Author Topic: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please!)  (Read 81380 times)

Offline Deme

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Chapter 13: Unlucky Birthday!
"You know how we're always saying 'with what money'? Well, good news! We have money!
"That's wonderful! How did we come across it?"
"Someone died!"
"That's horrible! Who was it?"
"Oh, relax. It wasn't anyone we know."
"Oh, that's good...
No, wait. That's bad."
"Well, make up your mind."
"How did we get money from a dead stranger?"
"Well, I never said he was a stranger. Elaine's Long-Lost brother died in a strange accident involving a rooftop, a buffalo, and a bouquet of 16 white foxgloves."
"Wait, Elaine's brother? That's terrible! I don't even want to know what color his ghost will be!"
"You're right! We'll never be able to recognize a ghost of a water-buffalo-roof-flower accident death! Poor Elaine!"
"Poor Elaine!"
"...Guys. I never had a brother, long-lost or otherwise. Really."
"Really? That's wonderful!... I think."
"Then where'd this money come from? The notice said..."
"Maybe it was a mistake?"
"...Maybe it was 'aunt' Bernice."
"Aunt Bernice. We will find you, you fictional aunt and long-lost brother."

Other than that little bit of oddness, things continue normally.

"Heading to school as a fairy princess this morning?"
"I'm an angel princess, thank-you-very-much. They're better."
"Whatever you say, Princess."
...Aww... I know I need to tell her one day. I just worry that this'll complicate her...imbalances. Is it my fault, I wonder? That she is so unsteady, compared to other sims?

Well, still: her life doesn't seem unpleasant. Even if it's just the children of our house, but she has people willing to join her on her flights of fancy.

...Though, sometimes I think they must be rather odd their own selves.

Still, there is more in heaven and earth than even I know of; maybe there really and truly is a need for a periscope in the bathtub.

To our relief and Billy's delight, he's finally ready to sculpt the pair of us in ice. It's a fine, but not needed, addition to the museum.

And mine comes out rather well, don't you think?

Reed, meanwhile, buckles down to some of his less crucial duties, like learning to bake delicious muffins.
Why do I say 'less crucial'? Because Reed's decided something about his life.
"You know, Uncle Billy's a really cool guy. I've decided that I'm going to pursue the same lifetime wish as him!"
"But he's never actually fulfilled his wish; how do you know you could?"
"Well, he's a cool guy and he looks cool and he says all sorts of words Mom won't tell me what they mean --"
"Not on camera, he doesn't. We've talked about that."
"But he's kind of a slacker. I'm sure I'll do a better job, and be a good cook if we run low on stuff, too."
"I'll be sure to remember you said that 'slacker' bit. You're a hard worker, kid."
"Everyone here's pretty amazing -- I just want to keep up."
I give him a little hug. I'm sure he'll make a fine Master of the Arts one day.

And later that evening, Aster and I do a little talking about other worlds. It seems like the sort of thing she'd like to hear me talk about.
"The manifolded multiverse is rather broad; we have worlds like this one, and worlds that are similar..."
"Right, like there are other Riverviews, even some with other dynasties in them!"
"I think that may be a little much..."
"Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean, everyone does dynasties in Sunset Valley. That town's like the dynasty bicycle; basically everyone takes it for a ride."
"Well, that's not..." I mean, I suppose it might be true...
"Perhaps so, Aster."

Aster (Thinking):"Yeah, Mom really doesn't get it...But she's alright."

"But that's the thing, isn't it? She doesn't get it. How do I explain something like this?
Oh, I know! I'll build graphs! Yes, graphs explain everything! Oh, but this is Momma. They need to be plant-graphs. Topiaries? Yes, I will build topiary graphs and train fireflies to nest in them to create a series of points...

Oh, but points that spell out what? You've gotten caught up again, Aster.... Always getting caught up in the pretty things, the lights-go-shiny-things, the leaves-at-your-feet things. You've forgotten what counts. Always, always, forget what counts...

Stupid, Stupid! None of that will make it real, none of that will make it true, make it seen-and-seeable! Stupid!"
She howls into the night. Always talking to herself, and never liking what she has to say.

I wish I knew what to say to her. That I could hold her close and take all the fear and confusion away. There are duties of angels and duties of sims... But that's the duty of a mother, to want the impossible.

Reed, at least, does a better job of that. He admits proudly he doesn't quite grasp her ideas -- he says they're too clever and too vibrant. I think there's just a bit of flattery in him, but he seems so sincere.
She believes him, in the light of day. And I'm glad.

I'm sorry to trouble you, dear reader, with these elements: I don't want you to think matters are so troubled as all this.

I've been promoted again, to the point where I am now about halfway to the top of the business career. The longest half is still coming up ahead, but I have little to fear, I think.
And the kids are doing well in school: Aster's on honor roll, and Evanthe and Reed have As. I'm proud of them, so I'm happy to let them go on a field trip, and get a few souvenirs.

I've also been bonding with the Lobos girls: neither of them are terribly interested in plants, but both of them have in common the desire to show the other one up at the waterslide. I hope they understand it's not a contact sport.
...Or is it? There's still so much to learn.

And the next day begins an exciting occasion: Aster's birthday party. The guests start filing in before Aster even gets home, and it soon becomes clear how, well, complicated it's all about to get!

And by complicated, I mean "Panic Inducing Inferno!" Oh, the dining room doesn't even have a fire alarm!

Billy and I have to rush and put out the flames ourselves.
Only one person is so lost in her own world that she doesn't even notice the fact that the entire room is On FIRE!

Or maybe she just sees something lovely in the flames.
Either way, she grows up into a lovely young woman, and something of a savvy sculptor: I guess it's all those years of watching her father.

And Uriel wants to rush her over to the mirror right away, but by this time, we've replaced everything, and she wants to cheer on her dearest friend's birthday:

But eventually, he gets them both for styling...

And dressing. I hear the three of them chattering about things like 'Gothic Lolita' and 'Zettai Ryouiki.' In other words... I have frankly no idea what any of this is about, except that they wish there were longer socks.

Still, both girls are savvy sculptors and excellent-looking young women.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty


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Wow that was a big fire! Aster is a lovely teen. Great update.

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Offline AnnBeiFong

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Happy birthday, Aster and 'Vanthe! It is okay if I call her 'Vanthe, right?

Offline Deme

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Sure. Aster herself does, after all. Also, that fire...Seriously wierd. The room had a very large number of sims in it at that point, but no one had to be extinguished, and Billy basically handled it himself, with the exception of one or two parts Ariel worked on. In other words, Aster was right not to be concerned.
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Offline KrispyNickyB

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I love the picture of the flames and birthday girl. She almost looks hypnotized by them

Offline Deme

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It's a stunning shot. When I realized Aster was still celebrating through the fire, I knew I needed to take a picture; maybe several pictures.

Chapter 14: But You Can't Do Any of That Without a Hat
Of course, festivities can only last so long before things fall back to normal.

Aster: "So, I was thinking -- I don't want to use up my best painting skill before I'm grown up -- I mean, the shine of light needs to mature like a fine wine, and I don't want to paint it all before it's ready! We should do something else -- what about interpretive shadow-toe-puppet dances?"
Evanthe: "Be we don't have shadow puppets that go on our toes. We barely have toes!"
Aster: "...So... We need to go back in time and make sure we evolve monkey feet?"
Evanthe: "Do you have a time machine, Aster?"
Aster: "...A technicality."
Evanthe: "Ok, so, we need a plan with less time travel."
Aster: "Yup! How about sculpting?"
Evanthe: "Yeah, let's do that. It's a lot less work."

...Well, as normal as things get around here, right?
Still, the two of them can work on their sculptures together.

"I knew it! Worshipping the TV! Called it! I warned you!"
"...I think he's more just lounging. Aww... he likes romances. How cute."
"He wants to understand this thing called love... So he can crush it."
"...I'm not sure that's what he wants at all."

Despite her working on sculpting, it's clear what she's thinking about.
"I will shape this town to my will...with paint! And then they'll see...Yes, they'll all see... *giggle*"
Oh. I was hoping she was thinking about painting butterflies. Well, I'm sure she means well.

Or perhaps she was thinking about Billy completing her portrait as a Masterpiece -- his first, actually! And look at those gorgeous cheekbones my daughter has...
Oh, they grow up so fast...

She hasn't picked a wallpaper yet, so her museum's walls are ordinary. Still, there's progress being made.

But I have personal work to attend to: the kids are getting old enough to meddle in my garden, so it's time to fence it off. I can expand the design if need be, and of course there needs to be flowers mixed in: maybe I'll turn this whole front side into a garden, since the back will be a party and play area eventually.
Well, we'll have to see what we can come up with, right?

And speaking of work, I got a delightful command from the higher-ups! You see, Doo Peas Towers Inc sometimes has what it thinks of as 'media disasters,' like that time the CEO was caught mooning the hot air balloon (not pictured, for decency's sake).
Well, I've been declared the most 'incredibly, sickeningly nice person' in the company (I'm sure they meant that kindly), and they want me to smooth things over with the news media. And that means talking to this woman, Constance Shelley.

"So... Do you like books?"
"I adore books. I'll be frank -- I like books more than people. A lyrically-written novel, with a touch of tragedy..."
"I know what you mean, but I think understanding books and understanding people are the same thing and..."
I bet you are all wishing I'd stop, huh? Well, I can't blame you... But Ms. Shelley and I really hit it off, spending most of the evening discussing books.

That's why I wasn't around for Reed's birthday. Fortunately, his dear friend Aster was.

Even if it was only her, I think Reed was happy to have his birthday celebrated. And Aster herself is like a party of one!
And while he says he'd like to be in better shape, I think he turned out to be a fine young man.

Aster:"Ugh! Your hair! Come on, man! Get with it!"
Reed:"That bad?"
Aster: "Of course! What sort of man goes around in broad -- well, it's night now, so I guess it's now nighttime -- without a hat?"
"Awww, man... I was hoping I could stamp out those impulses! Billy! Being related to you has ruined my little princess!"
Billy: "Your princess? Excuse me? She's lucky to have a dad like me around to protect her from your corrupting influence!
You two... I wish you'd both think of the children! I don't want them to see those two fighting.

Though, it's not as if the kids notice this squabble, off in their own world as they are...
Reed:"Well, feel free to hat me as you will."
Aster: "Dangerous words, Reed. I hope you feel lucky."

It turns out that she just wanted him in a top hat and cute haircut. He's actually rather thrilled.

"Ok, now it's my turn! Prepare yourself to be dazzled, man-child! I will work... Da Magics!"
I thought I heard some sort of thunder-crackle when this was going on, like some sort of dramatic effect.

But I think it must have just been my imagination.
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Offline AnnBeiFong

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I loved it! He is a wonderful teenager, and I love his hat. Congrats, Reed! ~

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Offline Audren

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Is his hat store content, or is it from an Expansion Pack/Stuff Pack?

Offline Phantome-A

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Aster is a stunning sim. Don't you just love it when genetics give you those little gems.

Offline Deme

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@ AnnBeiFong: I know! I got pretty lucky, given that I really had no control over what he'd turn out like.

@Audren: It's store content, specifically the Aristocratic Edge piece. I use a lot of store content in general.

@ Phantome-A: I know. She really is one of the prettiest teens I've ever had: I got so lucky with this generation, maybe I should have named her "Clover"!
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Offline Audren

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Okay, thank you! I may have some Store shopping to do.  :D

Offline Deme

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So, I've now gotten to the point where I really want to catch up to my buffer (that is, Aster's young adult birthday)... And I'd like to take a moment and share with you all something.

You see, there's something I have long doubted, and I think that other people aren't sure either. But now, now I know, because I have this:
Scientific proof that there is someone, anyone at all, who looks good in Agnes' default haircut.

No, that's not her real haircut... I just wanted to check and see what looked best, and was amused.
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Offline Phantome-A

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Oh wow that's a minor miracle. Aster must be one of a kind to actually suit THAT HAIR!

I love her eyes

Offline Deme

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Aster looks good with just about any hair... I may change her hair from what I picked, or give her a bigger hair-outfit variation. Why let a sim who changes clothes all the time go to waste?

Chapter 15: Angels and Bees
Since Aster's a teenager, it's time to start teaching her a little more about how to be an adult, such as how to drive the car. That's what my latest parenting book says.

"AsterAsterAster! Slower, dearheart! Speed limits exist!"
"Fine, fine..."

"...Honey, you know there's also a minimum speed limit, right?"
"Geeze! The man is keeping my automotive fun down, man! It's some sort of speed conspiracy over there..."
"I just want some consistency and maybe laser vision. That's not a lot, right?"

In a place less likely to involve this dynasty ending in a firey automotive accident, Reed's decided to help out with cooking, in case we need more after his mother's passing.

And Norman's ghost comes out just long enough for Billy to start on a portrait of him; and in doing that, he maxes his painting skill.

Something here is not quite right. Can you spot it?

When our driving lesson's done, I get out to watch her for a moment. A while later, she gets out... And starts running... In the opposite direction.

And as a teen after curfew, she gets caught by the police before
She comes home after I do, escorted by the police.
"Billy, your daughter's being brought home in handcuffs."
"I notice she's only 'my' daughter when she's in trouble."
"Well, it's not the fault of my raising of her, or Ariel."
...I sometimes who the old married couple here is.

"Aster! I raised you better than to go wandering like this -- the family has higher standards than to need a policeman!" I hope I'm not being too hard... But my latest parenting book said that teaching teens firm boundaries is appropriate. As is... "You're grounded."

"But Momma... I... There were the lights and when I went to see them, I got turned around, and... I thought if I kept moving the other way, against the earth's rotation, I could turn time and not be lost...Please, don't be mad. It's not like the real person you are, to be mad."

I look into the eyes of my beautiful, odd little daughter... And realize that she is old enough to understand -- understand while I hold her so high, why I ask so much from her, and more...
About who we are.
Work is in a few hours, and the garden's come in fiercely... But it's all irrelevant. The plants can wait.

"Aster, upstairs, on the balcony."
"Mom, I think you're a little old to be doing a romeo and juliet bit. And too smart besides -- they were kind of dumb. We could maybe do a bit of Hamlet -- or hey, maybe skip Shakespeare -- how's some Fair Maid of the West sound? I think you'd make a good pirate..."
"No, I meant we need to talk on the balcony for a moment."
"...That works, too.. I guess..."

We sit down; she looks uneasy, and then distracted by the light on the table, and then she remembers she is uneasy, but can't recall why. Her feelings are so simple and clean, shining out from her face like a beacon.

"Aster, have you ever wondered about..." I consider this line of questioning, but I brush it aside. Because it's impossible to say exactly what I mean to say, but some ways are better than others for who we are.
"Mooomm... Is this 'the talk'? Because really, I'm good."

"No, it's a different talk. Aster, I want you to picture a city. it is a city made of carved light and molten silver; it's a city made of cast cloud and strained moonlight. And in that city are people: some of them are sims who have passed on, and the city felt some need to claim -- because the city -- are you picturing it? -- does not exist in time or space. It dangles in their aether, its buildings connected to one another, dangling with roads like ribbons. And some of its inhabitants...
Are angels. Beings of grace and beauty, celestial paragons of goodness; they are formed in this city, ageless; they are its keepers and its judges, its rulers and its residents."

Aster nods, thoughtfully. Her eyes are closed. She's still, I think, imagining the city -- a city of light that cannot be seen would appeal, I think. I reach across the table and put a hand on her hand.

"I was born in that city. And so was Uriel. We lived there for a long time."

At this, her eyes open and she looks at me. My heart races -- her reactions could destroy everything.

"An angel? Well...What happened? I want to know why I don't sleep on a pile of silver on a frame of mist. Because that sounds...really nice."

"...It's a long story. Uriel and I were cast out, is the abbreviated version. There's no way back...except this: I must become human, which I have, and fulfill many requirements... And for 7 of my descendants to do the same, and for all of us, having achieved those goals and honors, to become immortal in this world until we can stand together... And enter the Silver City again as Angels."

My daughter leans back and seems to mull it over. Her confusion of the night seems to have vanished, the way it does when she paints or sculpts. When she's with her friends, it's a different sort of confusion, blustery and happy and random -- like she enjoys it, being like light broken in crystal. I try and keep my face calm, but my leg twitches.
She leans forward.

"Well, what's stopping you?"

"Your father made me promise you that I'd ask -- I'd ask all of my descendants if they want this. To outlive all mortals they love, and in exchange, have a chance of glory greater than words, and eternal life. Will you, Aster?"

"...If I said no... Will you regret that I exist? Having come here? Will you regret that I was born?"

"No. You're my daughter -- and I couldn't ask it of you, if I wouldn't love you if you said no. It's your choice... I am a little sorry to hear it, though."

"Hear what? I never said my answer. Let's do it, Mom. Let's see that perfect city."

She says, a big smile on her face. She is so radiant there, in the morning light -- that perhaps I see why humans are so infatuated with the idea of angels. I certainly think she's divine.

For a little while longer, my dream can keep spinning. Thanks to this wild-eyed child.

"By the way, am I still grounded?"

"No, dear..."

"Silly girl. Still, good work!...That little girl is growing up so fast..."

"You could have helped, you know."

"Words and people -- those are your things, sweetheart. I'm just here to look gooood."

"That doesn't work if no one can see you."

"Bah! They can imagine!"
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Offline AnnBeiFong

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I loved the end! Uriel could've helped. And he knows it, too.