecules of my nose... Except that creates a loop of infinitely tiny nose-molecules. Well, anyway, does your nose have bedroom space?"
Coulter Girl (thinking)...Why is there no 'cell phone > call for services > men in white coats,' exactly? "Heck no!"

Aster heads home disappointed and angry: outside her peers in the house, she did not necessarily get along well with those at school. And this was just another reminder.
When she comes home, she immediately asks Reed and Evanthe to go to PlumPuddle park with her.
"I'll keep an eye on her."
"Thank you."

After all, I had my own company to tend to: before I knew about Aster's troubles, I had invited the Lobos girls and Constance Shelley over... They should be coming any...

"Oh, Miss Shelley! You gave me quite the fright! When did you get here?"
"When you weren't looking, obviously."
"That doesn't answer..."
"A book ninja does not reveal her secrets."
 Well, I suppose she's just lucky to live in Riverview: if she lived in Barnacle Bay, she'd probably have to do battle with book pirates.

...At the park...

“Why are we sitting back-to-back?” Reed asks.
“Maybe because I don’t want to be a seen thing. Or maybe I do. I…I don’t remember which is which, right now."

"Aster, come over here..."

"You're a really great person, Aster. Those guys at school don't know what they're missing. You're cheerful and funny and... Just really interesting."

"Thanks, Reed. You're... really nice. Like if our hands touched, the resulting warmth I felt could power a lightbulb...That's the sort of warm person you are."
"I don't think anyone's said anything that unique about me before!"

The two of them settle in to look at the stars...

"Uh, guys?" Evanthe, who's been fishing off by herself for most of the night, pipes in.
"Yeah, 'Vanthe?"
"It's nearly curfew. We better go home."

"Hey, that was my job!"
"Too bad, Mr. Uriel! Too bad!" Evanthe laughs.

When the kids get home, Reed and Aster head to a corner of the lot to continue their talk.

"I don't think they see me as real. When they look at me, they turn me to glass, and I stop being real. Or I never was. And I'm going to live forever one day, so maybe I'll just not be real forever."
"Like that book Mom read said. 'Real isn't something you're made. It's something that happens to you.' Like Evanthe. When something is loved enough, it becomes real."
"...Aster... You're real to me."

Aster giggles.
"See? It's really warm, holding your hand like this."
Reed sits closer, while Billy and Evanthe behind me press closer to the nursery window for a better view.

"Yeah, it is. Come on, Aster, cheer up. Tell me the stories about the stars."
"Well, Ok... That one is..."


"Hey, Ariel, we finally went around to getting a bed for Evanthe, isn't that --"
"Not now, Uriel! Reed's making his move."
"What? And you didn't call me? Let me see --"

"Aww, we missed it!"
"I mean, I really do like you. A real lot."
"I'd hope so...Ummm...Say, Reed...Want to maybe go to prom together?"
"Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes!"
He almost jumps for joy. How sweetly undignified, as only the young can be...

Oh, but the nicest young man I know and my daughter have found each other... Yesyesyesyesyes~!

We let them be for the night.


And in the morning, Aster makes a toybox.

”A functional toybox. With toys in it.,”
“Well, of course. What else would a toybox have in it? It’s not a good sculpture if it’s not authentic.”
I shake my head.
"...Until I figure where these came from, I am keeping it right here in the living room."

It's not just the kids, though: this weekend, love is in the air for most of the house.

Except maybe Elaine, whose day of work was maybe... less than stellar?

I'm in such a good mood that I decide to do some more work on my space, the lawn. Specifically, that lovely space covered by the balcony.

"Hey, Aster, don't go forgetting about me even if you're snuggling up to Reed, alright?"
"Why would I do that, you big silly? You're my first and best friend in this whole world. Our lives are intertwined."
"Good. Because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to live in a world where Aster's not my friend."

As sweet as she is to Aster, though, Evanthe's not without some mischief.

But luckily Uriel decided to replace that bench: we'd need it for later today. Because today was Sunday, and Sunday was the prom.
The girls spent the rest of the day fussing and primping, even coming up with new outfits for themselves, just for the big day.

I do get them to pose politely for one little picture. It's a mother's prerogative, to see her daughter and her daughter's best friend looking nice on Prom Night. Only one thing's missing... But when the limo drives up, he comes on out...

"Got it in one, Aunt Ariel... I wanted to be a little bit...well, hotter."
"He asked for my assistance, of course! We worked something out. Magically."
"And by 'magically,' you mean...?"

"We set up a body sculptor."
"Ah... Well, it does suit him. I suppose whatever makes him happy."

Speaking of which, after all the trouble we went through getting her in a prom dress, she still went to prom in her athletics clothes! How did she change outfits in the limo like that?
...Well, I suppose Reed probably had no complaints, however she did it.

And they certainly have a busy prom. Reed and Aster danced the night away, making quite the stir at the party, and really bonding with each other, enough so that Reed eventually asked her to go steady. And after all of that, who could dare refuse? According to Uriel, it was a non-stop back and forth of chicken dancing and secret looks, all night long. He stopped and told me about each one, and to be frank, I was a little tired of being told it by the end of the night.
"Man, they're busy kids..."
Evanthe didn't have as much luck, getting turned down by a popular boy... But, when she thought the nice looked the worst, she was given a drink by a young man who's been to a number of our parties: Ross Dorman, a little older than Evanthe. He's a pretty cute young guy, and he and Evanthe hit it off a little. Maybe she will find love, after all.

In the end, Aster even was voted Prom Queen, with Reed voted Prom King! It seems that people liked her more than she thought. Though Aster really wanted to be Prom Grand High Councilwoman and Overlady, but no one listened... Probably for the best.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline AnnBeiFong

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They both got King and Queen! That's so cute. Poor 'Vanthe, though, about the popular guy. But at least someone was paying attention to her.

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Offline MarianT

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I really like Aster's dialogue -- and Ariel's opinion -- " darling and vaguely worrying" -- great!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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@ AnnBeiFong: I think that, whoever the popular guy is, Ross is better for her, simply because I knew him already.

@ MarianT: Thank you ^^

Anyway, this chapter mainly came out of me wanting something to do while we waited for Aster to age up.
Chapter 17: All You Need is Love. Jumbo-Sized Love.

Billy finished Norman's portrait, late as it was, and we placed it over his grave. I worry about it, a little.

And later in the evening, after many of the events of this story have passed, he even comes out, seemingly just to see it -- he doesn't do anything else but look at it and return to his rest. I do hope it means he's pleased.

But, earlier, Evanthe decides to invite over the young man who charmed her at the dance: Ross. I've already mentioned he's no stranger to this house -- he was a classmate of Aster's for a while, then aged up, and now she's caught up with him again. Still, this is the first time he's been here without a crowd. He's not an unattractive young fellow.

And it appears that their earlier encounter wasn't just a dance-time fluke; they hit it off and flirt and sit at the fire pit for most of the day (well, once I come by and cough for them to do their homework.

Not that they're the only romantic couple in the house...
"Awww, aren't they sweet?"
"Hmm...That gives me an idea... Hey, Uriel?"
"What is it now, Billy?"
"I need your help for something. It's for Ariel."
"...Hmm...On the one hand, I don't like helping you..."
"What sort of guardian angel are you?"
"But on the other hand... I do like seeing Ariel happy. Alright, I'm in."
Oooh, is someone (by which I mean me) getting a surprise from two of my favorite entities? ...Well, I can maybe listen in and still act surprised, right?
Of course, whatever Billy's plan is, it involves going to the store. I'll have to find out later.

"Listen Ross, I'm really, really tired.  I am going to fall over if I don't let you go so I can go to bed in a minute."
"Well, 'Vanthe, I could just go home..."
"No, No. I wanted... Well, I wanted to ask you... If we could go steady?"
Of course. I'd really like that; you're like no other sim I've met."
"That's sorta because she's not really a --"
("Stow it, Mr. Uriel.")
"Fine, Fine... It's not like people outside this family can hear me anyway."
"...I mean, Great! Well, best be heading to bed. See you later, honey."

"And, with a young man in orbit, we can count this as a success!"

I don't know if this has anything to do with my surprise-that-I-know-about, but Billy's been playing his guitar in the park recently. He gets decent tips, too.

And I have taken to inviting any new coworkers I find over in order to become better friends. "It's important for one to be as friends with as many people as possible, particularly if you spend a lot of time working with them."
"And you get more promotions by sucking up, too."
...I wish sometimes he'd put things in less mercenary terms sometimes.
I am, though, very good at befriending my coworkers: in the course of the single day, I can get one up to best friend.

While a pillow's not quite a flaming sword, it is a weapon of the divine. I approach my quarry with the calm of righteous ones, Tee-Hee.

"Grrrr! Sky, you keep making me get left behind! I will smash you, puny heavens!"
"Awww... She's really so cute that I'm not angry at all about her being out after curfew this once."
"Sweets, your definition of cute worries me sometimes. Then again, I'm sure it's part of why you think I'm cute..."
"Could be."

In more somber news, some of the fish Norman left behind are passing on; Evanthe looks so sad, flushing them.

But the night closes on happy news: Aster uses the new addition to the house, the computer, to purchase her property and business.
"Romper Recreational, Huh? I'll get to work remodeling it right a --"
"No you won't! It's mine, so I want to do it!"
"You? Whatever you say, Princess. What do you --"
"Not now, silly.... When I'm an architect, like Dad."
"Well, Ok, like dad pretends to be. But he's reached level 6 just by painting, and... Well, all those people going around with those poorly-designed houses... Not one of them travels by slide! Not a one!"
"Isn't that because no one.."
"Oh, they say it's because slides aren't a stair-type item in build mode, but that's just from lack of effort! I'll change the way housing is done, you'll see!"
"...Whatever works for you, then."
"Thanks, Uriel!"
"Anything for our little princess."

And the good news keeps coming: I finally get the opportunity that will allow me to plant cheese and egg plants. This means I only need three more plants, instead of a full five!
...We sure are lucky I've been hoarding fruit in my pocket like some sort of deranged squirrel, and thus didn't have to wait, aren't we?
"Hey, sweetheart! Let's go celebrate. Come with me, I've got it all figured out."
"Ooh, is that surprise you were working out for me?"
I cover my hands with my mouth. "Oh, dear. I wasn't supposed to let on that I knew, was I? I'm so sorry!"
"...It's ok. You're not a good enough liar to keep it hidden."

He takes me to a park and we have lunch there, talking and laughing about this and that. We spend so much time in that crowded house that time with just the two of us feels special and rare.

"And a little nectar to finish the meal. I picked this up specially, so I hope you like it."
"Ooh, it's all bubbly! Is this the --?"
"Are you going analyze everything I do all day for the surprise?"
"...Well, may... Ok, Ok, I'll stop."
"Good, because we aint done yet."

He takes my by the hand and leads me for a while, to a beautiful field. Butterflies flit around us,
and flowers bloom like mad in bright pinks and whites -- it's like a symphony on the eyes.
I stand there with my breath taken away.
"Ok, yeah, this is sort of the surprise. I found it on an old town map..."
He explains. He looks uneasy.
"Goodness sakes, woman! D-don't just stand there!....Ok, that came out wrong. But...What do you think?"
"Oh...I love it. It's absolutely beautiful."
"One more thing..."
He takes out a guitar and begins to play.

And the music weaves itself into the evening, as he plays a sweet song only I will hear. Time seems to move so quickly that it's positively unfair.

Eventually, feeling worn out, we head home, for a round of small gifts: another bouquet of white roses, and a firework he sets out on the front lawn. We stare at it for just a minute, before going inside...

To make our own fireworks, so to speak.
"I love you." I whisper to him, tears dotting the corner of my eyes as I at last admit defeat: for whatever pain it'll do me later, I can't keep pretending something other than my feelings.
"I love you so much."


"...For some reason, I was expecting a bigger net gain for Team Uriel out of that. What was I thinking?"
"Oh, Uriel. I wanted to say thank you so much, for helping Billy with today. It means a lot to me that you're willing to put your grudge aside, if only for my sake."
"...Think nothing of it. Your thanks is reward enough."


Oh, and I wanted, for the sake of a complete sense of our house, to say a little something about Elaine. While there's no great love of her life, she seems happy: she spends a lot of time just playing around, sometimes joined by the ghost of her father. She tells me she's happy, especially since her life has the pleasure of being a quiet one.

For the next day, Billy spends it in an inspired passion, playing guitar for hours on end. In fact, just as midnight begins to turn, he masters the art:

He has completed his lifetime wish.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Deme

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Man, things got quiet in here.

Chapter 18: Birthday-Palooza

I was in such a good mood that I decided to do a lot of yardwork -- much of this is still preliminary, since I know our family will be using a lot of this space over time, to fit our expanding needs. But we have some ponds -- I'll probably  remove a few -- and many, many more flowers. I think a few more flowers still would be a good idea, but Uriel's starting to fuss about there not being room if we keep adding more flowers.

And Elaine celebrated her birthday alone. I know it sounds like we're neglecting her, but she insisted -- she doesn't like being the oldest person in the house. But we did at least talk her into having a cake.

Compared to other birthdays we've seen, hers is relatively mild.  Maybe it's because no one was watching? I wonder if there's a book about unfortunate aging.

Anyway, I think she aged really very well. I can only hope I age as well. I'm a little nervous.

Aster spent her evening visiting Ross Dorman.
"So what is your intention towards my best friend? If you plan on selling her in an alien space trade, then you've got another thing coming...Oh, and the answer is 24."
"*rolls eyes* ('If you want to be her lover, you've got to get with her friends...' Spice Girls, why do you lie?)"

Speaking of making new friends, I've been asked to talk to Mr. Sherman Bagley for work. He's really a very nice man -- I was a little surprised, given how often his mother crashes my party. Well, we talked for a while and were friends within hours.
My office keeps calling me 'the orbital friendship cannon,' and talking about 'deploying the friendship cannon at those reluctant retailers.' I don't entirely understand it, but I'm glad to be doing good work.

The kids have a bit of a talk about Reed's future.
"I was thinking... Maybe I ought to do something to beautify the town when I grow up, too: I mean, unless I decide to pursue music, and all...What should I do?"
"Well, music and beautifying are both adding beauty -- which should always be an objective for us as artists."
"...That was an alarmingly lucid answer."
"There are things we do for love. But...what were you planning on doing to beautify the town?"
"One word: Makeovers."
"Isn't that technically against the rules?"
"Actually, it's not!" Aster pipes up. "I checked online -- makeovers to non-family members, made without intent to increase lifespans of specific sims, are totally cool! To keep the stylist job viable."
"...Where did you check this?"
"Well, I was thinking about  the people reading the story, and what they might know about the rules, and then I realized that that was what they had said."
"...Reed, do you believe this?"
Reed shrugs.
"There are things you do for love. It's real enough. Maybe I will be a stylist."

Aster's been meaningly to socialize a bit more, and so decides to throw a party for all her teenage friends -- she's finally putting her prom dress to good use. (And don't worry -- Evanthe steals Ross away after that dance, and Aster circulates through all the guests.)

That evening, Elaine gets her final promotion at work, and brings home a special treat.

"We shall call it...Uberfridge."
"Uriel, it's got a name. It's the utmost in food storage."
"...I know, Elaine. I just want to call it the uberfridge."
"Oh, hey! What about the Ultrafridge? Less transcending of the slave-mentality, but more ultra." Aster pipes in.
"That's my girl! Ultrafridge it is."
"...What is Ariel going to do with you two?"
"Be with us forever?"
"Sounds about right!"
"That wasn't meant to be answered."

"What's all this confetti for?"
"I'm retiring. I've worked long enough, I've accomplished several dreams worthy of a person's life... I'm ready."
"Oh, well, happy retirement! I hope to join in soon."
I just wonder where the confetti came from...

Since it's hard to say how long she'll have with us... She decides to start putting together something special, to store for later.  Thank you, Elaine. You're such a good friend.

I'm sorry living with my daughter is so difficult sometimes. We have chairs, sweetheart.

A major argument against Reed contemplating being a stylist: tonight he maxxes painting, thus cutting off possible options

It's really about party season -- we have three birthdays coming up at once. So I decide to add a deck for parties, with a hottub and pool. It's still a work in progress.

Though speaking of works in progresses.... I manage to at last achieve my final promotion. I am Ariel Seraphim, Power Broker! This is one of my last requirements, and the relief of having it completed is a breath of fresh air.

"Why, look, Uriel! The gnomes are so happy for me they're having a party!"
"...Or planning a conspiracy."
"They sure do love tabletops. They're like little drunken dancers."
"...Or menaces to society."

Anyway, while Uriel mutters about gnomes, I take the chance to refresh a few relationships, just to be sure I'm ready.

And Billy and I enjoy the hottub for a while before the party starts.

Because once it starts, it's pure chaos. Everyone's clustered around, everyone's waiting for cake -- and once we get started, everyone's trying to decide how to be in-line for cake, or celebrating, or sitting and eating... It's just pure chaos.

But Billy still somehow gets up to his cake. He's still, I think, a wonderfully handsome man.

Especially once we get some color in his hair and some better clothes.
"And you found my hat!"
"I saved it. I knew you'd be wanting it."
"Awwww...." He gives me a little kiss on the cheek.

And my little girl goes up. A little less little now, I suppose. I'm glad she wasn't the only one attending a formal party in her swimwear.

But she's such a lovely girl. I mean, really -- when I saw her, little tears dotted my eyes.

It'd be a shame not to put her in so many different outfits -- she'll wear whatever she feels like, after all. According to her, her hairstyling's still a work in progress for some of these.
She also decided on her liftetime wish -- to live in the lap of luxury.
"But honey, you already do."
"Oh, yeah!... Well, that's wonderful!"
Anyway, she's a sort of girl who I think could sell anything: a real Natural Saleswoman.

And last but not least is Evanthe, after some people start get tired of cake and parying.
That outfit, though, is absolutely terrible! Nature is so cruel.

She cuts her hair dramatically, and you think that would make her look less feminine; however, she's really a cute and modern girl -- and she hasn't totally forgotten her roots, either.
She says, though, that she needs to distance herself from being that highschool Loser, and be a better Angler instead. But first, as she's grown, she's decided to keep trying all sorts of new adventure.
"And that's why I'm heading to China!"
"Great! Ariel, let's go pick up some fruit there, while we're at it."
"Very well. It'll be a fun little trip."


((Aster's final traitset is as follows:
Insane, Artistic, Perfectionist, Savvy Sculptor, and Natural Salesperson.

Evanthe's final traitset, with the aid of a Midlife Crisis, is as follows:
Loves the Outdoors, Angler, Perfectionist, Savvy Sculptor, and Adventurous.))

Ariel Seraphim
Lifetime Wish: The Perfect Garden
Career: Business
Supermax Skill: Gardening (Maxxed, 2/3 Challenges)
Building, Property: Divisario Budget Books, Lost Willow Park
LTR: Super Green Thumb, No Bills Ever, Collection Helper
Best Friends: Billy (Caspian) Seraphim, Elaine Joy, Aster Seraphim, Laurel Grisby, Fatima Simovitch, Tom Shallow, Larry Cooper, Anita and Carlotta Lobos, Constance Shelly, Chandra Jacobsin
Black Ops: Amateur Olympics, Making Coffee the Executive Way, Seeking More Favorable Taxes, Making Nice with the Newsies, Political Influence, Uncommonly Good, Outflanking the Military
Portraits: YA, Adult
Sculptures/Photos: Adult (Sculp)

Aster Seraphim
Lifetime Wish: Living in the Lap of Luxury
Career: Architect
Supermax Skill: Painting
Building, Property: Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, Romper Recreational Park
LTR: Observant, Attractive, Extra Creative
Best Friends: Ariel Seraphim, Reed Joy, Evanthe Seraphim, Ross Dorman
Black Ops: When Dream Come True, Scavenger Hunt: Rare Elements, A fishy science project, Outside Reading
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teenager
Sculptures/Photos: Child (sculp), Teen (sculp)
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Sims3Clacla123

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This dynasty is really good Deme well done,you're doing great.
Live. Laugh. Love.Dream Big and Have no regrets

Offline AnnBeiFong

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Well done, Deme. That was a wonderful birthday party indeed. Aster is absolutely gorgeous, Billy is awesome in his hat, and 'Vanthe is very stunning in her new hairstyle.

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Thank you both!

Fashion Show Intermission
This isn't an update per se, but I recently went in and edited through the girls' wardrobes. Most of the warddrobes are the same, but there are some new additions and some changes. These won't show up until after chapter 20, but I'd like to get the images out of the way now.

Evanthe's wardrobe edits

First on our fashion show is a second everyday look for Evanthe. I was trying to more clearly evoke the style she had as a teenager, going for something light and flirty, and a little doll-like.

Have you noticed I like putting Evanthe in stripes? Not sure how that happened. This is a more formal formalwear for her -- a formal gown, if you will. This will probably won't make a lot of appearances... But at least she's wearing those cute cat earrings from pets.

Evanthe gets new sleepwear, as opposed to an additional sleep outfit. For some reason, this involves animal slippers.

Aster's Wardrobe Changes

First off is a new everyday look for her, fresh from the Sims Store. I was going to add more everyday looks, but.... Apparently the max you can have is 3.
I don't have a problem.
Anyway, this sort of kooky, craft-y look is very nice for Aster, who I like to think puts some of her clothes together by hand.

This is her usual formal gown/wedding dress, but with a new hairstyle. Fun fact about this outfit: I was showing my friend around Sims 3, having her make a sim... And almost all of the outfits she wanted were outfits I had color-tweaked and saved for the purposes of this dynasty. This was her sim's everyday dress, and Ariel's formal was her formal.

I decided to replace Aster's trendy party-formal sort of outfit with another steampunk-based piece. And, also, a different hairstyle. She's Billy's daughter, and so appreciates a fine hat on occaison.

I also gave her a second athletics outfit. Aster probably won't be doing anything Athletic, though she may one day get to swim, but I figure if she's going to switch clothes all the time, she may as well have a lot of clothes. This one is taken from the one she wore as a teen.

And I replaced her swimsuit with this lovely grass skirt and coconut combo, purchased just so she could wear it. I wish girls had that ducky floaty device as an option, but they don't. Sigh.
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Thanks for the fashion show! Both models look beautiful

Offline Deme

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Chapter 19: China Girl
When I became real, I realized there was a world outside of Aster's house. I want to see that world; all of it.
And so, Ariel and I headed to China. It's funny, the two people who aren't entirely human there.

Oh, Mr. Uriel says I need to say who I am. Sorry. It's Evanthe -- yes, an unlikely hero out for adventure on her own!

We did arrive safely, at least. Ariel's here for reasons of her own, though.
"C'mon, dollface. I know where all the fruits are here."
"Oh? And how do you know that?"
"Well, I wouldn't send you to a place I haven't researched, would I?"
"Do you want me to list all the times you have, Uriel?"
"Cold...Just cold..."
She laughs like a bell.
"Well, I have a travel book, so we'll be OK. You go on ahead, Evanthe."

Right. Adventure Time! Not like the show, but like the time of adventure!

"Alright, so what's my task?"
"Your task is to complete the tutorial tomb, like every other foreigner."
I'm not seeing sights just standing around, right?

Ariel, meanwhile, was doing the shopping for supplies, but also for things like pomelos, whatever fruits she could purchase here to transplant.
According to Uriel, she was pretty eager to chat to everyone using random phrases from her travel book, and could almost-speak almost-chinese by "Extrapolating from those phrases the context of other nearby phrases, linguistically-speaking. Aren't travel books so handy?"
I'm not sure that's the travel book doing that work... But she's raiding all the books she can find.

Newsflash, everyone: tomb raiding seems to involve a lot of statues. Ergo, tomb raiding involves a real lot of work. My poor little stuffed arms...
Oh, yeah. I figured that since no one was around, I'd just go all-natural for this -- humans do naked, I'm told, but I think it's best to just be a cute little doll for a while.

But I guess Gardening might be hard work, too, huh? Ariel seems to enjoy finding basically a giant garden -- she raids that sucker dry.
...Aster told me about the immortality. For Ariel, this little vacation....Is probably a necessity. It's sink-or-swim.
"Aaaaah, what lovely air. Isn't it just so charming to be out in strange climes, Uriel?"
"Yeah. You think we should hit up the temple of Heaven next? Or the terracotta army?"
... Nevermind.

Meanwhile, I'm still working on tomb-raiding.
"What, do you not *want* me gathering your precious secrets and treasures? Did you deliberately make this annoying?"

The things I do for adventure. Do you know how hard it is to get water out of stuffing? It's pretty hard. You can't just toss me in the dryer.
...Because we've tried that. I felt really, really sick afterwards, and even though Aster found it funny, we agreed not to try that again.

Still, I got her done. Adventure #1, Complete! And I get a VISA upgrade to boot!

Adventure #2, getting lapis and mercury.
"Yeah, we got some of that, let me fetch it real quick."
Uriel brings it before I can blink.
 Fastest completion time ever.
"How did you? You didn't even move!"
“My stepmom…er…Adoptive…foster…? This lady who I’ve lived with forever, anyway… Well, she’s sort of been collecting rocks all day.”

 But then she wants bugs, almost to spite me.

Well, I did manage to show her!...And then, literally, showed her. What with giving her those bugs.

And I got another VISA upgrade from that. I don't know why a credit card company has control over travel to a whole nation -- perhaps it is some sort of terrible, monstrous scheme to have their grips into all aspects of society, a veritable octopus of low credit rating!
Good thing I'm getting all these updates -- I guess I'll be OK.

"So, I guess we're kind of done with the adventure parts of your day for a bit?"
"Well, they're lovely books; I almost just want to take them home with me!"
"Hmm...Foreign books, huh?...Welll...You hold tight while I do a little searching..."
"Whatever for?"
"Kaching! Oh, I mean, nothing, honey. Why don't you take some home with you? I'm sure the owners of the base-camp won't mind. It'll be like an international library. (That I embezzle from.)"
"Weeeeelll, if you think it's alright..."

"Some people just don’t care that you're on a quest – they think that because it’s nearly 2 AM, they should sleep. What do they know?"
"They know when they're tired, maybe?"
"...Well-played, 'Vanthe. Well played."

Aster calls me up, and I tell her about the trip -- she wants to know if the credit-octopus has approved me yet, and we laugh. The two of us... She's like nothing else in my world.
I love Ross with all my heart, but I'll admit -- if I had to pick between him and Aster's happiness, there'd almost be no contest. I guess that's why I'm not getting married -- the house, and her wishes, need the space he'd take up.
This is the longest I've ever gone, my entire life, without seeing her. I mean, there must have been a time, when she was a baby and I was just a lifeless doll, that we weren't together -- but it's all black to me. My first sound was her singing to me, and my first thought was her. Not being around her...
It's like a little bit of me isn't here, like a chopped-off limb, sending me phantom tingles.

At the same time, the world feels so much bigger, now that I'm doing things without her. It doesn't change us, but it changes the world. I guess that's what growing up is meant to be, huh?

By the way, China's kind of weird. I mean, who puts triggers to lost tombs underneath their market places? It's like if I

"...Is that...salad with chopt sticks?"
"Well, I wanted to have a little fun. They're a great challenge!"
"You know... I like seeing you just have fun like this. It's been a while."
"Yes, I suppose that's true... I've been enjoying myself, but there's always such weighty matters to attend to..."
"Yeah... Well, Rome wasn't built in a day. Enjoy your chopstick-lunch, sweetie."

"The geography of temples is...Kind of odd."
"What do you mean exactly, Mr. Uriel? Oh, hey, I found a keystone!"
"From where? How -- did that -- happen?"

Sometimes I suspect that, while she's loving her vacation, Ariel doesn't exactly 'get' how to be a tourist.

I decide to go camping in the tomb -- it's just fun. If I could take Ross down here... Hmmm.... Oh, well.
Anyway, you can't sleep in the motive mobile all the time as you drive, you know?
The next morning, it's back to more adventures, though.

”(It’s such a pity…That she already has a boyfriend. He’s clearly smitten with her. But such is the life of an adventurer, I guess.)”
Once I get what I wanted from him, I kind of have to go -- but I'll try and call him up sometime. He seems nice.

I spend a while in the last tomb: about two of the 6 days we have (now, there's a little over a day left). It's full of incredibly irritating traps, but sooner or later, I get it done.
And it's not even enough! It's enough to make me tear my hair out!
But I manage to get another easy adventure or two, and...

Secondary objective: formally achieved!
With this, I'll be able to spend oodles and oodles of money on...

This! It needs a little remodelling, but less than you'd think; the big priority now is an art space for me and Reed and Aster.
...No matter what happens, a part of me will be important to this family forever.

I get to sculpting, since I want to get my 25 ice sculptures out of the way pronto. I want to do more important things with my life.

Ariel's just enjoying her last day of vacation; she's done many important things in her life, and the most important one's just around the corner...
"We absolutely must get a swing set for the main house!"

Anyway, it looks like it's time to be heading home. We buy a trunk to pack the mountains of rocks we have to bring home.

"Ariel, baby, we've got it made! We did it!"
"Unless the plane crashes, of course."
"A-ariel! Don't talk that way!"

It's fine, but by the time we get back, we're so sleepy that we all curl up into our warm, safe beds. I was happy to have an adventure on my own.
But I'm also happy to be home, having helped my family.

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The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline KrispyNickyB

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Such a fun story. I love the family dynamics.

Offline AnnBeiFong

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I loved it. I love the new house!

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It's actually the exact house it was when I bought it -- I mainly changed internals. I intend, probably during the long hours Gen 3 will spend there provided Pets hasn't messed with my travel somehow, to do enough architectural remodeling that there can be, you know, some usable yard space somewhere in this mess.
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 19)
« Reply #73 on: November 01, 2011, 09:40:28 AM »
Chapter 20: A Toast to Ariel

Anyone watching, any ordinary person of Riverview spying on their neighbors, would have thought this was an ordinary day. An ordinary pair of birthdays at this, a household where all birthdays run together.
And they would be mistaken; critically mistaken. Few days in the history of sims will compare with this one.

But it starts like almost an other day in the Seraphim household:

With Uriel screaming about a gnome.
"Defiler! Get away from Norman's grave! Don't you be doing gnome rituals in a bizarre attempt to revive him as a zombie to do your bidding!"
It is perhaps not his snappiest wail, but he puts his usual effort into it.

"What are you talking about, Uriel...?" The lady of the house, the former angel Ariel, murmurs as she tries to rise out of bed. Her husband reaches a hand to stop her from leaving their bed.
She looks out at the scene causing a ruckus from her balcony.

"Aww, look. He's paying his respects. My Shang Simla tour book said that the custom was to leave food or flowers as an offering -- do you think he's left a little bit of gnome-food?"
"...When we've got zombies, I am sooo telling you I told you so."

Yes, it starts out completely normally. And then, starting out subtly, things begin to change from the ordinary.

This starts with Ariel calling for time off -- she has a busy day ahead of her. In her heart, she's already felt her last day of working at the towers was days ago.

Her first task of the day is to plant those exotic fruits she found, her cherries and pomelos and luscious red pomegranates, with their seeds like white teeth in red gums.

Her final challenge, completed. For a moment, she stands in her garden and dreams of the trees that will grow -- that she will watch grow. Because she knows there are no barriers in her way now.

As one thing draws towards an end, another begins -- her daughter accepts a career in architecture. Perhaps, at one point, she will actually build houses for people.

But given Aster, perhaps that would be not a good idea.

Ariel, at home, claps in celebration of her final birthday.

It always ruins the hair, doesn't it? Still, little aches and bothers are just part of getting old -- that's what they say, anyway.

But with her hair restored (and maybe given a touch more color), she seems to have aged gracefully enough. The future seems a little less scary, at the least.

And the girl's future seems very bright: In one day, she's earned her first promotion.

Besides her, her father works on Ariel's final portrait. Behind him, the subject looks on happily as she quits her job after-all; the family doesn't need the money so much, in the end.

And she uses the time she's not needed for posing to join a new career -- one motivated not by need, but by honest love. She is Ariel Seraphim, professional gardener.

Understandably, she feels inspired as she poses for her sculpture.

Outside is a less subtle juxtaposition of mother and child.

"Reed," says the boy's aging mother softly, stopping the play of his guitar, "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday...And say how proud I was of you and your music. I spent a long time too afraid to chase my dreams -- I'm happy that you're following your heart."
The boy, used to being more impressed by others than he ever has been thinking of himself as impressive, blushes and stutters out his thanks. He gives his mother a warm hug.

After all, it is his birthday -- and he spends it in the art room, as he has birthdays past, with his ladyfriend clapping him on.

The young man of the house is a handsome fellow. Aster bewails his lack of a hat, though he does decide to wear a second ordinary day outfit inspired by her tastes...

"The goggles do something," he explains to his perplexed mother, "they make the girl I love happy."
It seems as if he's become quite the Family-Oriented young man.

And nothing else happens in the house that night. Nothing for a long time. But today is a day of beginnings and endings -- and as the end of the day begins, a dish is pulled out of the replicator.
The dish is carried to a special room downstairs, where a single table at a single chair has been set up.

And Ariel, carrying that special dish, looks out over her recent past -- her past as a sim. She sees them all and loves them:
The dazzling former angel, slightly unsure of the world. Where she was light, it threw the darkness into such sharp relief. She is the one who looks at herself from across time and smiles, very faintly;
The beautiful mother and career woman, clearer for her recentness, captured in ice;
The quavery her of just this afternoon, folding herself into a series of small points. Perhaps because she is newer, like a butterfly still soggy-winged from the chrysalis.

She was so human then, and she knows she will never be truly an angel after being those women; but nor, after tonight, will she ever be so human again.
"I've changed," she says to the only person awake in her house; she says to the sleepless angel.
"...Maybe a little. I like it, you know that," He wishes he could put a hand on her shoulder, as she always did for him when he was doubting. "But we did it, babe. We've done it."
"Yes, yes we have. We've done it; all of us."

And she sits down to eat.

Many people will say ambrosia tastes bad -- but to Ariel, there is nothing sweeter in all the world. It tastes like home, like nectar from a distant garden that waits, like patient Argus, for its master to return. It is hibiscus-honey and the scent of jasmine and sweet olive.
Ariel has found her divinity again, as it rushes around her like laughing children; she is immortal, from now until the end of days.

In that moment, her eyes catch upwards, and she sees me, staring down at her from the other end of a long, dark tunnel. She is powerless before me, and it turns her blood cold to realize that even in this moment, I am watching.
But for right now, I merely raise my hand in greeting, as the moment of perfect vision closes.

Ariel, dear Ariel; you and I were never precisely 'close.' All the same, you were the sweetest of the angels, and it was your want to learn all our stories. If you knew my story -- that all your efforts are a step in a single, great plan for me -- would you still have come this far?
I pray so. I need you.

Who am I, you ask? Who am I, telling you of this, Ariel Seraphim's triumph and last day as a mortal?
...Just consider me an interested watcher. Pay no attention to me. Instead, let us give a toast.

To Ariel Seraphim, the first immortal.

Ariel Seraphim - complete!

Lifetime Wish: The Perfect Garden
Career: Business
Supermax Skill: Gardening
Building, Property: Divisario Budget Books, Lost Willow Park
LTR: Super Green Thumb, No Bills Ever, Collection Helper
Best Friends: Billy (Caspian) Seraphim, Elaine Joy, Aster Seraphim, Laurel Grisby, Fatima Simovitch, Tom Shallow, Larry Cooper, Anita and Carlotta Lobos, Constance Shelly, Chandra Jacobsin
Black Ops: Amateur Olympics, Making Coffee the Executive Way, Seeking More Favorable Taxes, Making Nice with the Newsies, Political Influence, Uncommonly Good, Outflanking the Military
Portraits:YA, Adult, Elder
Sculptures/Photos: Adult (Sculp), Elder (sculp)
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Sims3Clacla123

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter: Chapter 20)
« Reply #74 on: November 01, 2011, 09:53:13 AM »
Congrats on your first Immortal  :D
Live. Laugh. Love.Dream Big and Have no regrets

